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Stercus builds some stuff...


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Glad you like them. I'll try to snap a close-up when I get a minute.

In the mean time, here's a couple more things from the bench:

Firstly, a half Assault Squad from the Harvesters chapter:


and a close-up of my favourite guy from the squad:


And finally, yet another character: Chief Librarian Coronus of the Sons of Aetius.



I'm waiting on a force staff for him and need to do a few neatening up touches, but he's basically done.

As always, all comments and questions gratefully received, Thanks for looking.

Cheers Dallo, yes thats the plasma gun bit. Glad you like it. I need to start checking my thread more often, totally missed your reply there.

Got a small addition tonight, here's Harpus Goethe, first commander of the Gatekeepers. Pretty much finished but can always be tweaked a bit.


I'm pretty pleased with this one, so much in fact that I've press-ganged him into service as my profile pic. I thought it was about time I had one, only been on the forum for about three years!

  • 2 weeks later...

Small update to add today. The Harvesters assault squad from earlier is pretty much finished, so heres a couple of pics:



All told, I quite like these guys. They'll be run using either Raven Guard or Ultras chapter tactics, depending on which commander they have.

The hourglass symbol on the left shoulder is the chapter badge, the scythe you may be able to make out on the right is a replacement for the more usual codex markings for an assault squad.

As always, all comments/critiques are welcome. Every little nitpick will help me sharpen up my skills!

Cheers deathspectre. They're actually the oldest of my pet chapters. They started out with a much more complicated colour scheme going by the name of the Soul Reapers. I dreamed them up to enter a white dwarf contest to invent a chapter that would end up as canon. I think the guy who won came up with the Howling Griffons.

As it stands now I've got them being originally founded as the Angels Inevitable, but adopting the name Harvesters over the centuries (millennia?) as their reputation became ever more ruthless and notorious.

  • 3 weeks later...

Update time once again folks...

Some of you may remember a rogue trader I started building may months ago, well he's almost finished now. Here's a couple of pics. I still need to neaten up his Imperial Charter and crisp up a few details, but broadly speaking he's a keeper.



He'll be used (not that I game much) as an Ordo Xenos inquisitor with retinue, and is armed with a power sword and needle pistol cunningly both represented by the chainblade/medical device he's holding.

As always, please feel free to comment and critique, all input is appreciated!

I've not been up to much hobby stuff this week, off camping in snowdonia where its not conducive to painting, but here's a couple of things i finished last week and forgot to post:

Firstly, a six-man Gatekeepers sternguard squad. the combi weapons are magnetised, as are the heavy weapons and the sgt's power weapon. They're all kitbashed from grey knight and templar bits with a liberal sprinkling of stuff from other kits.



There's a few bits and pieces to finish off with this squad, including the variant power weapons, but I'm pretty happy with them overall.

To finish off, here is a (very) PIP company champion I built for my Sons of Aetius chapter from bits in the Sternguard kit. I think the only parts not from the veteran box are the iron halo on his backpack (not in the picture in any case), and the filthy xenos head he's recently liberated from it's owner.


lots of work still to do on this guy, but I'm enjoying it so far.

As always, all comments gratefully received.
  • 2 weeks later...

Here's a couple of henchmen to accompany my Rogue Trader.

Obviously based on the Scions, with modified weapons and lots of unwanted details filed off.



I've been painting a lot of power armour recently, so hopefully these guys will provide a little variation and stop me getting bored.

I was looking at those henchmen earlier today, and a thought occurred to me: given that the modified hotshot lasguns I've built clearly have been constructed from plasma pistols, does anyone think I'd get away with running them as a plasma gun squad for more point-heavy games?

I was looking at those henchmen earlier today, and a thought occurred to me: given that the modified hotshot lasguns I've built clearly have been constructed from plasma pistols, does anyone think I'd get away with running them as a plasma gun squad for more point-heavy games?


Actually, I assumed that's what they were. Hotshot lasguns is probably more of a stretch, to be honest.

Like those guns. But meatsacks are only cannon fodder :tongue.:

Cannon fodder is their main role. They primarily exist to 'look out sir' for the rogue trader!



I was looking at those henchmen earlier today, and a thought occurred to me: given that the modified hotshot lasguns I've built clearly have been constructed from plasma pistols, does anyone think I'd get away with running them as a plasma gun squad for more point-heavy games?

Actually, I assumed that's what they were. Hotshot lasguns is probably more of a stretch, to be honest.

Fair point. My intention was to imply that they use unusual or archaic technology. May have to add a few gubbins to make the, less overtly plasma weapons.


Edited as autocorrect insisted that gubbins was not a word, and in fact that my intention was to bolt small apes to my models.

Well, hobby progress continues (at least for whatever value of progress can be applied to my glacial pace in any case) and so without further ado, we can see that my Harvesters assault squad now numbers ten men:


I'm rather liking the look of these guys, there are a few conversions that I'm pleased have worked out. Here's a couple of close ups to show some of the new additions: (note that the two handed chainsword is not the one from the new kit. It was accomplished with far more profanity and blood).


And the special weapon troopers:


And finally, the sarge with his alternate weapon:


Definitely enjoyed doing these guys, but I'm going to take a break from painting black for a while and have a stab at some henchmen and a tactical squad from the Sons of Aetius next.

As always, comments, questions and tips are all gratefully received. See you next time.

  • 1 month later...

Hello again folks, long time no see. A combination of my wife's parents moving house and having the kids off for summer break have put the brakes on a lot of my hobby time recently. Nevertheless, I've cobbled together an update, although not the one I'd planned. My henchmen are still sitting with only a coat of primer and the Sons of Aetius are still at basecoat stage. I do however have this small offering: The Elite vanguard veterans of the Harvesters chapter:


And a few closeups:




Another massive picture dump I know. Hopefully you get the gist from these pictures. They're a squad of five vanguard veterans, all with jump packs, storm shields and power lances. Sarge has an additional grav pistol and melta bombs. They came in at over 250 points under the old codex, no idea what they cost now as i don't have the new book, but they sure do look nasty.

As always, all comments, criticisms and general thoughts happily received. Thanks for looking.

Looking good Stercus. I see what you mean about those helmets. They must have taken ages. I'd say that they were worth the effort though. Are you happy with how they turned out? I'm really liking using the dreadnought arm guards as shields. That's clever. The poses are great too.


Keep up the good work.



The helmets were fiddly rather than difficult, if you get my meaning. The hard part was getting a small enough piece of greenstuff to make the shape. Then it was just a matter of letting it cure before trimming and filing to get each one to look even.

I'm pretty happy with the poses, although the guy in the far left of the first photo looks a little odd. He'd be great if I took off the jump pack, but as it is it looks like he's likely to shoot off backwards at any second. Ah well, they're still not glued together entirely, so there's room to adjust him if it needs it.

  • 2 months later...


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