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Hello Frater Domi!


My name is BLOODSAINT. If you've been around the BnC for years/decades, you might have some vague recollection of my name and who I am, but you can be forgiven if you have written me off, or have no idea who I am! 






cough cough...ahem!


Sorry about that...old habit...anyways...It's been YEARS since I've dipped a brush into a paint pot. I think 2003 was the last time I painted a Emperor's Saints Chapter space marine? Long story short: I got bored. I started playing other games. I started drawing more artistic stuff instead of cool guys in armor and huge guns. No regrets.


However, some bad stuff has gone down in life lately, and due to a terrible electric fire in my home, I lost most of the material possessions that I had. Clothes, guitars, furniture, keepsakes, sketchbooks...well...everything.


I haven't looked into/cut open my mini cases yet to see if I lost my Space Marines, though. I can't bare the thought of what might be inside (melted hunks of plastic probably)! But...for some reason God only knows, I've had the urge to take a stab at painting up a few Marines.


I decided to succumb to that urge like a inbred space colonist to Slaanesh!




20141124 152702


A small acquisition of Wargear to get some basic clean up, modification and painting done. Some files, a knife, a COOL new boxed set of Dark Angel Terminators (these are so cool looking) etc. Only 10 colors of paint since I never used that many different colors on my ES's anyways: Red, Black, White and some metallics.


I have no idea how long it will take me to get done, but I wanted to track my progress through this return to a hobby I've loved from afar for too long. What better place to do so than at the Bolter and Chainsword!



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Sorry to hear about the fire, the loss of the Guitar pains me, I'd cry if mine were wrecked and I only have cheap B C Riches. 


Your Saints need an anthem to march to war to avenge their fallen brethren. This came to mind... 

Bummer. Sorry to hear about the loss of most of your earthly possessions.


I'm looking forward to seeing your Emperor's Saints though. Any chance you have a picture with a painted example lying around, just to be able to check out the colour scheme?

Thanks all. In the end, its just "stuff". Some damn good "stuff" mind you...and some of it irreplaceable. Whilst watching the flames pour out of my windows, I had one of those Voice of God moments where you feel like you can actually hear Him audibly:




That calmed me down a bit. Sorta. 


Back to Marines! First thing I notice when ripping open this box is just how CLEAN the sprues are! I'm assuming due to the darker grey color GW have moved to a different type of plastic, and from the near lack of mold lines that they have really upped the casting quality. I remember opening a box of marines circa 2002 and finding a total mess of unaligned parts. Even on the good stuff, much sanding and cutting was required.


Second thing I notice is the ultra fine detail, and all the extra bits! I had/have a box of carefully selected bits somewhere in the stack of salvaged crap...maybe...so I was bemoaning that loss as well knowing I would want to customize at least one of these guys eventually, but I don't think I'll need them now.


@SlaveToDarkness: Cool song!


To those wanting to see an example, all I have at hand right now is this mini I made to be a uh...um...some sort of anti choas spirit thingy. Someone help me here, I can't remember what she would be called and all my rule books are charred garbage. YES EVEN MY 80's ERA ROGUE TRADER RULEBOOK. Sigh....



Note that the base got warped by the heat, so she's a little crooked. You can see it best on the side image.


BS spirit2

BS spirit1


Alright, step 2 complete. All the sprues have been primed with matte black spray paint, which will also be the base color of the armor. Then I carefully remove the parts from the sprue with an X-acto knife.


Primed and ready for cleanup


Next step is to clean up the mold lines and remove any leftover sprue points.


Then I'll be ready to start figuring out poses!

Alright, step 2 complete. All the sprues have been primed with matte black spray paint, which will also be the base color of the armor. Then I carefully remove the parts from the sprue with an X-acto knife.




Next step is to clean up the mold lines and remove any leftover sprue points.


Then I'll be ready to start figuring out poses!

If you use the robed bodys your kinda stuck with poses, robes fit between certain legs. You can still have fun with the arms though, and it is a sweet kit, I got it just for the maces for my word bearers, now I have five nice Robed WB termies :tu:

@SlavesToDarkness: I noticed that some of the robes only fit some to the legs. Not a big deal. I plan to put a spacer in-between the legs and torso to 1. give a little bit of height, and 2 allow more pivot and try to create a bit more of a dynamic pose to each one, see below.


@HellChyld: Thanks Brother! Stay tuned


@Grey88: Yeah! My Muddy Saints™ were once world renown! (uh...) Assuming they're not melted, I plan on asking (blackmailing) my photographer friend to take shots of them.


Alright Domi, here is an update. Using Blue Tac to help me mock things up, here is what I'm going with so far. No shoulder pads on these yet, sorry.


*Note, I'm not going to be using these for gaming, so I don't care if something does match the Codex. I'm going for bad ass. BossSaint don't play by da rules!


This will be the leader, a Captain I guess. He's going with the big power sword and the shield.



This is the combination of what I think are the coolest parts. I really like the hood with the helmet, and the big flail.


This is probably the most dynamic pose. He looks like he's ready to bash something.


A more defensive set up on this one. Not sure about it so far.


This needs the most tweaking. I might be cutting some stuff on this one to get some better angles on the arm I like more.



Well here goes. I wanted to start with this "freebie" Watcher in the Dark that came in the box to get some practice in, as well as get my painting set up going. Meh. I'm sitting on the floor and fighting with the lighting, trying to make it to where I can see what I'm doing. Finally I realized I needed to soften the light, so I wrapped the led bulbs with tissue. Much better.


BS WIPWatcher1


I don't like my brushes much, and GW's new paints are not as smooth as I remember, but that could just be my still shaky hands, lack of practice, and overall fatigue. Even though I'm super tired, I'm still up at 2 am because I can't sleep. Life is kind of a nightmare right now, but at least I'm getting some 40k therapy I guess. 


I did the sword last, and it shows on the hilt. I'll redo that soon.


Comments are very welcome...especially concerning paint. Anyone use Vallejo or any other brands?

That looks pretty ace to me :tu:


My only suggestion is if you're concerned about your paint flow, would be to look into making a wet palette (Youtube has plenty of vids), as that one thing has had the largest single affect on the quality of my paint work.




Thanks for the tip Grotsmasha! I found THIS GUY, and he basically sounds like me: Art student who thought people said to not use paint out of pot so you could mix it. I'll try this out later. I'm sure it will help.

Not to shabby :tu: I know Forte uses Vallejo and he swears by his wet pallet, and he is the Dark Prince of (eventually) panting over in the Chaos forums, pick his brain for ideas, I've seen some of his non 40k work and its top notch indeed. 

Thanks for the tip Grotsmasha! I found THIS GUY, and he basically sounds like me: Art student who thought people said to not use paint out of pot so you could mix it. I'll try this out later. I'm sure it will help.


It's funny, 'cause that's the vid that made up my mind to give it a go....

Huzzah! And that Captain you painted all those years ago looks mighty fine :)


As for the Watcher in the Dark, he looks pretty damn good, especially when you take into consideration that its painter hasn't picked up a brush in nine years!

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