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To Terra! A March of the Legions WIP

Xin Ceithan

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Since I jumped on the March of Legion bandwagon (with it being a really awesome idea and all), I thought I could keep track of my work in a single, continous WIPlog.

Knowing me, I will be running the Traitor side mostly with an occassional jump to those unfortunate to see the gloy of the eightfold way.

Anyway, XXth is first up, so here we go:

Unidentified Alpha Legionary, Dropsite Massacre. Shayatan pattern Moritat Configuration, advanced Armor Pattern. Note later crusade weaponary modified for operations under conditions resulting from Destroyer type rad and alchem ordonance.


I figure making the March of Legions models something like a character showcase series.


This early in the heresy, I imagine the XXth mostly high end technology, new armor marks and equipment, all bright and shiny. The cutting edge in more than one sense. I considered incorporating some xenos tech, but I need to have this finished in time ;)


I am already bouncing some ideas for next month's XIXth. Beaky is classic, but aTerran Assault veteran in MK III....so many legions, so little time.

  • 2 weeks later...

WIP Update:

As I have already stated on the main MOTL thread, I have a hard time achieving the metallic bluefreen of the Alpha Legion by brushwork. Or at least to my satisfaction...

It probably doesn`t help that I have had a forced painting break and I am now starting my new work on a colour and effect I have zero experoence so far. I am not that happy with the result some glazes in, but I think I will work with what I got and go on from here.Since I am on the complaint train, pics are stil not great and the base colour is lighter in reality.

But less excuses, more actual work:


The glazing seems much more blotchy here and there is some strange reflection on the beak of the helmet that I trace to my camera.

I think I will use the blotchyness and overall darker colours as part of the Moritat Setup and include this in the weathering and rad corrosion later on....




Coming along quie nicely here. More highlighting done and initial colours to lenses and plasma coils, Some details on the jump pack and the bandolier...

The discussion on the main threaf got my thinking and I have decided to go with a purple left shoulder guard.




Finished this months model! I`d still like to add to the lighting and some armour chipping, but I`ll work on the weekend, so this will do. Maybei I will come bak to this guy when the march is finished and do some additional details. But this is the first model I have finished in almost two years- so I will stop here with an "OK" state rather than ruin it by hurrying on the last days..

So here is:

Unidentified Alpha Legionary, Dropsite Massacre. Shayatan pattern Moritat Configuration, advanced Armor Pattern. Note later crusade weaponary modified for operations under conditions resulting from Destroyer type rad and alchem ordonance.






For reference sake here is the final fluff for the Month completion:


Blurry pic-capture of an Unidentified Alpha Legionary, Urgall Depression, site of the socalled Dropsite Massacre.This is one of the rare captures of operatives believed to be of  the so-called "Obsidian Coil" detachment in the field, possibly from later recovered loyalist remains. While the Obsidian Coil ostensibly excelled at nonlinear aggression operations, it`s forces were equipped and able to handle offensive operations at typical Legiones Astartes state of warfare. From the pict-capture, this operative employed what is believed to be a  Shayatan pattern Moritat Configuration, using an advanced Armor Pattern. Note later crusade pattern weaponary modified for operations under conditions resulting from Destroyer type rad and alchem ordonance as well as later crusade "Phaeton" pattern jump pack.

- excerpt from "The many headed beast from the depths of history" by Inquisitor Arvaard Orvcrav, Excommunicate perditus, withheld by ruling of the Conclave of Intr`oralis, M37

  • 2 months later...

After having skipped the last two months to complete the call of chaos, it`s time to get back into the Heresy.

First up, here is an overview post. I have decided on a Breacher, which will be in glorious crimson. I also want to take the opportunity to work on the runic script before working it into a larger model.


  • 3 weeks later...

Not much to see here... this year`s flu season put me down quite good. So I have only recently returned to self awareness and even more recently to painting.

I have now lazed some nice red on my Breacher. Sadly, my idea of using liquid masque for markings anfd weathering did not turn out like I planedl ( that it lay dormant in my moving crates so long probably didn`t help either). But I do now have a decent red for my planed Mechanicum forces.

The fun part will be if I manage to out on chapter and ritual markings on time,,,


I finished my Breacher. Or at least I feel it is finished enough for completion of my vow.

I totally se myself taking the "missing legions" months in finishing some detail work on those models . The base would need some touching up and the model itself could use some scripture. The red turned out quite nicely, though.

So here is my

Pict capture at the Sacking of Armatura. Believed to be Orok Kursh, Section Leader, "Anusyha Kor -The Thrice Born", Breacher Section, Chapter of the Onyx Flame. Orok Kursh established himself as a capable section leader in siege operations during the so called Shadow Crusade, The Thrice Born increasinhly began to rely on utiizing arcane and empyrean arts in overcoming loyalist bastions and were recorded fighting during the Siege of Terra. Of Orok Kursh `s fate up and beyond this, no records survive.









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