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 Hi everybody! I wanted to post and share a project I'm working on with the good folks of B&C - a brand new chapter, the Iron Lions! I wanted to make an army that I could organize much like Roman legion after the Marian Reforms - with some grimdark and personal flair.


  An assault squad kitted out to behave like a mobile fortress, a shield wall that has to be toppled by the enemies of man before pressing on. They aren't finished yet, but here are a few of the squad as the project progresses:



IMG 20141219 193740100


IMG 20141219 193810420


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IMG 20141219 192225439 HDR


Hopefully I'll have color blocked off and shaded by tomorrow. Waiting on greenstuff to cure so squad captain can have a shield like everyone else. Thanks for looking! Oh, and they *are* loyalist... I just wanted them to look gritty and mean, and ended up with a few Chaos heads and some Dark Eldar bits because spiky and cruel is cool.

 A little update on my spearwall assault squad. Got some more colors blocked in and a wash layer done. Need to tidy up and then highlight, but I'm pleased with what I got done.


progress1 (6)



progress1 (5)

WIP second-in-command, sword and shield guy, and lancer

progress1 (3)

Spearbrothers and Obligatory Big Friggin Axe Guy


progress1 (1)


#2 sword and shield, Second-in-Command, and spearbrother




Thanks for the replies! I'm digging the unit, so far... but I'd like to ask the opinions of the fine folks here on the forum for advice. You are all much more well versed in the fluff and organization of Codex marines than I am. (I build stuff because it looks cool - painting them into a Codex approved organizational force is something I don't have lots of experience in.)


  I have a tactical squad primed, and I know I want to keep the gritty, deep dark grey armor... but generally, don't different squad types have different colored helmets? Like, green for my assault triarii, blue for Devastators, and... what color for my tacs? I don't want to do red - black and red is pervasive in 40k - but thoughts would be lovely.

Different chapters often use widely varied methods of identifying markage. As far as paint schemes go, you can get away with pretty much whatever you want as long as you a. have some sort of reasoning behind it (see b), and b. you think it looks cool.

Cool! Thanks for that. I think I might just take a look at how other chapters break things down and do it that way, for consistency and accuracy, with some adjustments made for color. Sorry for the lack of updates, but, it's been Christmas. Hopefully everyone is having a lovely holiday. I got some scouts with sniper rifles that are going to be getting the full ghillie treatment as a surprise - I'll put them in here too, I think.


 Cheers. :]

I plan to use varied helmet color in my DIY chapter as well.


Given that tacticals are the bulk of a chapter you could go with helms the same color as their armor and then use different colors to mark specialists like assault squads and devs.


Like what you've got going here look forward to updates.

Hello thread! This might have to be changed into a WiP thread for the general massed forces of the Iron Lions, as I got a little excited about the scouts, and have diverted the majority of my attention on them, lately:


  I liked the idea that the 10th Company is the proving ground, per se, and each squad of newly fielded initiates is supervised by some talented, devoted, and veteran members of the chapter - and had some fun modelling and goofing off a little, to show the seniority of the men in charge... and also, it was an excuse to customize two senior sergeants. I liked the idea of each batch of Newbloods being overseen by two guys. It seemed fitting to go afield with leadership in place - should one fall, order will be preserved and SOP adhered to, in spite of what otherwise would be chaos. Two veterans also means more individual attention and wisdom for the Newbloods. So. In my fluff each squad of scouts and scout snipers will include two veterans.


  Squad Newblood: 



Tigerstripe-esque 70's style camo is fun to paint.


  The cloaks. I have an inside joke within the squad fluff I will flesh out with additional updates. I need my special heads to come in before it'll make sense.
  The man in charge:





Grady is the seniormost Sergeant, and runs things - though he is assisted by his right hand man, Neens, who is distinctly not nearly as painted as his friends, because his stupid GS cloak still isn't motherfwoooooping cured:


Mr. Neens.
Comments and critiques welcome!




Update time! Rainy sunday here got me in the mood for some more painting, and I made some good headway on my triarii assault squad! Lighting isn't all that great, apologies. Cell phone camera and a ceiling light.



sword And shield

Sword and Shield Guy



spears 2

Mas Longspears

New shield

Second in command with his new GS shield. I've never GSed before, ever, before making that shield and making a cloak for my scout sniper second-in-command. My powers are weak. But I'm still pleased I bit the bullet and went for it. I have a loooooot to learn. And tools to buy.



front And center

Stand fast!



commandant (2)



Looking forward to critiques and advice. :]


More progress today, as literally alllll I had to do was go to physical therapy for my busted wrist and go home and faff about for the entire day. I mostly played with my cats... but I also painted a little!


  The boys need basing, and I need to go back and correct some mistakes I see after taking photos (why do you never see them at the worktable? It's the machinations of Chaos. It has to be.)



