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  1. Hello and welcome to the Neurode Crusade's Keep! This is my second attempt at a WIP thread in this section of the forum. I pronounce the first one dead - all of the images were hosted by Photobucket and many of us know how this turned out. However, technical issues are not the only reason why a fresh thread is justified. My approach to the hobby has changed and I have started doing things with my models. Before that, with few exceptions, the only thing I did was to hoard more models to meet a crusade composition I imagined, but did not control. That is why matters got out of hand quickly and the number of models swelled considerably. The miniatures were tucked into countless scattered boxes. This is no longer! Over the last month and a half, I appointed my Power Armour Marines to squads and/or "functions" and organised my bits. The way ahead of me is long, but I am finally able to see progress and hope. For a good start, I'll leave share this photo of the larger part of my PA Crusaders. In addition to 205 Marines (including 30 jump packs), I have 25 models in scout armour, 49 in TDA,17 bikers, over two dozen vehicles and a Freeblade Imperial Knight. Disclaimer: for the foreseeable future, no Primaris are allowed! And here is a sample of my painting skills. These models represent my current table-top standard (or I should probably add "overall standard," since I'm not able to produce better quality painting factoring in time-per-painted-miniature that I find acceptable). I am going to update this thread as regularly as possible - i.e. every time I manage to do something meaningful, like a completed kitbash/conversion, painted model, finished squad or reasonable progress in a larger project. All and any questions, comments or requests are mostly welcome!
  2. A brotherhood of knights known today as the Neurode Crusade, over the last few decades, underwent a series of changes leading to its present day composition. The changes centre on the figure of Marshall Arthur, the current Marshall of the Crusade. At present, the Neurode crusade's forces are divided. While a pursuit force lead by Marshall Arthur and an accompanying Inquisitor is after a traitor governor who left the Neurode forge world in ruin, the bulk of the Crusade rebuilds its strength in a newly established chapter keep after sustaining considerable loses in a series of violent war campaigns. This thread, as many others of this kind, is a mess. You'll find here successful, suspended and abandoned attempts at converting models and scratch building. You'll find WIP shots and images of painted miniatures. There is also some fluff out there, which hopefully will one day be expanded to form a chronicle of the Neurode Crusade's feats. In order to do something with the mess, I'll be links to important posts here. My approach to painting black - a tutorial; part 1 - general stuff Marshall Arthur, conversion work Black Templars Marshal, Arthur - painted miniature Neurode mechanised Scratchbuilt Neurode-pattern Vindicator Lady Inquisitor WIP and finished model Venerable Dreadnought Neurode Crusaders +++ Below you will find a detailed overview of the Neurode crusade's notable battles. +++PART 1+++ The Otmar Intervention Still a Sword Brother, Arthur was appointed command of a minor, 35-man strong (including a Dreadnought and a 5 TDA Sword Brethren), Black Templar strike force. They were ordered to support Imperial forces on Otmar. Thereon, the safety of a sacred shrine of the Emperor was threatened by an Ork raiding party of unknown size. Planetary radars located an incoming Ork vessel and the local officials sent distress signals. Because of its location and insignificance, Otmar did not have a military force and had little chances of defending against the incoming Orks. The defenders of the planet were but a small, underequipped militia, mustered from the more zealous civilians and local priests. The plea for help was answered by a nearby Black Templar vessel. Arthur’s force landed in time to bolster local defences and, most importantly, secure the safety of the shrine located on a rise in Walhaim, the biggest city of the planet. The Ork shuttle crashed on the surface of Otmar on the outskirts of Walgaim just a few hours after the Black Templars landed. Arthur assigned 10 Initiates, a Dreadnought and some of the local forces to defend the immediate proximity of the shrine. Meanwhile, he lead a pre-emptive attack. Unfortunately, as the Orks need no time to organize, they already managed to brake the militia’s defences of Walhaim. Fighting the scattered Ork forces was tiresome. The greenskins posed no threat, nor were they a worthy challenge for the fearsome Crusaders. However, the crashed vessel was not the only inbound Orkish craft. Somehow two other, larger vessels remained undetected until it was too late. The cumbersome, mutilated chunks of metal entered Otmar’s atmosphere. This time the greenskins were lead by a Warboss. Seeing what was left of the first wave of attackers, the brute became furious. He lead a swift strike on the city, much more organized than the previous formless assault. Orks used their numbers to their advantage and were pushing the defenders back, deeper into the city. Even the might of the Astartes, stretched thin among the kilometres of breaking defence lines, proved to be insufficient. Arthur ordered all his man back to the shrine to prevent desecration of the holy place. The remaining forces of the human militia, at first hesitant to leave their homes to be ravaged by the scattered parties of the green horde, joined the Marines. Eager to fight the finest of the Imperium, the Warboss gathered a significant force of Orks and ordered a brutal onslaught on the defenders’ donjon. The joint Black Templars’ and militia’s forces repelled the initial push and two consecutive ones; yet, the defenders, especially the militia, suffered great losses. However, the Ork’s numbers were greatly diminished. In the third attack on the shrine, the Warbass was slain. The rest of his kin, leaderless, discouraged and broken, scattered. The shrine was secured. Walhaim was ruined, though. The remains of the defenders, assisted by fresh units of militia from other settlements, dealt with the scattered Ork survivors. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ORIGINAL POST: The thread description says it all: this will be my WIP thread in which I'll be posting (hopefully regularly) pictures of my endeavours to expand my Crusade and convert different pieces in my collection. Unfortunately I can't do anything for the ETL competition, because my pledged units aren't where I am. But I can devote myself to my new-found passion: making plasticard models. For the time being, I'm suspending my Thunderhawk project: I just want to make a smaller plasticard model to see whether I'm capable of making a decent looking craft. For starters, my cheap Vindicator (which I'll vow in ETL when I'm done with my rhinos & razorback). Here is a raw overwiew of what I have so far. http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/9049/p1050937zs.jpg And the cannon: http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/1724/p1050933c.jpg How do you like the look of the cannon? I did it according to the templates which I've found, but it is not as wide as in the original model. Does it look okay, or would you advise me to make it wider, more like in the original?
