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I only have this model right now. I might have two heavy flamer girls somewhere, but I'd need to find them first (and they'd be painted identically anyway).


If there are plastics one day, she'll be part of a larger force if they don't update hospitallers or I don't like the eventual new model. Not looking forward to ripping her off her base to put her on a Dragon Forge Design one when that day happens though...

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But she's left her Bolter at home, silly thing!

Of course, she needs to replace it to get chirurgeon's tools! tongue.png According to the current codex anyway. No idea how her power pack-less cardboard-thin armor counts as power armor though...

I really like the muted tones, gives the model a very sombre feel, which is perfect for the model in question. smile.png

The wonders of three generous layers of Nuln Oil on Dawnstone for the black and another one on everything else! biggrin.png

Thank you.

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Nice. Full force of Sisters in the works?

I've been umming and ah-ing over a couple of Sisters for Killzone (read Killteam with better rules) games. They'd have so much utility as Adepta Sororitas, Inquisitorial warband members, and a couple of them could even work as Inquisitors/Interrogators themselves...Plus I really like some of the sculpts. This model's one of them. :)

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Wow, what an amazing piece of work. Absolutely stunning! I'm afraid the pictures you took don't at all do your paint job justice. But it's still clear to see that the face is extremely life-like and the black and white tones work together beautifully.

Is there any chance you can advise how you painted the dirty white? I'm assuming it's not as simple as a base coat and a black wash?

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You assume wrong.


Every color on this model is a basecoat completed by washes.


Black: Dawnstone -> Nuln Oil -> Nuln Oil -> Nuln Oil

Gold: Gorthor Brown* -> Auric Armour Gold -> Seraphim Sepia -> Nuln Oil

Metal: Leadbelcher -> Nuln Oil

White: Uthuan Grey** -> Nuln Oil

Flesh: Army Painter Barbarian Flesh -> Ogryn Flesh -> Nuln Oil

Green: Army Painter Greenskin -> Nuln Oil

Red: Army Painter Dragon Red -> Nuln Oil


I painted all basecoats on the model, then gave the black two layers of Nuln Oil, the flesh a layer of Ogryn Flesh and the gold a layer of Seraphim Sepia, and finally washed the entire model with Nuln Oil once more. I used the Citadel Large Brush for all the Nuln Oil layers, and those are generous layers too.


I never expected such praise for a work without highlights. I'm a little surprised. Thanks though. As for the pictures, I auto-tone all of mine before hitting Brightness +50 and Contrast -50 with Photoshop.


*a brown base is needed for the gold to be applied properly and consistently.


** Ulthuan Grey >>>>> all pure whites.

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Thanks very much, Knight of the Raven!

Let me put it like this: I never expected such a simple recipe to work this well. I'm open to the suggestion though that I'm reading too much into your images – which I assumed to be of, um, sub-optimal quality, judging by the sharp edge contrasts. I might have been blown away by what I thought gets lost in your pictures.


But, anyway. I totally love your Hospitaller! I'll look into using Ulthuan Grey as basecoat for my off-white cultists to come. Thanks so much for sharing!

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