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A collection of questions..


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So, Instead of making a ton of topics, I decided to gather a few questions I had here.. So let's get started!


1. Are Rough Riders any good? 1.5. And if so, What models do you use for them?

2. What is your favorite Leman Russ variant?

3. Are Tempestus Scions good? 3.5. And how many heads (Helmet/hat) do you get in the box?

4. Are Ogryn and Bullgryn realy as bad as people claim? I kind of want to use a unit of Bullgryn..

5. Is Straken worth it? He seems epic.

6. Should I use Conscripts? 6.5 How do I make them look diferent from my regular guys..?



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2. The ginger one that leads the Valka Fenrika 

3.5. About fifteen ish, cant find the sprues to count for ya atm


6.5. In the olden days they went by the name of 'Whiteshields', recruits had to prove themselves before they could take the colours of the Regiment, slap a white stripe down the helmit and  or paint shoulder pads white

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So, Instead of making a ton of topics, I decided to gather a few questions I had here.. So let's get started!


1. Are Rough Riders any good? 1.5. And if so, What models do you use for them?

2. What is your favorite Leman Russ variant?

3. Are Tempestus Scions good? 3.5. And how many heads (Helmet/hat) do you get in the box?

4. Are Ogryn and Bullgryn realy as bad as people claim? I kind of want to use a unit of Bullgryn..

5. Is Straken worth it? He seems epic.

6. Should I use Conscripts? 6.5 How do I make them look diferent from my regular guys..?

1, 3, 4 and 6 are covered in my FOC review thread ;-)


2 - either Pask in a Punisher or i am a sucker for an Executioner.


5 - Straken is a good close combat model. Just a shame he has to be in a CCS and in the guard book.....

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1. Rough Riders are good for one charge. Once that hunting lance is gone, they're squishy guardsmen with no real value for their points. Compared to other fast attack slots, they're just overshadowed in every aspect. I've been working on a squad as an off project for my Cadians and I've been using Scout Bikes for their horses. 

2.Normal Battle Tank. The Battle Cannon is versatile and can handle a lot of different situations. It's strong and can handle most MEQ units without breaking a sweat.

3. They can be useful for deep striking and loading up with special weapons. Fielding them in a platoon can be awesome, as their command squad can throw out orders to make their hotshot guns even more effective. They've got Carapace, but a lot of folks out there can tote AP4 weapons without thinking about it. If you've got the points and want some elite boots on the ground, take them! Remember, they've got move through cover so deep strike them to get the most use out of them.

4. Ogryns are a bit of a mixed bag. They're good for assaulting, which the guard lacks. However, they get shot apart like none other. You're investing a lot of points for a unit that can only shine once it gets close to something, and until then they're getting shot at. High toughness mitigates that only so much. 

Bullgryns are expensive, but fun, walking cover saves. They've got a 4+ save to go along with their high toughness, and when linked together it gets even more effective. They're good at protecting that squad or tank that you need to keep from getting shot apart or assaulted. The powermaul and brute shield (5++ got a faq to being at all times, not just CC) are nice and if kept around Straken, can put the hurt on a lot of CC type enemies. Very expensive though to make a CC section of the army, and you can buy a lot more ranged support for the price of a single dedicated CC unit. So unless you REALLY want to go out and assault something, you'd probably rather want to use the points elsewhere.

5. Staken is epic. I love his rules and I based my commander after him. However, he is very expensive, and only works well if you build up a solid CC squad around him. He buffs everyone in range of him so Ogryns and Bullgryns get even more scary. A blob of guardsmen with a priest next to Straken can throw out a scary number of CC attacks. He's got an elevated stat line so he can take on quite a few things out there. However, he's got some glaring weaknesses too. No eternal warrior means a solid hit from a powerfist will normally take him right out. He HAS to challenge so any geared out CC hero will end his day pretty quick. He strikes at I3, so he'll likely be going last for his attacks unless against a powerfist which again, only needs 1 blow to end him all together. So while he's got the stat line to be in CC, he gets out classed easily. He's an expensive buff to shore up assault, which as Guard, is a section we should normally ignore unless we're tarpitting something.

6. Cadians have the white stripes to separate their conscripts. Not sure about the other regiments out there. So long as you visually distinguish a marking on whatever squads are your conscripts, I'm sure it'll look fine. I've taken to using my converted penal legion figures as my conscripts now. 

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1 - Rough Riders are not good. I hate saying it because they're not. I still have the bits to make 36 of them but can't bring myself to assemble the last 26. Anything they can threaten will just send a few bolt rounds at them and Overwatch will slaughter the rest.

6 - Yes. Give them a Priest and a different paint job for Fearless and distinction.

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Thanks for the replies! ^_^ You get a suprising ammount of heads in the Tempestus Scions box.. I think atleast one of my platoons shall have a conscript unit, Gotta find some nice priest models though.. I realy want to use a unit of Bullgryn so I will test them aswell and see how it goes ^_^ I think I will try some Scions too, And use some spare scion heads (The ones without helmets) To make regular veterans using Cadian bodies. ^_^

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So, Instead of making a ton of topics, I decided to gather a few questions I had here.. So let's get started!