  3. A brand new 1st Post! if the first replies dont make sense, well its because the whole entirety of this post has changed. This post will now reflect the most current and up to date chapter fluff. lots has changed in these last 3.5 years. thanks for stopping by and please contribute to the conversation! Index Astartes http://bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/gallery/album_11085/med_gallery_86595_11085_107117.jpg http://bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/gallery/album_11085/gallery_86595_11085_178195.jpg Origins The War of the Beats brought large amounts of destruction to the Imperium. Lord Commander of the Imperium Maximus Thane had decreed that the Imperium would raise as many new Chapters as they had gene-seed in the great vaults of Terra to sustain. A Fourth Founding chapter, the Legion of the Iron Lion was created with one goal in mind, to engage with the orks. Invictumos, a world that prides itself in its martial ability, and one that has been fighting the orks since the days before the Imperium, would be the homeworld to such a chapter. As to which of the successors of the First Legion provided its veterans to raise the new chapter, it is not known. Only a legend told to initiates remains, "Just as the red halo engulfed the Flame of Consecration, the consecrated Iron engulfs the Sword of the Lion. And as the wings gave flight to the sword of the Angels, the Angels gave flight to the Legion of the Iron Lion" Homeworld: Invictumos To be fleshed out in the future. The Legion and the Unforgiven http://bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/gallery/album_11085/med_gallery_86595_11085_476195.jpg Circles within circles. Truth within lies. Lies within truth. Each cog has its role to play. Only one Legionnaire is ever truly aware of the treacherous acts of Luther and the Fallen, the Grand Arbiter. Personally trained by the Interrogator Chaplains of the Dark Angels, the Grand Arbiter's purpose is to be an extension of the will of the Unforgiven, and guide his Master of the Legion in the Hunt. Fully indoctrinated into the higher levels of the Inner Circle, more so than the Master of the Legion, the Grand Arbiter is the sole Legionnaire to perform interrogations and deliver Judgement and Redemption. As with the other Unforgiven, many lies exist within the truth that is told to those who have been indoctrinated into the Hunt, but how much is truth, and how much is a lie? Rework in progress. Going for a more traditional relationship. The Wings of Judgement and Redemption The Hunt is omnipresent. In honor of the I Legion, the veterans of the first and second century carry the moniker of Wing. The Lion Wing of Cohort Leonus, their pauldron painted bronze underneath the Sword and Cog of the Legion signifying judgment for traitors of the I Legion, they are the Old Guard of the Hunt. The Iron Wing of Cohort Ferrum, their pauldron painted silver underneath the Sword and Cog of the Legion signifying redemption for the loyalist of the I Legion, they are the New Blood of the Hunt. At inception, the Iron Wing and Lion Wing were mirrors of each other. Every space marine had a suit of terminator plate, cataphractii, tartaros, or indomius, and a bike, speeder, or Unforgiven aircraft assigned to him. The veterans would deploy as the mission dictated. Experts in all aspects of war, the coordination achievable by the Iron and Lion Wings was without peer. Of the 100 Legionnaires assigned the century, 30 are selected to be Iron Guard or Lion Guard. These legionnaires would be issued special equipment, a storm shield and Mace of Absolution (Flail of the Unforgiven for sergeants) for use in terminator armor, and a Corvus Hammer and Plasma Talon for use on their bikes. It is from the Iron Guard and Lion Guard that lieutenants were chosen from. All this changed after the devastation of the Legion. After the much needed primaris reinforcements arrived, it was only a decade before the first primaris legionnaire made it into the severely undermanned Iron Wing. He fought alongside the other legionnaires in gravis armor when they were in terminator armor, and in tacticus armor in a land speeder when part of the fast attack detachment. Soon after, one became two, two became ten, and after decades of attrition, ¾ of a century worth of primaris had been inducted into Iron or Lion Wing. After the reorganization of the Legion, all primaris were consolidated into the Cohort Ferrum, and all space marines into Cohort Leonus. From this point on, the Lion Wing became known as the Old Guard of the Hunt and the Iron Wing as the New Blood of the Hunt. The Lion Wing still fights as it has since its inception, but the Iron Wing deploys almost exclusively in gravis armor, mission dictating aggressor or inceptor pattern. Three squadrons of Nephilim and one of Dark Talons sit in their armory for use when needed. The Iron Guard deploy in gravis armor with specially fitted storm shields, Maces of Absolution (Flails of the Unforgiven for sergeants) and fragstorm grenade launchers or jump pack. As is tradition, all Cohort Ferrum lieutenants are drawn from the Iron Guard. The Iron and the Lion http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/357137-the-iron-and-the-lion-prologue/ In current development. this story is very important to me. its this concept that really set the DIY into motion. Only In Death Does Duty End Under repair rename characters with new established naming conventions check for continuity of lore (its a 3 year old story, much has changed since) http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353770-legion-of-the-iron-lions/?p=5253154 Siege of Liamane Planned for the future
