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The Quintos - A Crimson Slaughter Warband


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Hi all, new to the forums, so hope this is the right place!

As part of the Call of Chaos event, I've decided to put together my first WH40k army in over 15 years, so for the following pledge, I intend to provide my images both before and after. The background is the remnants of the 5th Company of the Crimson Sabres, banded under together under the Veteran Sergeant Fulcus. As remnants of one of the battle companies who barely escaped Umidia having held the rearguard. They were forced to scavenge equipment from the persuing forces, giving them a very disjointed appearance, with several types of armour and remains of marks from other Chapters.

EDIT: Re-read the Chapter history and realised the 4th had already been accounted for, so renamed these guys based on the 5th Company

I Lucio answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete 6 units before January 15th 2015. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Pustulant Glory and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!

My units shall be

5 Chaos Terminators - Done
10 Autogun armed Cultists - Done
10 Close combat Cultists - Done
5 Chosen - Done
10 Chaos Space Marines - Done
3 Chaos Marine Bikers - Done

Overall Gallery

Sergeant Fulcus is lucky enough to have engaged the services of Draznicht's Ravagers in his warband. These hardened veterans of Kranon's warband are engaged as ranged specialists, their relic plasma guns rain hot death on the enemies of the Quarticeps. In time Fulcus hopes to recruit more members of these battle hardened veterans.


Also seen in the shot are a standard member of the Warband, who serves as an aide to Draznicht, and Kranon.





Chosen Squad Before 1


Chosen After 1

Chosen After 2



Not gonna lie, I read Quarticeps as Quadriceps initially and thought it was a metaphor for squats. So I was like, wat. Squat CSM? Must see. But then I see these minis, that are definitely not squats, in all their glory. I gotta say man, this is good stuff.
Next up we have one who isn't in my pledge, as it was already painted before I noticed the thread. That said, I'm very happy with the flesh effect on this one and wanted to show it off.

The Helbrute Lucius is the former captain of the 5th Company of the Crimson Sabres, he led them through many battles during the early stages of the invasion into the Eye of Terror but he was also one of those who objected to Kranon's annoucement that the chapter no longer served the Imperium. It was Fulcus himself who cut the Captain down, but instead of slaughtering him completely, ordered that he be bound inside a dreadnought shell, as a warning against further rebellion that even the dissenters can be made to serve.


Helbrute After 1


Helbrute After 2


Helbrute After 3


Helbrute After 4

Next up we have the Cultists, the Cardinals, originally an underhive gang dealing in illicit substances, they were overtaken by a psychic mutant who over time, won the trust of the gang leaders, and led them down the path of damnation. Eventually the Inquisition got wind of their operations, which by this point have escalated to slave dealing and perverted rites to the glory of Slaanesh. Only a couple of hundred members managed to escape off planet before the cult's stronghold was taken down. Persued by the agents of the Throne, they fled into the Eye of Terror, and were scooped up by the Crimson Slaughter in a raid.


Only a handful of the original cultists are left now, most of them the lieutentants and middle men, those at the top moved onto better things, whilst those at the bottom were chewed up and spat out (quite literally in one or two cases!). The Cardinal's stick to their original underhive weaponry, autopistols, flamers, and various improved melee weapons.


Autopistol Cultists Before 1

After Pictures

Chaos Cultists After 1


Chaos Cultists After 2


The Angels of Death are Sergeant Fulcus's personal bodyguard, a bunch of Slaaneshi worshiping elites who are addicted to high speed and slaughter in equal proportions. Using stolen Ravenwing bikes, they've built a mythology in which they're the heralds of Slaanesh, driving those before them in an orgy of slaughter and decadence.

First try at freehanding the Slaanesh symbol on the Biker sergeant


Chaos Bikers Before 1

Biker Pictures

Chaos Biker After 1

Chaos Biker After 2

Chaos Biker After 3

Chaos Biker After 4

Chaos Biker After 5

Chaos Bikers After 6


And the Lord with his retinue

Chaos Biker + Lord After 1

Sergeant Fulcus is a Slaaneshi worshiping speed freak, along with his bodyguard, the Angels of Death, he rides his captured Ork warbike towards the enemy, his demonic wings spread behind him and his crackling Lightning Claw used to strike down his enemies

Lord Pictures

Chaos Lord Before 1

Chaos Lord Before 3

Chaos Lord Before 2

Chaos Lord After 1

Chaos Lord After 2

Chaos Lord After 3



Next up is The Abyssal, a squad of Chaos Marines assigned to protect the lowest levels of the Bizzare, the home of the Quintos. Despite the cramped conditions, they favour boltguns and an autocannon to clear the dregs inhabiting the depths, the terrifying bark of automatic fire and the explosions of the shells are needed to drive the beasts back into the darkness.




Chaos Marine Before 3

Chaos Marine Before 2

Chaos Marines Before 1




Chaos Marine Squad After 1

Chaos Marine Squad After 2


Wow, those red and flesh tones are looking pretty darn awesome!


I'm a little jelly if I'm being honest.

