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Blood Angels project log.

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Hi guys Its been along time since I posted on here so thought id try to motivate myself by keeping a project log.


As the title suggests this is going to be mainly blood angels related. With the imminent release of a new codex and models I have decide to start again. I had a blood angels army a few years ago but as my painting progressed I become frustrated with the differences in quality between squads and vehicles. I sold everything (10,000pts worth) and started an Iron hands army.


There has always been a void since I sold my sons of Sanguinius witch my iron hands could not fill lol.

When I sold the them and brought my iron hands my friend said You should NOT go back to Blood Angels as I had done them and it was time for something different. Well Iv now decided to buy and paint my army in secret from him and just turn up with it fully painted to a game early next year!!! Its very hard to not tell someone you game with often that your painting a new army so this will be hard for me. From there I am going to form a full battle company.


Blood angels where the first army I collected and for me its go big or go home lol, Also I have 3000pts of iron hands 2000pts of tau and 2000pts of dark eldar (i may have a problem but lets be honest we all do lol)



So red is back and I am doing some testers waiting for my Delivery on Saturday morning of new models. Iv ordered:




Tactical cards


2 BA Tac squads (because why wouldnt you ;-)


2 Sanguinary guard squads


BA Dreadnaught 


2 Storm Raven gunships


4 death company boxsets (10 assault/10 actual death company)


And the new priest model


This should be enough for a look what Iv got game lol as i also have space hulk ready to paint some termies will be thrown in there for good measure. And I will probably buy some of the new ones on Fridays pre order lol


Here is the tester so far for my red! still trying to workout how i want the golds and such to look as yet






Done some subtle shading with the airbrush and really lightly edge highlighted but thinking im going to add more 


Let me know your thought's guys good and bad and hope this should progress quite quickly  

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Thanks for the Kind words guys. I will add another wash over the first batch do give a little more depth i did add an edge highlight though and it has made the red pop so very happy





I wanted a red that was easy and quick to achieve as I don't have long to get it all painted.  


First I primed black and airbrushed Mephiston red 

Next a mix of MR and black 50/50 was applyed with the airbrush into the areas I wanted to shade.

Then black with a tiny dab of MR through the airbrush into the shades being very picky where I wanted to be this dark

Then highlights starting with Evil sunz scarlett airbrushing into the areas where light would hit (mainly from above the model)

final stage with the airbrush was Troll slayer orange on the parts I really wanted lightest.


Wash time!! I watered down Carroburg Crimson 50/50 and added a touch of Abaddon black just to darken (On the next lot I will do this at least twice to get the shaded areas a little more) And washed this over the entire model (I have all ways pin-washed in the past but I really wanted to speed this up without the wash sitting in the middle of the pannels Meaning i would then have to panel paint, so take the time to drag the pooling areas of wash into more reassessed areas


Then I edge highlighted with Fire dragon blight


Its not perfect but it is so quick to achieve witch is what im going for As my dark eldar are all brush painted and will be a really labour of love. I took 17 hours painting my  Archon here http://www.coolminiornot.com/368569


Hope this helps guys. if you give it a go let me know how you get on!!



I'm still an amateur at airbrushing, and aiming up close for tiny bits like shading is a trick I'm yet to master.  But this could be a good route to go all the same.


When you water down your wash, is it literally just water?  I have people talking all the time about watering down a paint into a wash, but the surface tension and flow when I try doesn't work worth a damn.  Never tried with a wash, though.  What consistency do you shoot for in the final product, post water and black paint?


You have quite the steady hand to get edge highlighting that sharp, too.  Gonna have to work on that myself.  I'm used to being able to clean up my highlights with a quick brushstroke of the base color.  That's not really doable on a gradient airbrush scheme.


When you water down your wash, is it literally just water?  I have people talking all the time about watering down a paint into a wash, but the surface tension and flow when I try doesn't work worth a damn.  Never tried with a wash, though.  What consistency do you shoot for in the final product, post water and black paint?



Hi mate yes I just use water. You can use mediums but witch I do use when glazing but with washes I find water is exactly the same and is free lol (well sort of) I try for a really dilute wash its hard to discribe and in the photos i took you couldnt really tell. I must admit if you are struggling with water maybe try gw's lahmian medium and see if that helps. Sorry to not be of more help!!


AnfrewChrislieb cheers buddy I have added an extra shade on the first vanguard vets witch I happily found all boxed up the other day. Love when you find models you forgot about, had a box of sturnguard too :-) 


after shades but before edge highlight (will get that done tonight!)






I think the shades have worked alittle better with 2 light coats. What do you guys think! thanks for all the kind words guys!!

Thanks IronKobra!!



HEHEHE The wife may have noticed when I tried to sneak this lot in last night lol I got a not very impressed look haha




The deathstorm was a last minute buy, my brother said in the store I might get that kit take the nids and sell the rest to witch I slapped him gave him half and brought it. sadly im working all weekend so will be evenings of hard work to get this lot in shape!!!. But tonight Codex reading!!!

O.O if I had all that just boxed up and waiting, I might go insane. I would be opening and cutting everything off the spruce, then trying to kit bash between the kits to see what all I could come up with. You red looks really good as well!

Lol that's everything that's unassembled, Ok I do have problems but Well no buts lol. I also just sold a grey knights army and am in the process of selling a Sons of Horus army lol. So I am having a clear out!! I do have large numbers of these armies painted so I like to chop and change what I paint depending on what i'm doing lol


O and yes those are the big christmas boxes from a few years ago and some of the models are assembled and painted lol

  • 2 weeks later...

Merry Christmas guys, hope everybody got lots of new toys. I got the new termie squad for blood angels a termie libby a baal pred and i FW knight titan the one with the big gun. I have been painting and will get some updates over the next week.  


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