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175 points available and needing long range ! (+Dev Loadout)


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Greetings guys !


So, I'm writing out a new list for my army to try out, and I have 175 points available to spend which I'd like to invest in long ranged firepower.

I found that I was lacking long range firepower, because I'm trying to build a flexible list that I can play either aggressively, either close or long ranged, which is all about redeployment.


There are a few conditions to that, which is the challenge, hehe !


- I don't have any Fast Attack Slots available

- I do not want a Troops choice

- I don't want to use more than one Devastator squad, but you can help tweak the loadout (explained below)

- I am using Raven Guard Chapter Tactics, and I don't use them to just throw everything in the face of the enemy, I'm using a list based on baiting and trapping the opponent, which requires long range firepower :)

- Forgeworld and Imperial Armour is allowed, but as I'm no expert of the units there any input will be most appreciated !

- What I mean by long range is 36" to 48"

- I'd love to be able to have my long range able to be both anti tank and provide anti-infantry firepower. Not necessarily for all the units, but I'm able to compromise !


For the devastators so far (which will be a 10 man squad), I'm hesitating between 2 loadouts :

- 4 Missile Launchers

- 2 Missile Launchers, 2 Lascannons


Anything else is up to you ! :) What would you guys recommend ?

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- Forgeworld and Imperial Armour is allowed, but as I'm no expert of the units there any input will be most appreciated !



In that case it's a no brainer:


Sicaran Battle tank 


It's exactly within your allowance with the lascannon sponsons and 20 pt less with heavy bolters.


As for the devastators I'd go for the 4*LC. S9 and AP2 is worth the extra cost. 

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I just went to read the rules and the Sicaran does look smexy... I was thinking about the Lascan sponsoons, being fast means that I can reposition 12" and fire them both, this is pretty powerful !


I just wonder whether it won't feel like powergaming based on the cost. 175 points for such a tank just seems crazy, compared to 140 points for a Predator Annihilator !


4 Lascannon on the Devastators would limite the allowance to 165 points though, so I won't be able to field the Sicaran.


Is the Predator Executioner a worthy option as well ? It does feel brutal !

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I just went to read the rules and the Sicaran does look smexy... I was thinking about the Lascan sponsoons, being fast means that I can reposition 12" and fire them both, this is pretty powerful !


I just wonder whether it won't feel like powergaming based on the cost. 175 points for such a tank just seems crazy, compared to 140 points for a Predator Annihilator !


4 Lascannon on the Devastators would limite the allowance to 165 points though, so I won't be able to field the Sicaran.


Is the Predator Executioner a worthy option as well ? It does feel brutal !


The Sicaran is an equalizer. You'll have a fighting chance to bring down those pesky annihilation barges and wave serpents. You have nothing to feel guilty about unless you spam them. 


Lascannons on the Sicaran are nice because you can force a jink even though the main gun ignores it, making the target fire snapshots if it survives. If points are tight i would consider finding 10 p somewhere or go with the heavy bolter sponsons. It's not as good as the lascannons but you'll save points and protect the main gun from weapon destroyed results. 

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Thank for the different comments guys :)


I'd love to have your opinion on something else and I didn't really want to spam the Tactica section with a simple question ! I'm currently preparing my army for nationwide tournament in April and I had a decent competitive 1850 points list thanks to all your suggestions that would have worked like a charm in the current meta. Unfortunately, the TO updated the latest rulings of the tournament where they prohibited more than 1 combined arms detachment. I have a crowded FA slot and already planned to use 2 HQ and 4 troops in the army, which would have allowed me to have 4 FA units that I really wanted in.


Now, in keeping with the theme I'd love to have some long range in the army and in the FA slot I would use a squadron of 2 Typhoons to provide some long range. However, now that I'm one FA slot short, I'm considering replacing the Typhoon with a squad of 4 Devastators with Missile Launchers.


Could you guys give me your insights on both the Typhoons and the 4 ML Devastator squads to see which one I should rather pick ? In terms of tactical uses, value, survivability, etc.

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Thank for the different comments guys smile.png

I'd love to have your opinion on something else and I didn't really want to spam the Tactica section with a simple question ! I'm currently preparing my army for nationwide tournament in April and I had a decent competitive 1850 points list thanks to all your suggestions that would have worked like a charm in the current meta. Unfortunately, the TO updated the latest rulings of the tournament where they prohibited more than 1 combined arms detachment. I have a crowded FA slot and already planned to use 2 HQ and 4 troops in the army, which would have allowed me to have 4 FA units that I really wanted in.

Now, in keeping with the theme I'd love to have some long range in the army and in the FA slot I would use a squadron of 2 Typhoons to provide some long range. However, now that I'm one FA slot short, I'm considering replacing the Typhoon with a squad of 4 Devastators with Missile Launchers.

Could you guys give me your insights on both the Typhoons and the 4 ML Devastator squads to see which one I should rather pick ? In terms of tactical uses, value, survivability, etc.

Can't you take one allied detachment?

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Thank for the different comments guys smile.png

I'd love to have your opinion on something else and I didn't really want to spam the Tactica section with a simple question ! I'm currently preparing my army for nationwide tournament in April and I had a decent competitive 1850 points list thanks to all your suggestions that would have worked like a charm in the current meta. Unfortunately, the TO updated the latest rulings of the tournament where they prohibited more than 1 combined arms detachment. I have a crowded FA slot and already planned to use 2 HQ and 4 troops in the army, which would have allowed me to have 4 FA units that I really wanted in.

Now, in keeping with the theme I'd love to have some long range in the army and in the FA slot I would use a squadron of 2 Typhoons to provide some long range. However, now that I'm one FA slot short, I'm considering replacing the Typhoon with a squad of 4 Devastators with Missile Launchers.

Could you guys give me your insights on both the Typhoons and the 4 ML Devastator squads to see which one I should rather pick ? In terms of tactical uses, value, survivability, etc.

Can't you take one allied detachment?

Nope unfortunately, the rules are a bit peculiar... Basically, it's a 6 men team with a Captain, 2 Attackers, 2 Defenders and an Emissary. Each player "role" has special rules, with the Attackers getting ObSec for either their FA or Elite choices, while the Emissary being the only one able to take Allies, and in my gaming group I'm pretty sure the Emissary spot is going to be given to an Eldar player.

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