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Stercus builds some stuff...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hit up the link in your signature and wow - been loving the varied and off the wall conversion work and scratchbuilds. The circle saw power fist.. lovely.


Particularly a fan of the Rogue Trader; I've been researching up some ideas on them of late as my Scythes shall be having 'issues' with one in the near future. Really like the sheer flambouyance of your version :smile.:


Grox leather cape on him?

Hey folks, thanks loads for the feedback. It's always much appreciated.


@scythes, I hadn't really thought about the material of the cloak, just figured that with a galaxy-spanning imperium there must be a species with midnight blue skin and metallic scales somewhere, surely?


@magicman, thanks. I wanted it to look like it was almost an articulated part of his armour rather than something he needed a hand to carry. I've also used them to bulk up the legs on my ironclad dread.


@mikhail, feel free to rip away! There's only one pose in the squad I'm not too happy with, but im not annoyed enough to go back and change it as I'd need a pretty total rebuild.

OK, folks. Its time for a much-delayed update.

Here are some painting-in-progress shots of the vanguard squad





All in all, they're coming along quite well, just a few details to finish off and some suitable bases and then we're done.

To follow up, Chief Libby of the Sons of Aetius finally has his staff, although apparently his head has slipped to a weird angle and needs re-attaching.


I've also been working on a squad of deathwatch which will comprise an Ultramarine, a Lamenter, a Space Wolf, a blackshield, and a member of the Genesis chapter.


And just to finish off, I've put together a squad of Grey Knight termies who will accompany an Ordo Malleus Inquisitor in a future project.



I decided with these guys that the wrist mounted stormbolters looked ridiculous, so I did a little cutting and sticking and they've been reverted to a more old-school look with the bolt weapons integrated into their melee weapons. Much better, in my humble opinion.

Well, that'll do for today. Apologies for the massive picture dump, hopefully they're worth looking at. All comments, criticisms, etc are happily received so do feel free. Thanks for looking.

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Ok folks, its a bit more of a break than I'd hoped, but here's a little progress. Following (and modifying to my own purposes) Lamenter's excellent tutorial ( http://masteroftheforge.com/centurion-tutorial/ ), I've started work on some centurions for my Gatekeepers in an effort to make the models less clunky. This first pic has a sternguard next to him to show scale; as you can see, they're a fair bit taller than the standard models.


Second and third pics show my solution to those utterly ridiculous underslung guns. Its a bit of a rebuild job, but I think it's worth it.



Fourth pic shows a little of the reconstruction work on the legs. they've got cut down parts from the siege drills to add height, and the pistons have been rebuilt with 2mm plastic rod.


I'm pretty happy with the build. It needs a little finesse work and detailing, and there's two more to do, but for now I'm out of 1.5x1mm magnets, and each centurion needs about 16.

Hopefully have a little painting to show next time, and with any luck it will be less of a wait too. As always, all comments and advice gratefully received, so don't be shy.

Afternoon folks. Its time for another small update. Finally got a little painting done after a long break. Here's the basecoat layer on my Rogue Trader's acolytes. I'm sticking with the grey and yellow shades favoured by House Aconitas.


They've got a long way to go yet but so far I'm pretty happy with them.

Next up is a couple of guys I started about two years ago but never completed. Finally got them sorted, so here are a trooper and officer of the Kelthorian IX regiment, Imperial Guard. (Astra what? nope, never heard of 'em. We're all guard round here.)


And a close up of the officer:


Well, that wraps it up for today. As always, all comments and suggestions are gratefully received.

While I remember, I've done a short background fluff piece for the guardsmen shown earlier;


Kelthorian IX


The planet of Kelthor is a vast gas-giant orbiting far from its weak yellow sun. Sixteen moons spin around the great purple orb, each one home to forges and manufactorums utilising the exotic gases found in its turbulent atmosphere.

These moons are unnamed, each bearing merely a numerical designation. The four regiments mustered by the Kelthorian government are composed of conscripts from across the sector, and the designations given to them refer to the moon on which their war machines, weapons and materiel are produced. The first of these regiments, and the one to win the greatest renown, hails from the ninth moon.

Their uniforms are tan brown trimmed in blue and crimson, and they fight with a practiced discipline born of rigorous drill and extensive training. Like each of the Kelthorian regiments, they are well-equipped, making extensive use of the locally produced tanks and heavy armour.


Once again, thanks for looking folks.

  • 1 month later...

Well, its a day later than planned, but here are a few more WIP shots.

Having run out of black primer, I've done all these in grey and then washed with GW black wash, straight from the (hexagonal) pot. All in all, I'm pretty happy with the results, which have quite a nice gradient effect (although its hard to see in my lacklustre photos).

First up, the deathwatch.


and a closeup of the Sarge:


These guys will be in the usual black armour, with chaptter pads marking them out as an Ultramarine, a Lamenter, a Space Wolf, a Blackshield, and a member of the Genesis chapter.

Next are the Grey Knights.


closeup of a squad member:


and the sarge:


The plan for these guys is to keep the inset text metallic, which as you can see I've started with a drybrush of chainmail.The rest of the armour will be a kind of smoky grey; none of this Mary-Sue shiny silver that the studio seems to think appropriate. These are some of the most cold-blooded, unfeeling and ruthless executioners in the galaxy, who think nothing of torching worlds at the drop of a hat. They will not be dressed like a christmas fairy.

They're called the Grey Knights, so they will be painted grey.

Hopefully have some more updates this week, as always comments and suggestions are gratefully received.

New update today, if a brief one. Got my first layer of grey onto my Grey Knights, and already they're starting to look more like my plan. Its quite ironic that after two coats of paint and an inkwash they are now pretty much the same colour as bare plastic, but there you go...

A squad shot first:


And a couple of closeups of individual guys:



Thats it for today, as always any comments or suggestions are gratefully received, so don't hold back.

  • 1 month later...

Evening all. Feels like weeks since I've posted an update... oh hang on, it is weeks. Damn kids and their school holidays!

Good news is I've buckled down this evening and got some base colours blocked out: My deathwatch guys are coming along, this first pic shows the Ultra, Lamenter and Genesis guys with their basecoats on.


They're not looking too bad but its a long way to the finish.

Next up are a couple of shots of my Grey Knights. They've got all their basic colours and some highlights done, just the details to add. All in all, I think they're shaping up well. The darker look I'm aiming for seems to work.



And finally, a special treat. With all the fuss about the 30th anniversary model, I figured I should pick one up. Predictably though, in the flesh my first impressions upon seeing the leaks were confirmed: The model just doesn't scream out "space marine" to me. So, he's not going to be one.

An hour or two of chopping and trimming and a rummage in the old bits box and here we have Inquisitor Dunstan Gherardin of the Ordo Hereticus.


Obviously he still needs a little fine-tuning and possibly some greenstuff in places, but I like him better than the anniversary marine. (it also means i have the cool visored mk6 helmet to use for something else)

As always, all comments and criticisms are happily received, its always good to hear what you guys think.

  • 2 weeks later...

Just a little update tonight folks. Did a few more bits on the Grey Knights, and started a few details on my Deathwatch squad. Without further ado, here a few pictures:



As you can see, I've filled in the gold parts, added depth to the reds and retouched some details. Overall, I'm quite pleased with how these guys are coming along.


The picture of these guys hasn't come out as clearly for some reason, but I think you should be able to make out the parent chapters of these Deathwatch recruits? quite a bit still to do on these ones but they're not looking too shabby.

As always, please jump in with any critiques or comments, I really do appreciate them all. Until next time, have a good one.

  • 3 months later...


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