1. Are Rough Riders any good? 1.5. And if so, What models do you use for them?

2. What is your favorite Leman Russ variant?

3. Are Tempestus Scions good? 3.5. And how many heads (Helmet/hat) do you get in the box?

4. Are Ogryn and Bullgryn realy as bad as people claim? I kind of want to use a unit of Bullgryn..

5. Is Straken worth it? He seems epic.

6. Should I use Conscripts? 6.5 How do I make them look diferent from my regular guys..?


First of all, all answer you will get are personal thoughts and experience. All this depends on the local meta and "power level" the players play at. 


1. Rough Riders. They are weak, and have one time use close combat weapons. If you only field them and nothing else with equal speed and "threat" they will be taken down really fast. Find something that works well with them in your army list. One way I would use them, when looking at close combat, is to have them as counter charges if my units gets charged. Their increased movement will help them to get to where they are needed fast. 


1.5. The models I have used are always converted. For my Vostroyans I actually used the rough riders and added a vostroyan "hat" made from Green stuff. For my Elysians I bought rogue trader bikes and had them as "counts as" rough riders. 


2. I don't use Russes my self, they are good, but my experience with them are limited so I leave this one to the others. 


3. This is a very personal question. Are they good? If you ask me, yes they are awesome! If you ask a traditional AM player, he will say they are awful, only good for suicide melta drops. 

With Scions you have to re-think the whole strategy with your AM army, if you intend to use them in larger numbers. Flanking and target priority becomes much more important, and also not to forget focus fire. 

They way I use my Scions is to put pressure on one flank and fight the enemy units one by one. Keeping his main army focused on other aspects of my army. 

Scions strike hard from the flanks and behind. But you gotta make sure they take out their target or cripple them enough so they can survive more than one turn. 


3.5 you could just go to GWs webpage and look at the images there... But you get 10 helmet heads and 9 beret heads. Don't worry you will have enough for the five models you can assemble ;)


4. Again, a personal question. If you like them, make it work for you! Adding Ogryns/Bullgryns changes the way you have to play your AM army. I have yet to use them my self, but I am not one of those who think they "suck". 

In Zone Mortails, if you would try that out, Bullgryns are really good. Tight corridors makes them excellent mobile cover for your weak guardsmen behind. 


5. While he is an expensive upgrade, he is a monster in close combat (for a mere human). Again... using him breaks the normal AM tactics. I you want him, support him with the right units. 


6. Conscripts. Again... are you going for an horde AM army or elite? Its all up to you. 


6.5. Cadia paints a white stripe on their helmets I believe. 

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I realy wanted peoples personal opinions. I liek hearing what diferent people think about the diferent units abnd such. happy.png And my plan is to go infantry heavy guard, I'l have a few tanks, No flyers, And loads of infantry. Atleast 2 platoons, Maybe 3, And maybe some veterans too.. Plus some Bullgryn and Ratlings (Ratlings I'm gonna sue no mather what people say^^)

I'm only going to run 2 Leman Russes probably and I'm trying to decide between 2 Vanquishers, 2 Punishers or 2 Main Battle Tanks..

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Oh! I have one more question, Anyone here use Sabol Designs Army Transporter bags? If so, Can you say if the Battalion or Division bags are good for a full Guard army with some tanks and lots of infantry?

Well its a hard question to ask :) 

I use the normal army transporter bag my self. But its smaller than the ones you describe. I can tell you what I can fit into my bag and hope to shine some light to what you can bring. 


On a 1.5" tray I can fit in 28 infantry models. 


The 3.5" trays I use for my Tau Crisis suits 40mm bases I can fit 10 of them on a tray (with dynamic poses). 

Further I can it eight 60mm bases (my broadsides). 


I then use a 4.5" tray for my Riptide and Imperial Knight. I can fit two Riptides or one Knight (some extra space for smaller vehicles can be fit in here). I guess it would be two or three Leman Russ tanks that fits in there with ease. 



My armies are usually pretty small, so I can pretty much bring my whole army in a single transporter. 

What I can fit in the bag is around 13-15.5" inside (15.5" is really pushing it). 

For my Tau army I bring:

- 4.5" tray x1

- 3.5" tray x2

- 1.5" tray x1


For my Astra Militarum army I bring:

- 1" tray x2

- 3" tray x1

- 4" tray x2 



I am guessing you will need at least 4 trays with 1.5" trays for your infantry (roughly 100 models). 

Two 4.5" (or smaller if you can... don't know the measurements of the Russes). 

That should fit in the bag I am currently using. Bare in mind that it will fill the bag over its recommended limits. 

With all that said, I am guessing that the bag your describing will be sufficient. 