What helped me the most was deciding to do more than 1 layer + wash. On the early models (Terminators and Chosen), it's Khorne Red, washed with Crimson Cardoberg and some where then washed with Blood for the Blood God. That gave me smokey, dirty reds as the red wash on red paint shows up mostly black.


The newer models (Biker Lord, CSM squad) was Khorne red, washed with Crimson, Mephisto Red layered on top, used Evil Sunz red to highlight and then washed with Blood for the Blood God. Takes a lot longer, but helped give a newer, cleaner look.


Flesh is something I hate painting, but Bugmans glow, washed with Seraphim Sepia and then picking out the muscles with a dry brush of Cadian Flesh seems to have worked. I think the black undercoat on the cultists helped too.

Well, I've finished my Call of Chaos pledge, but couldn't resist adding to the collection.

Next up are some Tzeentchian Obliterator conversions, I wanted something a little more unique, so went with the theme of Demonic Magi, warp-bloated monstrostities that conjure firey doom, blast with warp energies and otherwise tear apart the enemies of the Quintos.


Tzeentch Obliterator After 1

Tzeentch Obliterator After 2

Tzeentch Obliterator After 3

Tzeentch Obliterator After 4

The Chaos Sorcerer Zala'zarr was a late addition to the warband, in as much as things can be said to be late or early in the Warp that is. He was a nascaent psyker captured by the Crimson Slaughter in the same raid that swept up the Cardinals, and was young enough to risk implanting with Fabius Bile's experimental geneseed. Sergeant Fulcus was keen to see what would happen when someone with psychic powers underwent the conversion.

The rites were brutal and hard, but the young Zala'zarr came through in more or less one piece, having been selected by Tzeentch to worm their way into The Quintos, he came back touched with a stronger connection to the voices, a Prophet for the unholy warp entities that plague the Crimson Slaughter.



On a non-fluffy note, I'm very happy with the colour effects on the model, and that it only took 3 hours to complete the work.

Chaos Sorcerer After 1

Chaos Sorcerer After 2

Chaos Sorcerer After 3

Added another Tzeentch Obliterator, modelled after my favourite pose, as I had a spare Bullgryn cuirass left over and a WFB Ogre on the side. I'm thinking to do a third in this style, then use the more demonic varients either as Chaos Spawn, or Multilators.

Tzeentch Obliterator After 5

Tzeentch Obliterator After 6

Tzeentch Obliterator 7

Ok, apologies for the spam, I've been a little prolific in getting back into the hobby

The Predator has been magnetised so I can swap out the main gun, add or remove the Lascannon sponsoons (and will get Heavy Bolter ones once I can find the parts), and also double as a Rhino when required.

Chaos Predator After 1

Chaos Predator After 2

Chaos Predator After 3

Chaos Predator After 4

  • 4 weeks later...

Great use of bits Lucio, this has given me some ideas thumbsup.gif Will you be adding any more Marines, what sort of bits will you use?

Funnily enough, I've just been finishing up my Possessed but as I wanted a full squad of 10, I mised up half a box of Chaos Marines, a box of Possessed, a mutation sprue and some spare daemon parts.

Zala'zarr has been experimenting of late with the Crimson Slaughter's ties to the Warp, finding those most susceptible to the inner voices and pushed them towards a full bonding with the daemons tormenting their minds.


Fulcus isn't happy that Zala'zarr' Tzeentchian leanings are tainting such a strong combat squad but tolerates it as he values the Sorcerer's insights into the twisted path of fate.


Possessed Group Shot



Possessed 1

Possessed 2

Possessed 3

Possessed 4

Possessed 5

Possessed 6

Possessed 7

Possessed 8

Possessed 9

Possessed 10

I don't really go for the possessed but these look good, you have a nice red and purple going. Are you going to do something with their bases? Seems a shame to go to this effort on the models and not have anything on their bases.

I got caught up in a moment of madness, and decided to not only enter Daemonic Pact 3, but complete it in just over 4 hours!

Lord Zoster was formerly Apocathary Nightingale, a loyal member of the Fifth Company of the Crimson Sabres and part of the command squad of Lucius. When the Crimson Sabres became the Crimson Slaughter, Nightingale sided with Fulcus in the rebellion. As the warband morphed into the Quintos, Nightingale became obsessed with trying to prevent the warp tinged contagions that tormented his brothers. Time and time again he was defeated by the creations, spawn of Nurgle's will. Desperate for answers he turned to Zala'zarr for advice, and under his guidance, he stole part of the soul of a Plaguebringer, forcing it within his body. Whilst this caused suffering and pain upon his own body, he gained the power he wanted, he could take disease from his brothers into himself, suffering the afflictions until he was able to find a more deserving victim. In this, Papa Nurgle is both merciful and vengeful, the diseases are never cured, only incubated, but Nightingale gained his wish, his brothers were spared.


Nurgle Chaos Lord After 1

Nurgle Chaos Lord After 2

Nurgle Chaos Lord After 3

Nurgle Chaos Lord After 4


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