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2000 PTS Army list (need help haven't played in years!) :)


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Hi all!

First of all let me start of by saying, I have enough of painting purple on my III Legion. I have to have a sensible change of color and thats why I wanted to start of a BA army. I have been a big fan ever since 2. edition and all the BL books I have read. However due to family reasons I haven't been able to play at all (since 5th), I have had just enough time to paint and play my heresy army on a few occasions. The friends that I would play with all have space marine armies, and have been playing. And thus the questions is to create a 2000 pts list that would been competitive with them and given that I currently have no experience, I need your help. The list that I created (bellow) is an example of how I would like it too look like thematically. However I am open to all necessary changes in order so I wont need to buy different models.

Thank you in advance!

The list


Corbulo 120 pts

Librarian 125 pts (mastery lv 2, terminator armor, storm shield)


Death company 420 pts ([15x models] 3x power fist, 3x inferno pistol)

Terminator assault squad 225 pts + LRC (MM) 260 pts ([5x models] thunder hammer storm shield)


Tactical squad + razorback (assault cannon) 209 pts ([5x tactical, 1x veteran] 1x power sword, plasma cannon)

Tactical squad + razorback (assault cannon) 209 pts ([5x tactical, 1x veteran] 1x power sword, plasma cannon)

Heavy support

LRC (MM) 260 pts

Baal Predator (Assault cannon + heavy bolter) 135 pts

Total 1963 pts

The concept was a fluffy army. Corbulo would grant the +1 WS to the DC, the librarian would be with the terminators in the LRC. I would love to have the Baal predator for fluff. Tactics; run, shoot, assault woot.gif !!!

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I think Corb's should go with the hammernators to be honest or just pick up a regular priest since all he's giving to the DC is +1 WS since they already have FNP. I guess the +1I is nice too but they already get it from the main rules anyway :) so I6 might not be super useful. A chaplain might be better from the rerolls and the ability to take relics.


As for the tacs, I'd suggest just taking a plasma gun since they wouldn't be able to shoot a plasma cannon upon disembarking.


I'd even say take a meltagun and a combi melta on the sergeant (or double infernus pistols if you are kinky like that) would be better since you are a little light on the AT, especially at the 2000 point level.


Other than that, a good solid list :)

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I am very glad to hear that the list was not that poor! :). 


I thought that as a part of their main rules, BA got only FC not +1 initiative, I was looking for that information in the codex but I couldn't find anything. 


I think that in that case I would prefer power sword and infernus pistol on the veteran, as i want him to be decent at cc since my friend plays templars and likes challenges ;-). 


Another thing TLAC or TLLC on the razorbacks?  

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Yeah I don't mind helpin a battle brotha out!


...I don't mind if you send me some of your beautifully painted minis either :P just kidding


And yes, as part of the Blood Angels Baal FOC they get +1 I to all non vehicle models but lose objective secured. You do also need to take 1 HQ, 1 Elite, and 2 troops minimum but you have that covered. Plus we get an extra elite slot.


I'd say to keep the TLAC as you'll be moving up the field and it'll bring more use as it's a multi role weapon.

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Thanks guys! 


I don't know about the minis after all the kink with the pistols... :P 


Here is a changed list (deleted PW from tac, and 5 dc)



Corbulo 120 pts 

Librarian 125 pts (mastery lv 2, terminator armor, storm shield)



Death Company 280 pts ([10x models] 2x power fist, 2x inferno pistol) 

Terminator assault squad 225 pts + LRC (MM) 260 pts ([5x models] thunder hammer storm shield) 

Sanguinary Guard 190 pts ([5x models], death masks, 1x inferno pistol, 1x power fist)



Tactical squad + razorback (assault cannon) 209 pts ([5x tactical, 1x veteran] 1x power sword, plasma cannon)

Tactical squad + razorback (assault cannon) 194 pts ([5x tactical, 1x veteran], plasma cannon)


Heavy support 

LRC (MM) 260 pts

Baal Predator (Assault cannon + heavy bolter) 135 pts


Total 1998 pts 


Okay so I don't know whether this will be worse, but I have added SG again for the fluff and opportunities is painting as in the 2000 pts i will have all the 3 colors of BA.



Maybe exchange librarian for DC dreadnought? just like the dreadnought model.... 


Exchange librarian and corbulo for Dante? 

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Ok just got this idea; I figured that i did not need curbulo just a priest, and i did not have a hard hitting IC, so i figure i would take dante :) 


Any ideas? 



Sanguinary Priest 60 pts (Base)

Dante 220 pts



Death Company 280 pts ([10x models] 2x power fist, 2x inferno pistol) 

Terminator assault squad 225 pts + LRC (MM) 260 pts ([5x models] thunder hammer storm shield) 

Sanguinary Guard 190 pts ([5x models], death masks, 1x inferno pistol, 1x power fist)



Tactical squad + razorback (assault cannon) 184 pts ([5x tactical, 1x sergeant], plasma cannon)

Tactical squad + razorback (assault cannon) 184 pts ([5x tactical, 1x sergeant], plasma cannon)


Heavy support 

LRC (MM) 260 pts

Baal Predator (Assault cannon + heavy bolter) 135 pts



Total 1998 pts 

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