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The Growing Tide (pic heavy)

Sheesh Mode

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Hey guys, how goes? I finally got my hands on a camera that focuses on my models instead of leaving them a distorted, foggy mess and wanted to show off my work to you all. This thread is fully intended to grow as time goes on, and comments and critique are well appreciated, I am always looking to improve my modeling abilities and to learn new ways to make great miniatures. 


At the moment here are the rough beginnings of some count-as Nurgle Chosen and Raptors. 


First the count-as Mark of Nurgle Chosen.










I'll be taking the arms off of most of these guys to put smaller details like trophies, pistols, and ammunition around their waists and on their backs. I may attempt to re-angle the shields soon. 






All of these models are very WIP.








Also a size comparison of the affect of truescale from a model perspective. (Dude's got a count-as powermaul)





Now on to the Raptors!








Sprues of unused Sanguinary guard and Possessed are a blast to work with.










Another size comparison of my models to the cultist. 






Honestly I think I'm going to dip this guy and start over, I do not like how heavy I primed this model. That works out though because the figure's arms and backpack are magnetized. 





So yeah guys! Tell me what you think of all of this. I would love to hear your thoughts. 

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This is Dan's thread... Apologies if the post is wonky, doing it on mobile from work. I'd love to see one of these beasts with paint on him, because I see nothing at fault with your conversion. Be sure to peruse that link to the very end, Dan's stuff is very inspirational.

Here we are with some further updates on those chosen! I've made a few more models and added additional bits to the ones already completed. 


The three new additions: A champion with a lightningclaw/combi-flamer and two additional count-as Mark of Nurgle Chosen.








Side view of the updated chosen. Note the additional equipment, trophies and belt-straps on their weaponry.




I need to shave down those bones, too much trim. 




Any links or suggestions to produce better greenstuff bolter-straps?




Here is a full view of the unit as it is now. 




Tell me what you think! Critiques and advice are welcome!

Thanks, it still needs some chains, greenstuff and bone to give it sufficient flare. 


In regards to true scale I feel that people genuinely want their space marines to fit the mental image they have for the Astartes. It is very rare that I find someone who doesn't like true-scale and thus far found it to be an excellent addition to the model, giving me more room to add bits and increase the dimensions of my marines. 

Those are Nurgle chosen? Wearing Khorne bunny ears, and wielding several shields with Khorne's symbol?

Notice the "counts-as".



They look good! The details are great. Needs more skulls, though! :D Would be interested to see your take on a Khornate dark apostle.


As for the bolter straps, roll out some sausages of GS and stick them in a plastic bag, preferably a wetted one to help get the GS off later. Close the bag over it and use, say, a brush handle to flatten them out. Wait for them to cure a little bit, then use a sharp knife to cut them to the desired shape and length. If you're using them as a means of affixing a bolter to a backpack, glue the gun on and put them on where ever you want while they're still tacky.

They look good! The details are great. Needs more skulls, though! biggrin.png Would be interested to see your take on a Khornate dark apostle.

As for the bolter straps, roll out some sausages of GS and stick them in a plastic bag, preferably a wetted one to help get the GS off later. Close the bag over it and use, say, a brush handle to flatten them out. Wait for them to cure a little bit, then use a sharp knife to cut them to the desired shape and length. If you're using them as a means of affixing a bolter to a backpack, glue the gun on and put them on where ever you want while they're still tacky.

Apostle will come one day.

Thanks for the bit on Green Stuff, how long should I wait for the green stuff to dry?

  • 8 months later...

Huh. Weird. The images I originally posted have disappeared, though that may be because facebook deletes posts no longer in use.


Anyways, I have two albums to show you guys of the miniatures I have completed. Most of the work you'll see here was done during the ETL. But it was not completed in time. (I still need to grab the badge of shame for that).  

But here it is in its bloody glory.


Some notable pictures:














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