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(Apocalypse) Blood Angel highlights!

Chaplain Gunzhard

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So I just played a 24,000point Apocalypse game ( see my blog for tons of pics and full bat-rep: http://atticwars40k.blogspot.com/ )...

The Imperial side lost, but the Blood Angels made the Primarch proud, taking the brunt of the Xenos attack and dishing out lots of pain.

Turn 1, my Imperial Knight Titan and Vindicare Assassin died before firing a shot, but the remaining (approx 4000 points) of Blood Angels shrugged off most of the oncoming barrage.

I used a 'strategic asset' to assault out of deep-strike (and you can deep-strike on turn-1 in Apocalypse) so my Assault squads, my Sanguinary Guard squad, and Dante/Librarian all landed and immediately started to disrupt the Eldar strategy in a bloody mess.

One assault squad was sent on a suicide-mission just to kill Prince Yriel (and stop his orbital strikes) - they took heavy losses but succeeded.

Believe it or not my dreadnoughts were incredible in this game. The Furioso Librarian hitched a ride aboard the Iron Hands StormRaven and eventually chewed through several elite Dark Eldar Assault units to claim an objective.

The Death Company charged a large bubble of Eldar in terrain, tearing them to shreds and claiming the objective.

The Death Company dreadnought might have single-handedly tallied up the most kills though. He ate through a few squads of weakling Dire Avengers, Guardians, a Wave Serpent... and eventually this unit of Fire Dragons who tried their darndest to 'melta' him off the objective:


Anyway it was an awesome game, and the first time I've played my BA after many months of playing just Nids. Please check out my blog if you want to see more pics (thanks for looking! smile.png ) : http://atticwars40k.blogspot.com/

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