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Thinking of Buying Space Hulk - Looking For Advice


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I think I might go ahead and buy Space Hulk. Everyone talks about it like it's one of the best board games ever made, and while I often struggle to find time to play games of any kind with people, this game is supposed to be awesome. However, I have a couple of questions.

  1. I have the opportunity to buy, for a little more than the price of the new edition, a copy of the 1st Edition plus the various expansions. Have the production values of the new edition gone up enough that I should not consider this offer, or are the models and tiles similar enough that I should jump on this deal?
  2. Are the models compatible with 40k play? And, if I put them on bases to use them in games of 40k, will they still be usable in games of Space Hulk?


Thanks in advance for your help and advice.

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You're talking about the super old 1st edition, or the 2009 version? If the old, they're basically different games. The old one is said to be quite good in it's own right, but I've heard that some people keep and play both. The production levels on the new ones (both 2009 and 14) is amazing, though, and worth the money IMO. If you meant the 2009 vs. the new one, honestly if it's cheaper or comes with extras I think that would be fine. They're almost exactly the same, barring a few new missions and a couple of new tiles (only used in the new missions.) 


As for your 2nd question, I've seen a ton of people use the models for 40K. Their feet are attached to the plastic bits, and you can either cut them off and mount them to round bases or glue the whole shebang onto the base and model around it. They are very much in-theme, though, with lots of things that make more sense of a space ship than a battlefield (like Scipio prying up some metal decking with his power fist. That wouldn't work on a grass base) but clever modelers do clever things.


There's really no reason why you couldn't use based minis in SH. They would get a little bunched up, but the way the models work on the gridded base I should think you would get away with it pretty easily.  

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Ok Basicly  I love the 1989 1st ed if you are getting the Genestealer and Deathwing expansions for £65 - £100 then you have a BARGIN

the original is great for its time and the rule set is still very good especially with the rules with the expansions , ( just make sure that you get all the bits )


as stated by JT above the quality of the Printed card in the 2009 and 2014 versions is much better than the 1989 but theat modern tech for you


the game really hasnt changed too mouch between all 3.5 editions just with some bits added or taken out


which ever version you buy you will have fun


regarding point 2 Space hulk works with the current range of modelsonly that the Termi 40mm bases are marjinally to big for the squares , so I have put them on bits of the modular tray sheet that GW sells and cut to size , which works very well


If you get the 2009 / 2014 version then you will be getting the Best Broodlord GW have ever made and some of the finest examples of space marine terminators as well


hope that helps

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The first edition board pieces are supposed to work with any of the later sets. They don't look as good, but they work perfectly well. The terminator models aren't brilliant (odd shoulders, the heavy flamer is just an extra piece that fits over the top of the storm bolter), and are all storm bolter and power fist armed, so you don't get the variety that you get with the new set. Stealers are stealers, but the original version are all the same pose.

On the plus side, the Deathwing and Genestealer expansions add a lot more complexity to the game, with the extra weapons, psykers, stealer hybrids and so on. I'm old school, so I'd be drawn to the retro version (if I didn't already have it), but if the look of the board and models matters most to you, go with the newer version.

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There's really no reason why you couldn't use based minis in SH. They would get a little bunched up, but the way the models work on the gridded base I should think you would get away with it pretty easily.

Before the 2014 version of Space Hulk, I started a project to make up the models from the usual 40K GW range, but basing them using circular 30mm bases. They fit perfectly fine as I measured the size of the grids and they are the same size smile.png

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Amusingly enough, I just took this picutre yesterday because the topic came up. Yes, the board pieces are compatible. The newer editions are each thicker than the one that came before it, but the dimensions are essentially the same.


The price you're getting for 1st Edition is pretty good. The models are pretty crappy and the tile detail was acceptable for 20ish years ago, but doesn't hold a candle to the current, or even 2nd, editions. The Genestealers are decent, but the Terminators are horrible, lol. Otherwise, there's really only superficial differences in everything else. 3rd/3.5 Edition is head and shoulders above its predecessors in terms of production quality. But if you just want the game, honestly, my buddies and I play with regular Space Marines and Genestealers rather than the figures that come with the game anyway. It's really irrelevant so long as you can field a models that stand in for others. We use regular flamers and heavy bolters, for example.

2nd Edition genestealers/doors with power armor spess mahreens and the 3.5 edition tiles, lol.

