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Yeah 5 points for a jump pack makes sense. Still a good deal. 10 assault marines with 2 meltas a melta bomb and a power weapons costs 230 pts.  


Regular Assault marines are likely to get a significant price reduction to keep them in line with C:SM. 10 DC with jump packs a few upgrades are probably going to be almost 100 pts more expensive compared to similar RAS. 

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Affordable Death Company? But...but I've already painted so many black marines. teehee.gif

DC on foot was already affordable. Barring some more, yet unseen, changes they only got worse now.

DC in Raiders can be done now with superior stats for the same cost.

Luckily for me I have about 30 DC with packs and 30 on foot.... laugh.png Edition proof!

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Yeah 5 points for a jump pack makes sense. Still a good deal. 10 assault marines with 2 meltas a melta bomb and a power weapons costs 230 pts.  


Regular Assault marines are likely to get a significant price reduction to keep them in line with C:SM. 10 DC with jump packs a few upgrades are probably going to be almost 100 pts more expensive compared to similar RAS. 



A C:SM assault squad costs 220 points with the same upgrades. I don't think ours will be cheaper than that.

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DC w/ jumppacks for 25 points a piece is very very nice. Also, keeping all their attacks and special rules is excellent. I was very worried they'd be nerfed down to 1 base attack. 


The WS4 downgrade doesn't hurt them as much as one might think since I always run them with a reclusiarch.

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I got death storm smile.png

Dc look to be 20 points a model still, with only ws4 HOWEVER. jump packs seem to be 3 points each. they still have two attacks rage relentless fearless furious charge and feel no pain however.

Do they have rage or black rage? Are death company now scoring/OS units?

If you respond "yes", I may have to do a happy dance. rolleyes.gif

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DC w/ jumppacks for 25 points a piece is very very nice. Also, keeping all their attacks and special rules is excellent. I was very worried they'd be nerfed down to 1 base attack. 


The WS4 downgrade doesn't hurt them as much as one might think since I always run them with a reclusiarch.


Come to think of it, with cheap jump packs, I'll probably just run Lemartes now =).

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don't know how I missed it, but in the squad of DC has a character "rafen" he is a character and has three base attacks... maybe actually cheaper than 5 point packs.. maybe


well, I'm off to do a show, back in about 5 hours:)


This is in the new box set I presume?

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So far I am liking what I am hearing....~28% points reduction in jump pack DC, ~18% points reduction in sanguinary guard, DC are scoring, grav guns, heavy flamers on tac marines, we get our codex psychic powers back....


It's still pre-mature to judge, but if this stuff is true, it's exactly what BA needed.

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Affordable Death Company? But...but I've already painted so many black marines. teehee.gif

So rock the Angels Encarmine and start painting white? See, I got your back man.

Paint more black, or suffer the agony of painting white...

I hate you guys :P

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So far I am liking what I am hearing....~28% points reduction in jump pack DC, ~18% points reduction in sanguinary guard, DC are scoring, grav guns, heavy flamers on tac marines, we get our codex psychic powers back....


It's still pre-mature to judge, but if this stuff is true, it's exactly what BA needed.

Did I miss something, I don't think DC being scoring is confirmed, it's just an assumption because they are thought to still be in the troop slot..


Call me a pessimist if you must

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