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Iron Warriors 3k Tank heavy


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Been trying to figure out a good heavy armor list to use all the big vehicles I had lying around and never used with my Night Lords Drop army. So I am happily getting a Glaive for Christmas so I decided to put a list together. I will eventually have two lists, one with the superheavy and one without depending on if my opponent is bringing a superheavy. Im nice like that. I am at work so the name of my commander escapes me. I love the story of the Grand 77th at Paramar and loyalist Iron Warriors siding with the Imperials versus the Alpha Legion.



Val-Something, The loyalist warsmith ROW: Pride of the Legion


Cataphactii Terminators Plasma Blaster, 4 plasma combis, 5 power fists

Spartan Flare Shield, Ceramite


Cataphactii Autocannon, power fistsx5, Ride in the Caestus


Siege Terminators x5

Land Raider Protius or Spartan


Caestus Flying Ram


Seekers x10, melta bomb, Rhino


Iron Havok x5 with a Rhino and Havok Launcher


Glaive  ceramite


Seems tiny at 3000 with only 31 bodies but most of them will stay in their vehicles until needed. The Land Raider is just there for the fire support and not for transport although that is an option I will use on occasion. HQ will ride with someone. I like the Rite except for the mandatory troop tax which would force me to buy minimum of 30 more guys. As it stands aside from Cyclone for the Siege termies, I actually own everything in the list already and most of it is only primered.


Now I am trying to figure out how to fit in a Sicaran. It would be almost a 1 for one swap with the Land Raider so I am thinking it might be worth it. Any suggestions?


It is also worth noting that all of my opponents at 40k players, most of which are marine variants with a DE guy tossed in.


Now if I take out the Glaive, it leaves me with an extra 650 points. With this I could toss in another Terminator squad, Raider/Spartan, and I don't know what I would need in addition that would be helpful at this points level if no super heavies are present.

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What loadout do the Havocs have?  It seems like a pretty solid list, although like you said it's light on bodies.  The other thing I'd be concerned about is that you put down two spartans, a glaive, and two rhinos turn one.  You're going to have to be really careful to shield those rhinos, because no one's going to be trying to get first blood off your Spartans.


Hammer of Olympia's not really worth it in my opinion, unless you use it to throw in breachers or something.  It's a LOT of points for a heavy support slot, to fill with more points.

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I agree. The extra armor is nice but the points don't jive.

-Yeah I forgot Havocs aren't a set heavy weapon, I paid the points for Missile launchers and forgot to mention I gave them an augury scanner as well.


-Seekers are kind of questionable as well. I like the unit but wonder if I would be better served with either a second terminator squad or boosting the size of the Spartan squad. They don't exactly fit the rest of the force. They are more of a remnant of previous armor heavy lists when I was trying to shoehorn in the list as Alpha Legion and I just wasn't feeling it. That's 280ish points I can spend elsewhere.  


-Another thing I was thinking was drop the Land Raider and replace it with a Sicarian with lascannon sponsons.


-I could drop the seekers and replace them with a another terminator squad and bulk up the squad in the Spartan.


-That's essentially 480ish points I can screw with in total, I am leaning towards the terminators since this is more and more becoming a terminator wing style army. But then I want the Sicarian :( Maybe Sicarian and another Tyrant terminator squad?

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  • 1 year later...

As an Iron Warriors player, mainly facing Iron Hands (but with some 30k/40k battles), after my first victory (and a couple of close ones!) I decided that playing a strategy which I like to call 'The Sword and The Spear and The Iron Fist' (after Saruman's speech).

This entails using three segments to my army (ROW Pride of The Legion), The Sword - My Caestus Assault Ram + 10 Breachers, The Spear - My longer ranged segment - Heavy bolter veterans and Master Of Signal and The Iron Fist - Close range veterans in a rhino, cataphractii, Erasmus Golg, and my Typhon.


This may seem like a bit of a ramble, but the tactic stops opponents from list tailoring, and they find it difficult to cope with attack on three fronts.

You seem to have something good sorted, but I hope you found this helpful - for the future at least.

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