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Chaos Marine Formations?


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Okay, I know there's some formations for Helbrutes in the Helbrute dataslate (which I'm considering picking up).  Are there any other formations for Chaos Space Marines out there?  My Ork-playing friend was just listing off a number of neat formations that do all kinds of cool extra things for his army, and my Astra Militarum friend has some pretty cool options with his as well (particularly with Militarum Tempestas), but I don't see any such things in my hardcover codex.


So... where my formations at?  I'd love some Chaos Marine formations or something that benefits my lesser-used units (like Terminators and Raptors).

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Technically the Cypher dataslate has a formation, with Cypher's chosen (unmarked chosen that get ATSKNF when near Cypher)

But the CSM codex was before they started adding the formations into Codexes and Supplements the way Orks and MT do.

So we'll have to wait for a nex codex or hope they put out another dataslate like the Helbrute one.

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Cypher and Helbrutes are the only regular formations from GW.


Then you have Imperial Armor Chaos Terminator, Blight Drone, Blood Slaughterer, etc. formations from IA:Apoc and IA:Seige of Vraks.


Then the others are only Apocalypse - from the base Apoc book and Warzone: Pandorax.

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I think that in good time the Chaos Space Marines will be entitled to nine different formations, one for each of the Chaos Legions. While supplements are interesting, GW seems to favor formations and dataslates (cheap production cost, utility, flexibility) so maybe our next book will come loaded with them. 


Personally I like the Helbrute formations, I have yet to try the Apocalypse/Pandorax ones though. Apocalypse games are a rarity in my parts nowadays. 

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2000 points is automatically apocalypse regardless of unbound or not. That is in place because some armies simply have no way to deal with a superheavy, etc without it being a high points game.


If its a 1000 point game good luck dealing with a Tyranid bio-titan if you chose the wrong army.


Now for a friendly fun game sure why not, but in a league nnnnnnnooooooooooooooooo

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