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Stercus builds some stuff...


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The Lacerator looks good with the sponson-mounted Hurricane bolters. I wonder about the dead Blood Angels Terminator- is he supposed to be an objective, when you play 'Space Hulk'? The Gatekeepers Dreadnought looks good, but the first hit I received when searching "Gatekeepers Imperial Fists" on Google, is for the 'Warhammer 40,000' Fanon Wiki- is this a Chapter of your own creation?

Yes, I'm working on 3 DIY chapters. The Gatekeepers are Imperial fist successors, the Harvesters are Ultra Successors trained by the Raven Guard, and the Sons Of Aetius are also Ultra successors. I'm writing them all simultaneously as I build the armies up, with interlocking fluff relating to a joint campaign against a Tyranid splinter fleet.

The blood angel was mainly to practice painting red, as I'd not done it for a while!

OK, update time. I know, nothing for three months and then its photos photos photos.... anyway, heres the first one for today, an update to Captain Flavius of the Sons of Aetius from earlier in the thread. Now with some shading and a backpack.


Next up is Captain Lynas of the Harvesters 8th company. Sometimes counts as Shrike, other times just as a regular captain. I cant decide if i want to paint the faceplate of his helmet a different colour... input and opinions welcome, of course.


Finally for today, some pics of a model I build ages ago for one of Grotsmasha's contests. He appears earlier in this thread unpainted, but here he is with more colour. Chaplain Aleran of the Gatekeepers:





Thanks for looking folks. As always, all comments/critiques/advice gratefully received.

Well, just a couple more snippets to add today: First up is Captain Lynas' old mentor and comrade, Chaplain Oloris of the Harvesters chapter.


He's a pretty straightforward kitbash really, sang guard legs, assault squad torso and backpack, a couple of dark vengeance bits... nothing too fancy.

This next guy I've not quite decided which chapter to go for. It'll either be one of my three DIY's or maybe a peripheral player in the campaign I hope to write up.



Finally for today, a change of tack slightly, these guys are a test scheme for an as-yet unnamed regiment of Guard who will be accompanying the Gatekeepers, Harvesters and Sons of Aetius on their campaign against hive-splinter fleet Hymir.


As usual, please do comment, it helps me keep my ideas moving forward to hear what fellow B&Cers have to say...

Left this guy out yesterday. He's the (still very much PIP) chapter master of the Gatekeepers, and commander of Joint Strike Fleet Poseidon, Leviticus Trent.


You can see in the first pic that he has magnets and wire studs to allow different weapons options... shown below


Also, a better view of his cloak (In best Inwit Ice-bear fur, a gift to the first chapter master from the Imperial Fists)


And a view with my current favourite weapons installed


As always, comments and critiques received gratefully. Thanks for looking.

  • 2 weeks later...

Been a few days since I've posted here, so best press on. Heres a few shots of my Rogue Trader, now with primer.



and with his information-gathering command and control node servo skull (counts as divination lvl1).


Also, heres a gun servitor from his retinue of ne'er-do-wells and hangers on:


Next up are a couple of models I'm not quite happy with. Cant quite put my finger on why, but I get they impression they both need a little something to made them bounce. Heres a Gatekeepers librarian made from the Dark Vengeance guy: gallery_62421_7348_20680.jpg


And here's a commissar:



Any suggestions for giving these two guys a little zip? (apart from "get better at painting". I already know that one!)

Thanks for looking.

I think you've spotted all the bits. There's also a servo skull on the front and an iron halo which I shaved off some kind of blood angel ages ago. I don't think I've thrown anything away in years, it makes conversions more fun when you've got a big box of old parts.
  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry Bjorn, didn't catch your post earlier, many apologies. Yes, the base model is a dark elf corsair from the fantasy range. I've used greenstuff to fashion him a breastplate that resembles the ones on the tempestus scions, (for reasons that i hope will become apparent later) and added bits from all over to 40k him up a bit.

Now i also have a few pics of him sporting the start of his paint job, so without further ado...



this is very much a painting in progress, but hopefully it gives an idea of what he will look like when finished.

I'll be posting up a few other models over the next few days, so do check in later. As always, i welcome all comments and critiques.

The Lightning claws are terminator arms with blood angel dread claws and empty hands from the grey knights sprue. I don't really like the way that power armour ones are just power fists with a load of blades stuck on. I just can't square it in my head with them suddenly not being unwieldy because they've had four swords welded on, doubling their size. Long story short, I raided my bits boxes to find a solution that looked a bit more svelte.
I actually got a bit more painting done last night on the trader, so hopefully will have a few more pics soon.


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