  4. So, since 8th came out I've been working on a Necron dynasty as a side project, but growing to like it more and more over time. Initially I just wanted to shake things up and work on something non-Imperial. I have played a few games but will be able to play a lot more soon as I finally have enough warriors built to form a solid core and enough other stuff to be able to build a few 2000 point lists with a little variety. The fluff behind the dynasty: I wanted to model my Phaeron after all the worst qualities of Roman Emperors in the way they treated their subjects (but still being a capable military leader). So, I'm saying he has somehow convinced himself that he is the rightful ruler of all Necrons and is hell-bent on proving this. He probably had some tenuous link to the Silent King before biotransference (like a nephew or an in-law or something, like many Roman heirs) and is convinced Szarekh abdicated by not joining the rest in hibernation. I'm in a bit of a dilemma with my color scheme. What I'm going for is the default scheme (for the most part) with purple instead of green. This Doom Scythe is the most complete model I have worked on, though it's still a WIP. It's black with Xereus Purple and Genestealer Pink highlights. The problem I'm encountering is with stuff like computer screens, crystals, resurrection orbs, stuff like that. I tried painting them Nagaroth Night with the same highlights but the Nagaroth is so dark it looks the same as the black under most lighting from across the table. I'm considering changing one or the other to Nagaroth Night / Daemonette Hide highlights instead, but that might turn out a bit less rich than what I want. Any thoughts? Currently, I have about half a box of warriors who need their guns built (I seem to have misplaced my Gauss sprues so I am waiting on replacements to come in), and then just a ton to paint. My to-do list: Priming: 36 warriors 3 tomb blades canoptek spyder Vargard Obyron scarabs everywhere Command barge Primed but unpainted:5 destroyers converted Destroyer Lord 5 lychguard 5 deathmarks Night Scythe Monolith Orikan Nemesor Zandrekh Triarch Stalker Somewhat painted/not done yetLord Overlord Doom Scythe 12 warriors ghost ark 3 wraiths I need to buy at least one more box of immortals (I've been using the death marks as a stand in to fill out the squad) and probably another box or two of everything else just for more options, but I'm feeling pretty good about the lists I can make with this. I'm really excited for our codex to drop, because some point decreases would be very nice.
  5. I've been a long time lurker on here (since 2007 I believe) and finally grew some stones and signed up properly. I'm using this thread to document my return to 40k after not touching anything for 17 years. What will follow is my slow progress on my own Astartes chapter; the Ardent Swords. First up will be the chapter master and honour. The chapter master is still waiting for some bits to arrive so he'll probably be postponed to January at this rate. Hope you all enjoy watching my journey back into the grim darkness. First up; the honour guard. These chaps are built on the reiver base with extra bits stuck on. First time doing hand transplants with these guys and was more fiddly than expected.
  6. Hi all. Since getting back into the hobby 2 years ago, I've pretty much painted only Imperial Fists Space marines and as much as I want to finish that project, it gets a bit tiring painting the same things over and over again so I have decided to start a small side project so I don't completely lose interest in painting. With the new release of chaos and the awesome models, I couldn't help but want to gets some, especially as I used to collect Chaos when I was younger, hence my name. It was a pick between red corsairs and word bearers as I want to paint red but chose corsairs as I'm not a big fan of the word bearers lore. So here is my first test piece. It doesn't have any shading or highlights yet, just some rough base coats just to see what it would end up like. Some points I'm thinking of is that I might repaint the thigh strap a light cream like the box art and there may be too much gold like on the backpack, but then again these are space pirates so they will want to show off their wealth. it would be great to get some thoughts from the community, all opinions are welcome. I also have an Imperial Fists WIP in my signature if you want to check it out.
  7. So given that I have half a dozen different projects on the go and trying to compile all my disparate ideas into one thread was perhaps not the best plan, I thought I'd instead start some individual blogs for each project in the relevant boards. In case you hadn't guessed, this one is for my assorted Daemons. I'm planning on collecting forces of all four powers of Chaos over time, though predominantly I'll be focussing my efforts on Slaanesh and Nurgle for now (though I do have minis for the other Gods in the pipeline). So, let's get to the juicy stuff shall we? I've already posted my Changeling and Beast of Nurgle on the forum before, so I'll just leave those links in place and instead post fresh WIPs of my Infernal Enrapturess, purchased today! Also been working on a Fiend conversion from a metal Hive Guard (which I started loing before plastic Fiends were a twinkle in Slaanesh's eye) And finally, some Plague Drone WIPs (though the models have somewhat progressed since these photos). I have various other things I'm working on but this was all I had photographed at the moment. Hopefully I actually update this thread!
  8. Hi folks. Long time since I've posted to the site so I thought I might try something out. As of late, I've come into a lot of free time but absolutely no motivation to paint my imperial fists and with my goal to finish my entire army by the end of the year this as well as the new Anno game coming out is not helping. Ive decided to start this WIP blog sorta thing to help keep me motivated to my goal so I can eventually start a new project. Starting roughly 2 years ago, my Imperial Fists army has come to include an entire 3rd battle company (updated to guillimans new codex also including some primaris), a small armoured battle group, scout auxiliary force and a small 1st company detachment. Ive finished painting probably half of the collection with about a third based and shaded. All of the other models have been assembled and primed ready to go so I at least have an end point to go by. So here are some pictures of some of my already finished marines. Sorry for the bad image quality. And what is currently on my painting desk: I will try to post regularly with updates. Any words of motivation are welcome. If you would like to see more of what ive done, just let me know.