3rd Edition is basically a bit more streamlined and tweaked version of 1st (2nd had some departures and played similarly but not identically), and it includes some of the things that were in 1st's expansions (Assault Cannons, Librarians, etc). It's prettier, but there aren't any massive differences between it in turns of playability. 1st's expansions (especially Genestealer) can make the game a little clunky and overly complex, depending on what you want out of the game. If "all the expansions" includes the old "Space Hulk Campaigns" book, it will have rules for Traitor Marines, power armor, etc, but again, mileage may vary on how playable those things are in the Space Hulk ruleset which wasn't originally built with them in mind.

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Hi, all. So, I thought I'd go and copypaste my potential seller's original Facebook message. Here it is:


Hi ElectricPaladin. We recently took in a massive 1st Edition Space Hulk collection that includes two sets of the original game, 2 sets of the Deathwing expansion, and one set of the Genestealer expansion. They're used but the components are in excellent condition and look far better than my own copies. I was going to eBay it for the store, but if you're interested, I'd offer all this to you for only a little more than the new game costs - $150. You'd get every thing you need that you don't get with the new version, and enough components to make some huge layouts. All the minis are included, as well as some nigh impossible to find metal genestealer hybrids - though they could use some time in the Simple Green and a repaint. The new version's rules are essentially the same as the 1st edition with only one real change. If you want to have a look at everything, I'll get it all out for you next time you're in on a Tuesday evening. Just let me know.
So, looking back over the message I got, it looks like there's an additional pro and con. The additional pro? It's a huge lot, including two sets of the original and two sets of one expansion, plus one set of another. That's a lot of models, a lot of tiles, for not a lot of money (comparatively speaking). But, on the other hand, we're talking about the 1st edition, which has the crappy models.
I think that if I already owned the modern version of Space Hulk and I had the money, I'd probably jump on this deal. However, I really want to get the current models. They're pretty. And I can use them in my 40k army (worst case scenario, I'll have to magnetize the bases).
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They still fit on the board, yeah.


The board is covered in squares, which define movement. Keep your base on top of the square and you're golden. I've used my terms on the board and it was fine.


If it really bothers you, magnets are the answer!

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So, I bought it. The new version, not the old version. And I've got to say that even just popping out the pieces and gluing together the marines, my buyer's remorse is way lower than I'd expected it to be. I'm really loving this product and looking forward to playing with it!


The only problem is that I'm pretty sure that the game will be a little awkward with the terminators based. I don't care - I'm going to base them anyway - when they're adjacent, they'll just have to hike up on each other a little or stick out the side a bit. I think it's manageable - someone warn me if I'm wrong.


Also, the genestealers are gorgeous as well. I'm seriously worried that with this, plus the rumored 'Nids + Blood Angels campaign box, I'm going to end up with a small Tyranids army...

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It's definitely manageable. its really a small annoyance while playing.


If it does bother you a lot, theres plenty of room for magnets in the ''bases'' the terms come on anyway. :)



And yah, the Broodlord especially is badass.

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So, today, just on a lark, I showed one of my 6th grade students, named Lorenso, a picture of Sergeant Lorenzo, from Space Hulk. His observations:


"Wow. Cool! I have a gun and a sword. I look like a big daddy."


That's right. Sgt. Lorenzo is the big daddy Space Marine.

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Man, YOU're a teacher as well? I wonder how many there are on this forum. That's pretty cool, though. 


Something about this hobby seems to attract teachers. There used to be a Dark Eldar player teacher at my FLGS (he left teaching, and then left 40k and now plays Fantasy exclusively), and I keep on running into teachers here and on BoLS and stuff. It's strange.

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Man, YOU're a teacher as well? I wonder how many there are on this forum. That's pretty cool, though. 


Something about this hobby seems to attract teachers. There used to be a Dark Eldar player teacher at my FLGS (he left teaching, and then left 40k and now plays Fantasy exclusively), and I keep on running into teachers here and on BoLS and stuff. It's strange.



I went to school for it but never found a full-time gig. If I had to guess, though, I'd say it's because teachers get paid so incredibly well in the US, and have so much extra free time after lesson-planning, grading, etc. 


Oh, wait a minute... 

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Bahahaha. Well, if that counts I guess being a corporate trainer for a year and a half counts too. It certainly felt like teaching and used the same skill set. Slightly more engaged students, since they needed this training to do their jobs. It was all new hire training, too, so they weren't burnt out yet.
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