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The NEW "What will 2014 Bring?" thread


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I'll be getting dem cards. And dice!! :)

Really hope the dice are cool. Maybe they'll come with the limited edition codex?

I do need some more dice actually, doh!!

It maaaaaay be about time I got back to my Blood Angel roots ermm.gif

The BA will gladly welcome back its long absent brothers with open arms, and spare ammo!!

And spare promethium, we have lots of that now too it would seem

What do people think of the dual terminator rumor?

Terminator honor guard sounds interesting and death company terminators...

(Yes I agree it breaks fluff but I will still use them)


I don't think it's that big a break from fluff. Shove 'em in the armor, point 'em at the enemy, scrape up the armor and fix it when they're done. Why not? It's like any other wargear, just bigger and tougher. TDA is probably easier to repair than power armor, because it's bigger and tougher and less likely to be catastrophically damaged by whatever kills the dude inside!

Not sure if anyone else has noticed but on page 5 of WD44 if you look carefully at the wargear picture from Deathstorm, it lists blood talons as Sx2 AP2 with shred & specialist weapon. Might be the end of the blender dread that we know. sad.png

I'm sceptical about the DC terminators, but perhaps that's because I don't want them to happen. To the small ongoing fluff debate, may I add that TDA isn't just heavier and bulkier, it's a relic. Every suit has a splinter of the Emperor's armour in it, making a revered object that will not be given the very high chance getting lost/destroyed/vaporised by handing it to a maniac who's mental condition doesn't allow him to use the armour the way it should be.


Then, BA TDA honour guard? We haven't had that since the 4th edition C:SM if I remember correctly. So why should it be back now? Should GW boost the assault marine sales by bringing up a new, generic box for them?

Sorry, not buying it. Unless it looks cool and we actually get TDA honour guard. Then it's a yes, yes yes!




I hope we get a new assault marine kit. This new tac kit is cool from the point of view of having everything in one place but you could easily make it up from the new vanilla tac kit, Sternguard and DC kits. The assault squad is the one that really needs an update.

The sergeant on the cover is holding a Stırn Bolter?  Heavy Flamer, Storm Bolter, Grav gun, Plasmagun and Combi-Plasma are on the kit, that's pretty decent.


As well as what appears to be an Artificer Armor for the Sergeant, and a Power Sword.


As a final note, that Heavy Bolter dude in the background is NOT Sternguard, regular red helmet, so I conclude kit also includes Heavy Bolter.


No Missile Launcher in the kit though, it looks like.  So it's quite a bit different from the vanilla kit;



- Storm Bolter, Gravgun, Plasmagun, Combi-Plasma

- Chainsword, Power Sword

- Artificer Armor

- Heavy Flamer, Heavy Bolter


Appears to lack:

- Power Fist?

- Melta options?

- Missile Launcher?


I'm pretty excited for this kit.. Although I already have 4 Tactical Marine squads at this point (3rd Ed, 4th Ed, AOBR, DV).  I'll probably cave in and grab this, though. LOL

Cautiously optimistic about any new terminator unit considering how overpriced everything (except GKT) in TDA is. 



TDA death company could be fluff update rather than a retcon. Maybe it's tied into the desperate struggle around the Baal system?

Not sure if anyone else has noticed but on page 5 of WD44 if you look carefully at the wargear picture from Deathstorm, it lists blood talons as Sx2 AP2 with shred & specialist weapon. Might be the end of the blender dread that we know. sad.png

If this is true, then what is the point of blood fists? Blood Claws would be better in every way (essentially they're blood fists with shred). Maybe the upgrade to blood claws is no longer free?


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