  9. Guess who's back?! Hello brothers and sisters! It's been a while but I'm back in the swing of things. This time with some kill team projects! Kill Team is absolutely fantastic for a hobby butterfly like me. Small teams with lots of conversion possibilities! I'm currently working on a Tau and Eldar kill team and already finished some Necrons. There are more ideas in the works, can't go without a Space Marine kill team and maybe some..... heretics?! No blog without pictures of course, so first off, the completed Necrons: The flayed ones were custom made with Warriors, green stuff and Skeleton warrior swords. The highlights on the black armour are much more subdued in real life though. On the working table Eldar and Tau: Stay tuned for more updates and let me know what you think!
  10. Keep in mind all this is still (semi) WIP and any advice is much appreciated http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/sm/bpe=F7DE1B&bpj=F7DE1B&bp=F7DE1B&bpc=F7DE1B&hdt=FFFFFF&hdm=FFFFFF&hdl=FFFFFF&ey=DE2121&er=FFFFFF&pi=FFFFFF&nk=FFFFFF&ch=FFFFFF&eg=F7DE1B&sk=F7DE1B&abs=FFFFFF&bt=F7DE1B&cod=FFFFFF&ull=FFFFFF&lk=F7DE1B&lll=FFFFFF&lft=FFFFFF&url=FFFFFF&rk=F7DE1B&lrl=FFFFFF&rft=FFFFFF&slt=F7DE1B&sli=FFFFFF&srt=F7DE1B&sri=FFFFFF&ula=FFFFFF&lel=FFFFFF&lla=FFFFFF&lw=FFFFFF&lh=F7DE1B&ura=FFFFFF&rel=FFFFFF&rla=FFFFFF&rw=FFFFFF&rh=F7DE1B&bg=ADAAAA&rb=ADAAAA&gr=ADAAAA&wg=true&laurel=true&jmp=F7DE1B&jmph=ADAAAA&slips=CC0000&pws=true&/spacemarine.jpghttp://www.bolterandchainsword.com/sm/bpe=F7DE1B&bpj=F7DE1B&bp=F7DE1B&bpc=F7DE1B&hdt=FFFFFF&hdm=FFFFFF&hdl=FFFFFF&ey=DE2121&er=FFFFFF&pi=FFFFFF&nk=FFFFFF&ch=FFFFFF&eg=F7DE1B&sk=F7DE1B&abs=FFFFFF&bt=F7DE1B&cod=FFFFFF&ull=FFFFFF&lk=F7DE1B&lll=FFFFFF&lft=FFFFFF&url=FFFFFF&rk=F7DE1B&lrl=FFFFFF&rft=FFFFFF&slt=F7DE1B&sli=FFFFFF&srt=F7DE1B&sri=FFFFFF&ula=FFFFFF&lel=FFFFFF&lla=FFFFFF&lw=FFFFFF&lh=F7DE1B&ura=FFFFFF&rel=FFFFFF&rla=FFFFFF&rw=FFFFFF&rh=F7DE1B&bg=ADAAAA&rb=ADAAAA&gr=ADAAAA&wg=true&bpr=FFFFFF&cs=F0DC26&pws=true&/spacemarine.jpg The Archangels are a successor chapter of blood angels. They were created during the 4th founding though until now many records of them had been lost due to thier isolation in the northern fringe. They believe that to truly follow the path of Sanguinus and the Emperor is by cleansing the black rage from their ranks. They do this with prayers and ritualistic executions of those suffering the Black Rage. As such the Archangels don't field a death company and look down upon other Blood Angels chapters that do. The Archangels remained mostly unknown to the Imperium because they wished to distance themselves from their erstwhile kin. They live on a remote fortress monastery known as The Angels Eyre. They oversee the . To the people living on the planets of the Angelus system they are revered saviours. Literal angels from the heavens. The people believe when you die you go to join them up in their floating castle. The original members of the Archangels were all drawn from the Blood Angles 1st company (the Archangels) and thus they were named. The Archangels love the thrill of riding through the air on jump packs and so they have more Vanguard Veterans than other chapters, on top of that The Archangels seem to have a very high amount of Sanguinary Guard jump packs much to the envy of other Blood Angels chapters. As such it is not uncommon to see Vanguard Veterans or even Assault Marines to ride the air on winged jump packs. The Archangels vary rarely use bikes however and are very arrogant, even by Astartes standards, this means that along with their self-imposed isolation they are a difficult force to work with for most members of the Imperium. They seem to have a special dislike for their human counterparts namely the Astra Millatrum and the PDFs (though it should be noted that they also have a high disliking for most inquisitors, Radical Inquisitors in particular) Angelus System In the Del'taar Sector there lies a system known as the Angelus System, this is where the Archangels have made their home. Orbiting the maiden world Gelarys the Archangels live on a fortress monastery known as The Angels Eyre From here they oversee the System and by extension the sector with only a very loose command, preferring to leave the unsavoury task of commanding humans to other humans. Their are 3 other planets in the system, all 3 of them are at imperial tech standards and are classified as hive worlds. The Third and largest is designated Icurai and it also serves as a munifactorum for the Chapter. The other 2 Skaa'ra and Kalypo are simple hive worlds. They Archangels make a point of only accepting initiates from Gelarys, which whilst meaning they have quite low initiate intakes, provides a way to make sure the initiates are 'pure' Combat Doctrine The Archangel's combat doctrine involves a rapid insertion into the foe utilising a large array of Assault Squads. The standard operation procedure is to have an array of Stormravens (and for large scale deployments Thunderhawks) to enter the battlefield coming in hot, performing a strafing run as winged or jump pack wearing Assault Squads jump out mid flight. Stormravens then land and drop off any dreadnoughts held in their clamps before staying in the battle zone strafing it ahead of the Archangels Advance Death Company The Archangels have an unwavering revulsion for those fallen to the black rage. Anyone succumbing to the black rage will generally be killed on the spot by Executor-Chaplains. This leads to scenarios when, on the eve of battle brothers