The march

Second Lieutenant And SS

Longspear 2

Longspear 1

Longspear 1.2


Captain 1

Captain 2

Big Axe Joe

2nd Liet And SS



The scouts are finished! biggrin.png

The Nobodies:

Buster, Rocketeer, Showman, Metalboxbuster


Wicked - Pointman, Trailblazer, Shrubberybane in Six Systems
Left Foot - Designated Marksman

Wicked And Left Foot

Roughneck, Flank Security, has decided painting a red target on his head is hilarious
Creep - Designated Marksman, Strong Silent Type, Thinks Roughneck is an idiot

Roughneck And Creep

Neens. SASR equipped, Second in Command, The Spotter. Optical Implants ideal for providing corrective input and data on follow-up shots missed by initiates.


The Nobodies

Sniper Scout Squad Grady, Designated The Nobodies

The Nobodies 2

  • 3 weeks later...

  I've been hard at work with some more minis for the Iron Lions chapter. After thinking about it, this will be a first for me: A Dark Angels Successor! Usually I run with standard Codex marines, and I dabble with Blood Angels Successors... so this will be fun, exploring new fluff and standardizing my troops in new ways. Funny, it didn't really occur to me until I'd been looking at my dudes for a minute, and realized that the black-gray armor and green heads reminded me of a nonstandard Ravenwing.


  Any expertise you fine folks have with the ins and outs of Dark Angels, I'd love to hear. I can read all I want, but many of you have been in the hobby for years, and I always appreciate the insight.


  Anyway, here's the new squad I'm working on, at the moment: a Tactical Squad kitted specifically for Breach and Clear:



Sergeant, with a shortened powersword for CQB and a relic bolt pistol equipped with an auspex, to check for enemy placement through walls. Last one through the door at breach. 


Boltbuster (2)

Melta Operator. Blasts the locking mechanism of the target entry point, then delivers the kick that gets it open. Also equipped with det cord for particularly hardy doors.

Grenade Out

Grenade Out! - Stacks up opposite the door to be breached of our melta operator, and, upon his partner kicking the door in, chucks his grenade into the room before the element storms the room.


Ready Up

Ready Up! This guy sticks to our grenadier's back, and upon breaching, is the second man through the door. Also provides flanking and overwatch for the crew while stacked up to breach.

Overwatch 2


Overwatch: Stacks up at our melta gunner's back, and watches the 6.


Knock Knock

Knock Knock 2

Knock Knock.
Assault shielding and a heavy flamer! This guy sits directly in front of the door to be breached, occupying the entirety of LoS for the fatal funnel. It's a high risk position, and while the entire squad wears extra ablative armor plating because of the fatality rates of building clearing, this guy went to extremes: extra armor on the shins and thighs, shoulders, reinforced shield, and a few good luck charms. After the room is fragged, he lets loose with the Emperor's cleansing flame, and takes the lead - first in!
  Completely Unrelated to this combat element, I finished my Librarian (thank you, ebay)

Librarian 1






  Made some progress with my Doorkickers today. My recipe for green is evolving, and I quite like what I've ended up with.





Just some basic color blocking, but I think they're syncing up well as a squad, and they feel like a team already. Makes me happy.
Taking votes on what the riot shield should say - I'm leaning towards KNOCK KNOCK but you guys post something funnier I'm totally down.
  A little fluff:
  +++Vox Channel 406571 - open
  +++Universal Procedural Clearance Word 'Wilconis' Accepted
  Battle report. Squad has been deployed before fully adorning our armors with the heraldry of Emperor and Chapter. We stand vigil through the night, awaiting out finishing color and markings, bolters trained into the darkness, for we know It is coming. 
  Bedecked only in blackwashed grays and muted green, company banner yet to even be undercoated, this foul xenos fell upon members of our Legion, brothers from a completed Tactical Squad assembled and readied for War not three days hence. The monstrous creature made off with Brother Adamska and deposited him in what appears to be an enormous shoe, for reasons I nor Sergeant Hailey understand completely. The squad is concerned that whatever thing is large enough to fit such a boot still calls these mountains home - if it does, I fear we are finished. The Land Raider is still yet to be assembled, sitting quietly on sprue after having been removed from its box, which, honestly, is covered with some really cool pictures. I don't usually associate with Ultramarines, as they don't know how to party, but the boys can pose.
  I am getting off subject.
  Scout Squad Grady ventured into the unknown sectors of this place we are in, and obtained a pict-capture of the beast that abducted our brother. We are calling it Scourge:








It's hard to give the snap together bros a lot of character, but I still like the cohesiveness of the squad, overall. Sergeant is still very much WIP.

Breach Mas

A little progress blocking in color with the Doorkickers.

First Company

First Company Veteran. I think, since I'm working with these guys being a DA Successor, that all of First Company will wear bone armor, as a tip of the hat to the Deathwing - though not with exclusively TDA. The Iron Lions don't have such storied and venerated armories to draw from, but the visual element is nice - standard guys in black, with green helms and pauldrons, while first company is starkly white. It'll look cool on the table. This guy will be a sergeant, which is why he has a fancy bronzed helmet.


Thank you! I really wanted the extra armor to feel like personal kit, not standard. Especially riot shield guy. Like, he's the jerk that has to soak all the shots on first going through, so I wanted his armor to reflect his gritted teeth and resignation to taking a :cussload of hits. (He has it rough. I wouldn't want his job.) I appreciate the comments. :]


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