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After much looking arround, I'm a bit frustrated.. I want to use the Sabol Designs Army Transport Division bag since it seems big enough to hold a growing Guard army and then some (Better too big then too small) The problem is, The webshop only sells the 1 inch, 1.5 inch, 2 inch and 2.5 inch foam. I'v checked all three swedish webshops I'v used to buy wargaming stuff from, And all three only has those 4 foams. None of them have the 3 inch or 4 inch foams.. So it seems like the only way to get the bigger foams is to buy the Division with foam already in it that they offer.. It has 4x1 inch, 2x1,5 inch, 2x2 inch, 2x2,5 inch, 1x3 inch and 1x4 inch foam trays.. But it is expensive to buy it all at once..

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After much looking arround, I'm a bit frustrated.. I want to use the Sabol Designs Army Transport Division bag since it seems big enough to hold a growing Guard army and then some (Better too big then too small) The problem is, The webshop only sells the 1 inch, 1.5 inch, 2 inch and 2.5 inch foam. I'v checked all three swedish webshops I'v used to buy wargaming stuff from, And all three only has those 4 foams. None of them have the 3 inch or 4 inch foams.. So it seems like the only way to get the bigger foams is to buy the Division with foam already in it that they offer.. It has 4x1 inch, 2x1,5 inch, 2x2 inch, 2x2,5 inch, 1x3 inch and 1x4 inch foam trays.. But it is expensive to buy it all at once..

Where in Sweden do you live mate? Swedish guy here my self. I might be able to order 3-4" trays for you in some way. 

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I live in Ronneby down in Blekinge. But I'm not very good at sending money to people and stuff.. XD My webbank keeps saying invalid account when I try to enter someones bank account to send money to them.. Stores work though.. XD Do you know any swedish webshops that sell 3 and 4 inch sabol foam? Sabol themselves only ship to the US apparantly.. (I wonder how the webshops in sweden get ahold of the stuff when they dont ship to sweden..)

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Well each retailer needs a supplier, and each country usually have some suppliers that buy in loads of games, and everything around it. Selling it to the retailers. The retailers only buy a few items each.

By doing this, the supplier can buy bulk of games, and other items at a discounted price (or it might be so that the manufacture only sells to certain retailers or suppliers). The retailers in return get faster deliveries and don't need to fill up a certain quota when they order from the manufactures.

With this said, you need to find either a supplier (Grossist på Svenska) or a store that has a supplier that is able to buy these foams. I'll talk to my friends/local game store and see what they can arrange.

Othervice I recommend eBay or something in that way. The last alternative would be to travel to Malmö smile.png And if you do travel here, make sure to tell me, and I'll see if I can challenge you to a game smile.png

I found one website that might have it. They are able to send to Sweden.


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I guess I'l email the webshop I normaly use for wargaming (Alphaspel.se) and ask them if they can get the 3 inch and 4 inch trays from Sabol.. Otherwise, I guess I'l have to buy 2 of the 2 inch trays and glue them together or something.. XD

Oh no don't do that. That won't work. Might as well go to a hardware store (Bauhouse or Hornbach) and by your own foam then. 


Anyway as I said in the edit, I found a site that ships to Sweden:


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I did find at Alphaspel Feldherr 4 inch foam.. Apparantly it is 275 mm x 345 mm in length and width.. I wonder if that will fit in the Division.. The Division holds 3 Sabol trays side by side.. But I cant find how big the regular Sabol trays are.. Exept for how thick they are..



Wait.. Derp.. The Sabol tray sizes are right there.. 7.5 x 13 inches.. *starts counting and converting sizes*


Alright.. So the Feldherr one is 10.8 x 13.5 inch.. Darn.. XD


Also, thanks for the link, I'm just much nervous about ordering from non swedish webshops.. XD


You have been very helpful Vash, Thank you very much ^_^ Sorry for being so much trouble..

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I did find at Alphaspel Feldherr 4 inch foam.. Apparantly it is 275 mm x 345 mm in length and width.. I wonder if that will fit in the Division.. The Division holds 3 Sabol trays side by side.. But I cant find how big the regular Sabol trays are.. Exept for how thick they are..

Wait.. Derp.. The Sabol tray sizes are right there.. 7.5 x 13 inches.. *starts counting and converting sizes*

Alright.. So the Feldherr one is 10.8 x 13.5 inch.. Darn.. XD

Also, thanks for the link, I'm just much nervous about ordering from non swedish webshops.. XD

You have been very helpful Vash, Thank you very much happy.png Sorry for being so much trouble..

Don't worry about it. Its a forum where you are meant to ask things like this. I wouldn't answer unless I felt I could help or wanted too.

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Hmm.. I wonder if I should order the Feldherr 4 inch foam anyway.. See if it can fit despite being 0.5 inch too long.. Or if I can shave off part of it to make it fit..

It is pretty tight as it is. Cutting off that part might work for you, but you'll be wasting some strength on the foam sides. If you do cut it, keep the edge and reattach it on the shortened side. 

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