that fall to the black rage are killed leaving the Archangels army undermanned and underpowered for their objective. Despite that the Archangels show no sign of stopping with this practice. Attitude to the Red Thirst As the dual part of The Flaw, the Red Thirst is an issue all sons of Sanginius must face. The Archangels deal with this is an similar way that they deal with the Black Rage, through prayer and ancient rituals, Battle brothers are taught to harness the Red Thirst to drive them in battle but they are also taught to not fall to it. An Archangel that allows the Red Thirst to take over and drinks blood will be executed in the same way as one who had fallen to the Black Rage. The only blood related ritual allowed by the Archangels is the Insanguination ritual. Even the blooding of weapons, that many other Blood Angels chapters carry out is forbidden. As for Insanguination the Archangels believe that it is part of what creates the flaw and so strive to find a better way to insert their gene-seed into recruits. Archangels Organisation Organised like their progenitors the Archangels are mostly codex adherent though they like all other Blood Angels Successors have Furisio Dreadnaughts and Luscious Pattern engines. The main difference between the Archangels and other Blood Angels chapters is that the blood angels have a near complete absence of bikes, and a massive amount of assault squads. They also have an extra chaplain rank, the Executor-Chaplain, these chaplains are responsible for the killing of any battle brother that succumbs to either the red thirst or the black rage. The 6th Company Due to the actions of Allesandro, the 6th company was both undermanned and disgraced. Arquiel immediately ordered a penitent crusade for the 6th to take, they were to leave the Angelus system for a time until they had judged themselves worthy of rejoining their brothers. At this time though the Grail Wardens were betrayed and the Grail they so jealously guarded was taken. Heeding the calls of allegiance Araquiel changed the mission of the 6th, they were to be raised back to full strength and then sent on the quest for the grail, never to return unless they, or another member of the Fraterni Sanguis discovered the lost grail. The 6th adorn themselves with both grail imagery, but also with the crosses most commonly associated with the death company. These crosses shall only be removed once the 6th company proves itself worthy of rejoining the chapter Battle Cries The Archangels battle cries are all called out in native Gelaryian Is
  11. Here are the WIP pictures of my own attempts at a Thousand Sons force(and other projects). While awaiting parts for the actual troopers I started work on the other bits I had to hand, most of which were donated by folks. Not many pictures here but I do have a few more in my blog, but I couldn't ignore invaluable advice of the B&C army. I'll admit it I love Hellbrutes, mainly because they are basically Dreadnoughts and I always used those as well. http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-1I852hC7jdA/VTiuxewBJxI/AAAAAAAABk8/JQBtP1GhLvg/s640/20150421_173902.jpg The blue is an old Ultramarines Blue from GW, pretty sure they don't make anything like it anymore. Really hope it lasts me another little while so. http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-YXUsODlEsvM/VTiu1dGyOQI/AAAAAAAABlM/_kuJlHrkJLg/s640/20150422_171224.jpg I had to improvise for the bone colour here by painting it white and using a brown wash over it, I actually quite like the effect. http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-xxKLqCwiLO4/VTiu3qUUMfI/AAAAAAAABlU/0iic5VTbUfo/s640/20150422_193902.jpg My first bits of skin on the demon prince, didn't go as well as planned but frankly it is hard to tell from these awful picture. I need a lamp to bring some colour to the darkness, also I need to learn how to high light things. http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/---akmNmxPXo/VT6ylLik-VI/AAAAAAAABlk/FnlAM514BVc/s640/20150427_225706.jpg I think you can all see I have more keen for the project than skill, but time will tell.
  12. This is my "shut up and paint" progress thread. The idea is to lay out my Commandery's TO&E and link later posts as I finish individual units, with weekly updates on Sundays to keep me on task, motivated, and positive. This takes the place of my old WIP thread. Command Saint Celestine Canoness Command Squad Cardinal in TDA Confessor Big Hat Priests Elites Repentia Crusaders Death Cultists Frateris Militia Sister Sniper Troops __Battle Sisters BSS 1 BSS 2 BSS 3 BSS 4 Fast Attack __Seraphim Squad 1 Squad 2 Squad 3 __Dominions Melta Squad 1 Melta Squad 2 Melta Squad 3 Flamer Squad 1 Flamer Squad 2 Storm Bolter Squad 1 Storm Bolter Squad 2 Heavy Support __Retributors Heavy Bolter Squad 1 Heavy Bolter Squad 2 Multimelta Squad Heavy Flamer Squad Exorcist 1 Exorcist 2 Exorcist 3 Transports Immolator 1 Immolator 2 Immolator 3 Immolator 4 Repressor 1 Repressor 2 Rhino 1 Rhino 2 Rhino 3 Rhino 4 Ecclesiarchal Land Raider Ecclesiarchal Valkyrie Lords of War Avenger Strike Fighter Ecclesiarchy Oathed Knight
  13. Today I began working on the first marines for my black templars who will be working with my Space Wolves great Company I purchased enough stuff to make my inital skyhammer formation and im waiting on a few things to come through so I can move forward with a combined arms detachment as well as the skyhammer. In the meantime heres what the first three hours produced.
