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7th edition marine guide?


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I've been playing 40k off and on since the Rogue Trader days, and I'm thinking of ending my latest 'off' phase. Is there a good guide/FAQ to 7th edition, especially for Marines? (IIRC there used to be one on this forum for 6th edition) And beyond that, does anyone have good 'getting started in 7th' advice? I've borrowed a rulebook and Codex, but it's easy to overlook a lot of little changes, and they don't really give a feel for how things play out.


My army has a ton of regular marines with lots of rhinos and a decent mix of rhino-chassis vehicles, lots of terminators, lots of characters, and none of the really new stuff (centurions, flyers, drop pods). I'm thinking of using imperial fists chapter tactics with a lot of tacticals and devastators for trying the game out, and one thing I'd like to be sure of is that I'm not taking an army that will just flop when I try to do anything.

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Says the Iron Hands player biggrin.png Well, as Imperial Fists, you start with Lysander of course. One objective secured unit for every 500 point increment, and you're set. Focus on bolter ammo, especially out of the Sentinels of Terra supplement, and you'll have a fun list to start on. I'm a big fan of the flyers, both the stormtalon and the stormraven are excellent, and would look awesome if painted Imperial Fists colors. If you want to run those, look into the stormwing formation from the Christmas GW advent calendar, it's pretty cool. This is an article detailing how the detachment system works in the current 7th edition ruleset, give it a look. http://www.frontlinegaming.org/2014/10/22/detachments-not-sources/ Marines really won't flop, drop pod armies and rhino rush are really good as objectives are 5/6ths of the missions. Devastators are awesome, tacticals are awesome. Hope this helps!

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I use armies made of mostly regular types of units and I do just fine.


Tacticals, Rhinos, Devs, Vindi's, Speeders, and Dreads can get the job done.


This guide is good for a laugh, and informative enough to get you back on your feet.



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I think a good core for Imperial Fists would be 3 full Tactical squads geared against anti-infantry (Heavy Bolters/Plasma Cannons ; Flamers/Plasmaguns), 2 devastator squads with 4 lascannons and eventually a Centurion Devastator squad with Grav Cannons and missile launchers.


Staying from afar and either waiting for the opponent to come, or methodically advancing while throwing down suppressive fire. Both fluffy and it should work well on the table top. Both squads of Devastators prioritize the tanks, while the Tactical squads deal with the Infantry. This is roughly 1000 points of Marines on the table top, then you can throw in 500 points of the units you like the most in order to support your advance of your defence.


Elite units like Dreadnoughts or Fast Attack choices like Biker squadrons would do well to exploit a weakness in the enemy line, as would a more assault oriented unit to contrast with the mainly shooty build of that list. That way you maximize both the Chapter Tactics !


If you plan to be more aggressive, going with the Sentinels of Terra supplement you'll get better benefits from putting the Tactical squads in transports (thanks to the different bolter drill). Otherwise I don't think there's really a need for that.

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Imperial Fists are all about Devastator squads (normal or Centurions) packing Las Cannons or missiles for some impressive Tank Hunting capabilities. Heavy Bolter squads are great too!


Also, 3 Grav Centurions led by Lysander can just stroll upfield.

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Ended up trying the list I posted, and had a tight game that I only lost by 1VP even though I had some horrible rolls (most impressive: lysander and a terminator failing to even dent a drop pod). I really liked the way the victory condition cards played out, and this time it seems they've made a lot of the rules easier to use. I can actually move one of the bolter guys in a dev squad and not lose 4 lascannon shots, which is nice. Also, from talking to people I might have an advantage in the meta game by playing armies with lots of regular marine, since a lot of the competitive lists focus more on killing special stuff than lots of T4, AP3 guys. Just got the rulebook and codex today, so I think I'm back in it.

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Glad to hear that ! I just took a look at your list and I would say that it's both very fluffy and sounds very solid for an Imperial Fist army :)


As you said, the meta today is not really built for killing lots and lots of T4 3+ models, especially with all the cover saves available, while they focus more on killing very tough units. I don't know about other guys' metas, but I know mine doesn't. I'm not scared of Chapter Master Brotastic McBeatface on his Harley Davidson at 1500 points games, even though I see him relatively often in my clubs.


I don't know about your meta, but mine is extremely flier happy... Fliers don't win games like bodies do, but they can make it darn hard for your opponent to win and I've given a bit more thoughts about the Devastators with Flakk missiles. Usually, they're not that impressive and would appear very costly, but given the Imperial Fist Chapter Tactics, 4 S7 shots with Tank Hunters with one shot at BS5 sound nasty on any flier.

That's an average of 2,83 hits on a flier with the signum, regardless of the Chapter Tactic, but where it gets interesting is the bonus you get thanks to Tank Hunters vs :

- AV 10 : Regular Flakk (1,88 glancing or penetrating hits), Imperial Fist (2,51 glancing or penetrating hits)

- AV 12 : Regular Flakk (0,94 glancing or penetrating hits), Imperial Fist (1,57 glancing or penetrating hits)


We're talking about averages here, but you may force a Stormraven or Heldrake to jink and you will obliterate any other fighter, which is a pretty big deal. Having at least one Devastator Squad with Flakk Missiles in an Imperial Fists army sound like a good investment to me if you're not planing on adding any air or anti-air any other way...

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Yep, I found the stalker to be a little bit fragile and near-useless when the flyer wasn't on the board. I was thinking a 3rd dev squad with MLs and skyfire would be better all around and a bit more durable. Good to see that someone agrees with my intuition :) If I really want them hard to kill, I could combat squad them, give them a rhino for each half, and let them fire from the hatches. 

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