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 So, as many of you know, I am "old School". like I bought the first copy of the Rogue Trader book in Alaska old school. I remember field police, imperial beast men units, squats, Commissar cadet units, and marines in camo wielding shuriken catapults, webbers and tanglefoot grenades! 


why am i bringing this up.




I am so glad you asked.


 I am proposing a "tale of" thread. rogue trader style. this would be difficult, make no mistake. it would mean research, dedication, ignoring current fluff and storyline.


but, it also means BEAKIES!


ahem, sorry. 


so if there is interest we should do this. I'm thinking something very relaxed. just a group of nerds returning to the roots of our beloved hobby


this thread will be an idea thread. so we can see how to tackle this!


yours in Imperial service,



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the way I see this going down is one of two options


1. we use the rogue trader rules.......yeah, i don't see this going down as those books are hard to come by.


2. Or, we could use current rules/Codices and proxy the cool stuff RT had for what is in the rules. just be very dilligent about the "feel" of RT versus being rules lawyers.


oh and for PA armies. only beakies or allow older marks for special troops/leaders?


absolutely no MK7 or 8! just too new.

this wouldn't be about armies as much as it would be about the art of the hobby. I mean sure, if you want an army, do an army. if you want to draw grimdark pictures, draw grimdark pictures. whatever. this is about the beginning when grimdark meant something.


it will be absolutely no pressure.


this wouldn't be about armies as much as it would be about the art of the hobby. I mean sure, if you want an army, do an army. if you want to draw grimdark pictures, draw grimdark pictures. whatever. this is about the beginning when grimdark meant something.


it will be absolutely no pressure.

Or make Landspeeders out of Aerosol Cans!

this wouldn't be about armies as much as it would be about the art of the hobby. I mean sure, if you want an army, do an army. if you want to draw grimdark pictures, draw grimdark pictures. whatever. this is about the beginning when grimdark meant something.

it will be absolutely no pressure.

Or make Landspeeders out of Aerosol Cans!

it as a deoderant bottle!

I recently bought a softback copy of the Rogue Trader rules, so I can help out with list etc smile.png


I think this is a very good idea so us milkbeards can learn some of were we come from. And also learn to appreciate what we have today( aerosol landspeeders)

well, you come from a glorious legacy...that unfortunately became a polished turd.


 Bring it onnnnnnnnnn. Still got my book I bought in 91, after a bad break up and my ex throwing everything out I left with a bag of clothes, my Guitar and this. 

I also have all the 1st Ed books on hard drive, so if anybody is after something in particular giz a shout.


One thing though, why no MK7, its a perfectly legit 1st ed 'thing',


or are we going 100% pretentious hipster and just sticking to 'Rogue Trader' & 'The First Book of the Astronomicon'?


Having a chaotic counter part would be cool. I've got both realm of Chaos books somewhere too. If I recall there is the Grey Knight Lists in one of them. Pity Sisters as we know them now didn't exist back then, otherwise nearly all of the factions that the board covers could join in.

well, on the hipster front. if it's RT(and supplements like the compendiums, astronomicon, and the realms of chaos books it's all welcome) pretty much anything pre 2nd edition.


on the MK7, well that's just a personal preference. 


I don't recall many suits of the old 7 around that time. but, if you really want. I just want to keep it a aesthetically real as possible.


also, I think we should stay away from modern codex markings. no red or white helms! just the RT approved stripe and rank symbol system.


we'll need some of the "old Dogs" to post picks of what I mean.

Link to most if not all of the rank badges etc used in RT:




Also note that many Chapters' colours are different now compared to way hack when (Dark Angels were black armoured for example Basically explaining everyone used the same profiles regardless of Chapter. Those were the days :lol: )

Sorry its bad quality, just something I knocked up in paint quickly to how how far they got with Mk7. If people want to actually read the writing pm me and I'll ping you the files via email



This reminded me of a thread I started here a while ago http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/286145-retro-blood-angels/ looks like I'm giving this priority after the Call

Holy crap, Jasp where the frack you been brother?


Well, I will get something "official" together tomorrow.


I'm thinking rogue trader hipster purist. This is about leaving the current 40k events behind us for a certain project.


The only issue I have is this. Should we use only the RT rules or the current "vanilla" dex. Remember, all marine armies used the same rules in RT.

A lot of the stuff is the same between the RT marine list and the Current Dex anyway, so It wont be to hard to build something with the old rules and slot it in to a 7th ed FOC, only problem being Assault squads with the fancy pistols and power weapons being available to the whole squad, and some heavy weapons no longer being available. 


Also there is two Marine lists in Rogue Trader, The Generic list used in the Compendium and a Whitescars list used in the First book of the Astronomicon (P65). 


Gonna be mad busy today sorting my flat out for a surprise Flat inspection tomorrow (they just rang me to let me know, nice to give me warning) so when they bugger off I'll cross ref all the lists with current C:SM and list the changes that we may have problems with if you want? Can also do the same for Realm of Chaos and C:CSM.

I'm thinking of putting this on a little hold for the start.....call of chaos and all. But there is no reason some of the more prolific can't start a little early.

it seems the vanilla dex is the way to go. For marines anyway. Even renegades. Crap it's just kinda hard to do cuz everything is so specialized, list wise in the current.


Just gotta figure out IG, what with their beast men units and all


What about squats?


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