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Stercus builds some stuff...


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Well, a short explanation first...

I'm usually painfully slow at achieving any kind of hobby goals but find myself at the moment getting through much more than I usually would, so in short I'm setting up this thread to keep track of it.

I don't build much straight out of the box, there's usually some sort of kitbash or conversion going on.

Stuff you're likely to see in this thread includes members of one of the three chapters of astartes (all DIY, because well I enjoy it more) that i currently collect: These are the Gatekeepers, an Imperial fists successor who have popped up in these parts sporadically for a couple of years; The Harvesters, an ultras successor using mainly Raven Guard tactics; The Sons of Aetius, another ultrasmurf successor with a pro-roman feel. Im in the process of writing some fluff that connects the three in a campaign setting, as well as painting a few examples of the stuff i have them killing.

I'm also planning several allied groups from various imperial agencies, and its a WIP of one of those that is up first for pics:

This will be when I finally finish it, Salomin Monkshood of the Aconitas Rogue Trader clan.


In game, he'll show up as an Ordo Xenos Inquisitor with retinue. Built from a Dark Elf pirate because i loved the sneer on his face and the crazy hair. (which I'll attach after painting as it has a tendency to snap off)

I need to straighten his bionic leg before he gets a proper base, at the moment it has something of a kink in it.

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I've trimmed the medic's pistol with attached chainblade from the militarum tempestus sprue. Going to run it as a needle pistol. The hand you can see will hold a scroll representing the letters of marque giving him permission to raise hell in the emperors name.

Thanks for the feedback folks. Very much appreciated. I'm going to crack on with a few more pics of things I have in progress at the moment, once again comments and critiques very welcome.

This first one is an ironclad dread for my Gatekeepers chapter. its based on the Blood Angels furioso kit, but has been altered to better represent the sons of Dorn.


The second picture is a chaplain for the same chapter. I built it for one of Grotsmasha's contests a while back, but as Im about to start painting him, heres a pic of bare plastic.


Finally, another entry for a Grotsmasha contest. This is the Lacerator pattern Astartes tank.


@paladin, the main gun on the Lacerator is made of 3mm plastic rods, as they were cheaper than the tubes. I drilled out the ends like you would a bolter barrel: to be honest, it could be better put together, but as I've not done much scratch building before I'm pretty happy with it.

@token, I'll try and snap a few pics of the hammer later today. Have to wait for my 1yr. old to have her nap. It's made from the librarian force weapon arm with a part from the bastion kit stuck on.

Right, rugrat is snoozing, so here are a couple of pics of the hammer, and a couple of the chainfist option too.




I found a couple of other pics while i was looking for ones of the dread's hammer earlier, so here they are.

First up, my Rogue Trader's little buddy:


Next is Captain Flavius of the Sons of Aetius. Still needs a bit of detailing and i think an extra bit of shading on the white armour.



Finally, I found my old Space hulk kit in the attic while looking for tyranid parts (long story, not board appropriate) and this is the first guy i've started to paint from it:


I think the saw comes from the Ork dread kit. I got it from a bits site so not entirely sure. I see what you mean about the melta gun, but although you can't tell in the pictures its actually offset a little so it clears the hammer. When I initially glued it on it did fire straight through the hammer head, so there was much profanity.

Awesome stuff! :thumbsup: Love the Rogue Trader and the Dread weapons, and the combat shield heraldry on the hammer arm is really well done. As you said, Captain Flavius would benefit from some shading in the white armour plates. I'd probably just try using a detail brush to wash Agrax Earthshade (or equivalent) into the edges and recesses of the armour, then touch up with white again to keep it a nice, sharp look.


Look forward to seeing more!  

I think it may be beginners luck. I read somewhere that the best way to add depth to red was a green wash... The bangle already had a basecoat of mechrite red, and a pot of vintage '95 Ork flesh wash winked up at me... All in all I'm pretty happy with it.
  • 2 weeks later...

ok, heres i guy i built ages ago but only just stared slapping some paint on. These first pics are bare plastic, will snap a few with basecoat on hopefully tonight..

Captain with lightning claws and occasional Shrike counts-as:


gallery_62421_6883_50494.jpgI've since neatened up a few bits with green stuff, b ut you should get the basic idea.

  • 3 months later...

Well, its been a while since I posted in this thread. No sense in chattering on, lets jump right back in, shall we?

Those of you who've seen this thread before may remember a rogue trader I was working on (to be played as an Ordo Xenos Inquisitor), well here he is about to receive a coat of primer:


and a side view:

gallery_62421_9455_213742.jpgThis guy is something of a bits box project. The base model is a Fantasy Dark Elf pirate, but I've lost count of the number of other kits I've taken bits from. There are certainly bits of Tempestus Scions in there, and even the eyepatch from an Ork Nob. Pretty pleased with him to be honest, especially as its my first attempt at both using green stuff for anything other than gap filling and also scratch-building bionics.

Thanks. Yes, that's his letters of marque.

I need to remember to buy one of those fine liner pens to do some 'squiggle writing' on it. It always looks like crud when I do it with a brush.

I have a couple of add ons for this guy too, will put some pics up in the morning. Apart from the ubiquitous servo skulls, I've also built a 'data cognition and extrapolation device' (counts as psychic mastery level 1: divination or telepathy, looks like a floating computer).


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