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Cult of the Twin Tailed, a WIP blog (picture heavy!)


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Thanks Pearson! They are quite awesome. Even though I mainly play at home and at my local GW, I might get some to spread the bits around, especially the head sculpts I like.

Here's a few pictures as to not bump the thread without an update. msn-wink.gif I'm attending a tournament(of sorts, not that competetive, just a league where you play three random games a month) next month with a 1200pts army, I'll post it up on the list board to hear what people have to say.
That is relevant because here's four out of five models I need to complete before I can field a fully painted 1200pts army.


The messy start of two blastmaster wielding noise marines, as you might be able to see on the right most marine, he's standing on top of a toppled tombstone. I'm basing my warband around the desecration of an imperial shrine-world.


The work in progress chaos spawn, most suited as a spawndom result on the mutation table, but for now it'll act as a part of my spawn squad.

And last here's a couple of pictures of my biggest project right now, a sonic dreadnought.
I imagine that he's a former chaplain of sorts, now a demi-god on the battlefield, forever worshipped by the chained serf at his feet.



I want to integrate the leg stumps into the base with a lot of gore, he probably had to jump and skip for days before becoming too tired and in result having his legs ground down to nothing across the coarse earth.

That's all for now, I hope I can make all the painting before the start of next month. smile.png

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I'll echo Kierdale - that dread looks great! Those legs really caught my eye. What are they from? 

Thanks! His legs are the hind-legs from the forge-/maulerfind model, I removed them to have my forgefiend resemble a gigantic steed of Slaanesh. That one should come after the dread is painted. :)

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I'll echo Kierdale - that dread looks great! Those legs really caught my eye. What are they from?


Thanks! His legs are the hind-legs from the forge-/maulerfind model, I removed them to have my forgefiend resemble a gigantic steed of Slaanesh. That one should come after the dread is painted. :)
I can't wait to see that maulerfiend too then!

I'm tempted to steal both ideas! :D

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Thanks Olis, Kierdale, Vesper, Pearson and Tanith Ghost. The replies here have boosted my hobby motivation in a big way.


While I have no pictures yet, the forgefiend is basically just troglodon(big lizardman beast, cave monster configuration) head and tails on the forgefiend chassis. In the upstart of my warband I wanted them to have a lot of different creatures that they mightve "liberated" from all over the galaxy to expand on a collection of rare species. Moved a bit away from that now though, but it'll still be a large reptile tortured and in interred in part armour, part machines. And with amputated hind legs. :O

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  • 2 months later...

It's update time!
Fitting with the ETL buzz(but not related to), one of my roommates and I decided to start challenging each other to paint more on a monthly basis. Basically, if you finish your pledged items you can decide your own pledge for the next month, if you fail it, the other guy gets to decide and you owe him a beer for the next painting session.

For may I need to complete: Three terminators, a Chaos sorcerer, two cultists and a heldrake(bonus option, if finished you get to decide own pledge and receive a lot of beer in addition). Plus my newly finished sonic dread that I'm posting a few pictures of, the dread and sorcerer were failed pledges from last month and so carried over into the new one.

Enough talk, here's some pictures:



That's the dreadnought, he has faired really well in my last few battles, always moving up the board while covering my enemy in blastmaster shots, he recently killed a 3-wound tervigon in overwatch alone, thank god for doom sirens. msn-wink.gif

Next up is the work in progress termicide squad, they're all old conversions and in various stages of painting, it'll be nice to have them finished and ready for smashing face soon!

The leftmost one is a sonic blaster wielding guy, further planning is a full six-man squad of terminators wielding sonic weaponry.

Then there's the sorcerer, his green robe was an experiment, I'm thinking of making it yellowish/offwhite with a dark purple tentacle pattern working from bottom to top. To challenge my freehand and cloth highlighting skills.
And next after him is the WIP heldrake, I'm hoping to get a good pale and sickly looking colour for the skin in the end.


Whew, that was a lot! I hope you're all done with dial-up connections!
As always I want to update my thread more fluently and on the regular, I think that this pledge-business is just the right kind of momentum I need. Thanks for watching my models and reading my rambling! All criticism and ideas for my current or planned projects is more than welcome, please give voice your thoughts. :)

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I'M OUT OF LIKES cry.gif wallbash.gif

You've made me not hate the Helbrute and start thinking about a Sonic Dread at the same time. Well done. My wallet hates you now ;)

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Everything look really cool & great.  I'm looking forward to see the Sorcerer all painted.  Same with the Terminators after seen your last conversion on a hobby challenge I done last year to build & paint a Chaos model in a week & show on your first post.

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