  14. Find any remnants of the new betrayers that remain in the system. Use whatever and whoever you need. Take them or destroy them as you must. Do it now, my son.” -Rogal Dorn, upon learning of the Massacre at Isstvan V +++ Though Yartsev wore armor that bore markings of the 317th Grand Battalion of Iron Warriors, he only ever referred to his battalion as "The Gravel Eaters." They bore the name as both compliment and insult in equal measure. It had come from a particularly grueling campaign on some forgotten world at the edge of the Ghoul Stars, where they had dug their emplacements in the rough earth so fast that their allies remarked that they must have consumed the gravel beneath them rather than shoveling it. Yartsev had responded with a remark about excreting bricks, which earned him the favor of everyone in the 317th who heard it. But the siege ended and so did whatever good humor the Gravel Eaters possessed about their lot in the universe. They certainly hadn’t expected reassignment to the Sol Sector. Fortifying what few cities existed beneath Pluto's artificial atmosphere seemed like a thankless task and the Gravel Eaters hadn’t exactly relished rearguard duty. He remembered brawl after brawl between squads (the luster of Olympian discipline on full display). Better fighting lay well beyond the bounds of the Sol Sector. Proximity to the throne world meant nothing, either. What had the Emperor ever cared for them? When they received new orders from Perturabo himself though, then things had gotten interesting. Suddenly the Gravel Eaters became the vanguard, tasked with establishing a foothold in the domain of the Emperor Himself. Treachery had proved kind to them. No more nagging from useless Engiseers who didn’t understand the importance of a sound bunker versus yet another edifice in praise of the Machine God. Even better, they had killed the few Imperial Fists who Rogal Dorn had insisted oversee their work on Pluto. The arrogance of him. The swill-swallowing coward. They had dug themselves in for months, arrayed themselves for war in a way that might even make their temperamental primarch proud, and drilled until their post-human bodies sang in exhaustion. So the fact that Sigismund had broken their lines within the first minutes of engagement came as something of a surprise. They had assurances from Perturabo this would not happen. Their primarch said that any retribution coming for them would stay soundly on Terra after he crushed the Imperial Fists force bound for the Isstvan system. All that had fallen to shambles. Sigismund had come and brought the wrath of his father with him. Worse, he had brought a group of Imperial Fists that seemed as zealous as himself. Not just the idiots who stood in front of their damnable Temple of Oaths (Temple of Arse, more like), but every single legionnaire seemed a cut apart from the famous stoniness of the Imperial Fists. They roared their hate at the Iron Warriors for the oaths they had broken to the Emperor and then they bellowed their own dedication to the Iron Warriors’ eradication. Before Yartsev could even reload his bolter for the first time in the fight, he took a kick to the head that sent his empty weapon flying and his form sprawling against the opposite side of the tench he had occupied. He felt a massive blade crash his ribcage and pin him to the wall of the trench. The Black Sword gleamed with light from nearby fires, its ebony surface as dark as the sky above. “You will tell me where your Warsmith is, Iron Warrior.” Yartsev tried to spit at the First Captain of the Imperial Fists, but the saliva didn’t leave his MK II helm. He simply shook his head in protest, the pain of his impalement driving the words from his mouth. Sigismund tore his sword free and with a single swift stroke, split the Iron Warrior’s helm vertically. “Damn traitors. Can’t even follow the orders of a superior officer now.” +++ And thus it begins. With the all-but-confirmed plastic Heresy set coming at us in the fall, I took the plunge. More accurately I put my foot in the water to gage the the temperature, but yeah. I'm in there. So the idea for the force is to represent Sigismund and his brethren in the Age of Darkness, before the siege of Terra. These Fists are striking out across the Sol Sector on Dorn's orders and eliminating the remaining traitor legionnaires, like the Iron Warriors on Pluto (deployment I made up, happily accepting feedback on my Iron Warriors portrayal). I have some strong ideas about where Sigismund's character is at this point and how he starts thinking about the legions during this time. He isn't the first High Marshal yet. He isn't even the Emperor's Champion yet. But and that changes how he thinks. Anyway, expect some construction in the future and maybe some paint in late August/early September (when I'm back in school).
  15. Septembers Vow. I Elmo vow to complete 1 Vindicator with Siege Shield, extra armour and pintle mounted Storm Bolter (150 pts.) in the month of September 2012 as redemption for not vowing as much as I had hoped for in the ETL. Or words to this effect.... http://i814.photobucket.com/albums/zz66/jonbrooks_photo/B%20and%20S%20WIP/P9060001.jpg This will be a new build for my line breaker Squadron The Vindi so far. The magnetisation has been completed The model has been primed in Matt Black External surfaces primed in Angels Green http://i814.photobucket.com/albums/zz66/jonbrooks_photo/B%20and%20S%20WIP/P9100013.jpg This weeks plan is to paint the internals and to assemble the main chassis and start work on the Siege Shield icon. More on Friday
  16. I read that the old Flesh Tearers had an inverted scheme for their Death Company, with the shoulders and helmet being red, while the rest of the body was black. My chapter, the Blood Suns, uses Flesh Tearer similar patterns, but they are normally Black shoulders, head, backpack, and leg greaves, like such. http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8082/8399725341_a452956475_b.jpg The idea is the chapter uses the iconography of a sun/star. They see the Imperium without the Emperor and Sanguinus as being like a red giant star, that has expanded in size and gobbled up it's system, but is at the end of it's life and will soon lose it's heat and collapse on itself, therefore they are named the Blood Suns. Therefore, they see a Marine's life being like a sun that has gone supernova, or turned into a black hole - the Black Rage is a marine's desire to see the end of everything, and destroy it all. So to make it a look like a supernova and a black hole, I'm going for an inverted white and black scheme, but I want some feedback on how this looks, and if it would be striking compared to the above. I'll post some model pictures in the morning when people are awake and I can set some out. But what is everyone's thoughts on this? http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8229/8400814308_0bd0479300_b.jpg White color for the supernova imagery, and the black center for a Black supernova. The Red trim and Red chest eagle sort of keeping the basic Blood Sun third color, seen in the original. I love the alternative scheme for Death Company done in the book with the Angels Encarmine having white Sanguinary Guard as well, but I wondered if people think this would work on an actual model. Last consideration: I have a lot of those 3rd edition death company bodies that I'll be using for them models, and I have (with considerable effort) magnetized the backpacks to make sure they're flexible, so this is why I want to make sure I get the colors right. But if not, they'll strip easily being pewter/lead!
  17. So, I recently decided to strip my Ultramarine army and decided to repaint them as Star Phantoms as I like the scheme and their fluff. Their heavy use of Devastators and Land Raiders also fits my playstyle. This is the first test-model. While this one is painted over a black basecoat the army will be painted using a white spray. In the images in IA 10 they only have metallic trims on shoulders that use the Mk3-style raised trim but I just found an all-white model to be too boring.
  18. Been a couple years since I've played 40k, or even modeled anything. I came back to the B&C and saw Maverick Prime's conversion challenge and thought to myself: now that's a capital idea- and a heck of a way to get back into the hobby. A supply runs and hours at the table later and I remember how hard conversion work is. But I digress, here are some extremely work in progress shots of my chaplain for the "Litanies and Legends" conversion challenge. Comments, critique and criticism are encouraged and appreciated. The base model is Ivanus Enkomi of the Minotaurs chapter from the Forge World model company. The head has been replaced with a metal chaplain helmet, the feet will be replaced with the armored boots from the same chopped up metal model. The minotaur/bull head on the chest has been shaved down and slightly green stuffed to resemble a human sternum (figured I might as well considering the chest armor is modeled after a rib cage). A side image of the chaplain conversion work in progress. Just a small detail to note but I green stuffed on a small squareish carpenter style nail into the purity seal. Wax can only adhere to a surface so well, especially something like armor- having it physically nailed into the surface of the armor makes a little more sense in my opinion. According to my fianc
  19. Hi there! It has been a long time since I registered here but now I think it is time to start posting at last. I'm starting a tournament DW army and a small blog here. First of all, a roster: I am trying to make a "pure"(well, almost) DW army with a minimum of allies and first WiP's of bolter and chainsword armed Veterans(more will follow soon):
  20. So after a break I have decided to start a Black Templar army. I painted up a 500 point force for a small Fate of Konor tournament and fell in love with how the models looked on the battlefield. The time spent researching the fluff a couple weeks before the tourney was the most fun and obsessive thing I have had with 40k in several years. So, every good story needs a starting point, here is my crusades story. (bit rough, still fleshing out the details) The Ventros Crusade, led by Marshall Alderic Jamil Ventros is a rogue inquisitor responsible for the Cartalu VII massacre. A backwater world, Cartalu VII's population was massacred over the course of two weeks in an attempt by Ventros to gain favor with the Chaos gods. It was by happenstance that Marshall Alderic's ship received a faint distress signal and investigated. After receiving no word from planetary defense forces a small force of 50 crusaders was deployed to the planet surface. The force was decimated, tortured, and sacrificed to the Chaos gods. One initiate was able to escape and send word back to Alderic, before succumbing to his wounds. Alderic immediately moved to engage Ventros' ship. After a brief firefight Ventros was able to escape into the warp without Alderic's forces able to pursue. Alderic then declared that the Ventros Crusade would bring vengence to this rogue inquisitor. Due to Ventros' willingness to sell many Imperial secrets and his psychic ability for prescience he has evaded the Crusade for several years and never seems to find a lack of soldier be it foul xenos or heretics. Marshall Alderic is closing in though, and vows that he will slay this enemy of the Emperor and show that heresy will never escape justice.
  21. Good Day B&C! So, I have come back to my roots so to speak. Some of the older members may remember me from years back when I had an Angels Sanguine army. They were my first real army and when I got dark imperium I couldn't decide what to paint the primaris as... Angels Sanguine won! To that end I then went on ebay as I am an idiot and lo and behold picked up a load of stuff! None of this is my painting but I plan to re base a lot. Then change bits to suit my style. So few highlights. Different shades etc and then get to work on the primaris. http://i.imgur.com/PGIniRA.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Sp17aH4.jpg http://i.imgur.com/cUSGM2w.jpg I will prob have a go at a scout to ease my way back in as I currently have Iron Warriors for 30k and Deathguard and Tau for 40k on the go! So lot's to be doing. Plus I am buying a house! So I will update when I can. On the gaming side I haven't played since 4th I think. But it looks like BA are taking a kicking in 8th... Thoughts? Cheers!
  22. Hi all, long-time lurker (to the extent that I legitimately forgot I had an account here and had to get Kurgan the Lurker's help recovering it [thanks man!]) and I thought that, since I'm a responsibleish adult, I felt that I should make a WIP log of my, already sizable collections. Now, my one, true love for factions is the World Eaters/Khorne Daemonkin. Even though it's the smallest of my factions right now, as I managed to luck out with some friends not wanting the Death Guard halves of Dark Imperium, so I got those on the cheap. And the Dark Angels were literally given to me by a friend who said, and I quote "Yeah, they're yours. I don't have the time to play 40k, or the space to store these". So I was just casually given at least 2k points of Dark Angels. So, welcome to my WIP thread. Some pretty pictures: Maulerfiend I'm most happy about how the eyes and legion badge came out Skarbrand Everyone's favorite madman: Khârn the Betrayer Some Daemons and a Spawn Mortarion More to come!
  23. HI All, Decided I'll let you all in on my latest endevours. It's not much, RL keeps me rather busy (study, family life), but slowly and steadilly we're getting back in the hobby. Rcently I dug up a squad of terminators. They are the first plastic ones GW produced and I believe a free blackreach termie. I started to templarise them. Here are some pics. Sorry for the crappy cell phone pics, my camera died on me. Templarification in progress: Some tabbards and a lot of purity seals. Those didn't show up on the phone pics. Made a mould to see if I could make maltese crosses out of green stuff. Worked reasonably well, looks better in RL then on pic. Hope you like them, Comments and feedback is welcome. Greetz,
  24. Hi everyone, Since I've been admiring all your armies on these pages and love the constructive comments and cheering for WIP threads, which I follow eagerly myself, I recovered my camera and will start my own. I hope you enjoy these photos, and am very interested in your feedback for my armies. I am not a very experienced painter, but I like taking my time to make the most of what I can while learning in the process. I noticed I thin my paints more every day Due to a busy life and tons of work, this won't be a fast thread I suppose, but I'll try and keep it regular. The basic idea behind my forces is a Sisters of Battle army that descends from the Order of the Argent Shroud (hence the silver liveries). I yet have to make their background more substantial, and find a name that I am happy with (it's been changing over time ) but here are a few things: - Descended from the Order of the Argent Shroud, the order was founded initially as a crusade force and maintains their habit of not staying very long in once place - They consider the Emperor to be the only human who can read in the minds and souls and see the future of Humanity, and loathe psykers of all kinds. However, as they are a combat force that has been engaged in many theaters, they realize that some minor psykers of humanity can be tolerated for their helpfulness on the battlefield, although they keep a tight eye on them. - They have an escort of a Freeblade brotherhood, imperial knights they have helped from various worlds during their campaigns in the past and who have vowed them their service. One of them was a last defender of a tyranid-infested world and holds dear to eradicate these bugs from the stars. The Sisters see insectoid psykers with even more hate than human ones as they are a race doomed to heresy for they cannot be turned to the Light of the Emperor. - Sometimes, commander Karmov and his penal legion of Imperial Guards joins them for both heavy support, meat-shield...err, tactical protection, and because sisters have a very strong tendency to show the Light to criminals - either through prayer, or through promethium. - When required, the Ordo assasinorum assigns an agent or two to assist the sisters in their tasks, albeit the psykery kind have a tendency to disappear before returning to their masters, once the job is done... That being said, it sets the path for the upcoming work in progress. Sisters are assisted by knights, and I am focussing on these two codices for the moment in terms of modelling and painting. I do enjoy conversions, but it's a steep learning curve to make them look nice, not just cool, so I started off with some simpler ideas Here is the scheme on a couple of sisters - they need a bit of polishing and basing, still. The base is chaos black spray, followed by a Leadbelcher for metals, and Khorne red for cloth. Then it's layers of thinned Ironbreaker and Stormhost silver, that I particluarly like, shades with Nuln oil and its Glossy variant, and Necron compound. Cloth is highlighted with ever more thinned Wazdakka red, and washes are made with Scarborough crimson. Finally, gold is a Bronze base followed by lighter Glenna's gold and Auric armor. I kept those paints unmixed because I don't have drip bottles at home and want to have consistency. http://i65.tinypic.com/wlx9ht.jpghttp://i63.tinypic.com/3yi6e.jpg And here is a seraphim in the making: http://i67.tinypic.com/x1aiyv.jpg I have also converted a Baal Predator to an immolator. I just put on Dreadnaught exhausts chopped in half around the main flamer nozzle, and used the Forgeworld sororitas rhino doors and front plate. I had a broken Celestine so she ended up adjusted to "man" the turret still needs work, these are the base layers to guide me in the process, but the Black main colour will stay, to pop out in the army of silverware : ) http://i63.tinypic.com/2j6249w.jpghttp://i68.tinypic.com/2vmimc7.jpg And finally for today, the venerable Knight in the making. He follows a similar colour code as the sisters, he'll be basically schemed with the same palette on these base coats. He just got a Leadbelcher base, copious amounts of Nuln oil everywhere (I should have used a shower ) and got cleared up with Leadbelcher and Bronze, as well as Khorne red, to guide me for the next phase. He's magnetized in the arms so all the weapons are adaptable from the Renegade box. He'll get nice Fleur de Lys decals when they arrive from fallout. He'll be based on a huge round 160mm citadel base with a dead Hive tyrant at his feet (have yet to decide how dead it will be ). http://i64.tinypic.com/mj9wqw.jpghttp://i68.tinypic.com/eq5myt.jpg Thanks for reading so far, hope to post updates soon! On a side note, is it OK by forum rules to post the Knight based with a huge xenos at his feet? The bug ill be dead and not a centerpiece, in that it is not an exhibition miniature, but one for the tabletop. Just want to be right on the regulations Cheers!
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