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Crusade of Wrath - Final Report


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Alright everything is painted and clear coated as of today so finally I can with pride say these brothers will join the fighting company during my next battle.






3 of these brothers we saw earlier in the thread painted but not clear coated.  The Sword Brother with combi-plasma was grey plastic in that picture.  The Battle Brother with the flamer is supposed to swap out depending on what list I'm running with a Meltagun wielding brother in my LRC.  And the other three will ride with some previously assembled and painted brothers in the Razorback I posted before.







Sword Brethren Sternguard Combi-plasma x1 and Combi-grav x4.  Once again seen earlier as just grey plastic.  And a new drop pod this one has an Imperial Aquilla on one door and the next drop pod has a Crimson Fist emblem on it so that I can differentiate my two drop pods.







Crimson Fist was seen before but here he is with the squad I planned on attaching him to.  So two new bolter armed Sword Brother Tacticals, Meltagun Sword Brother Tactical, and a Sargent with a combi melta.  *NOTE*  This is the same Drop Pod I pictured before with the Razorback I just included it in the picture because this is the squad that will ride with it into battle.




I tried using white construction paper like I'd read about to try and get better pictures then I usually put up.  Didn't quite work out I apologize but since the models are done I wanted to show that pile of grey plastic actually became something for the crusade.

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Narrative associated my batrep for this week.


+++Transmission received+++
+++Priority Alpha Status+++

Brother Marshal Sevenius,


The Thracian crusade is reporting from the frontline in sector NX-05. Although the initial assault by the Renascibilitas Crusade was pushed back, this overextended our enemies' lines and allowed for my fighting company to breach a secondary front and gain a foothold in the sub-sector. We have secured the local governor's fortress and reactivated its void shields, anti-aircraft and ground defences as an operational staging area.


This however comes with dire tidings. The long range auspexes of the fortress have revealed that the heretics have started erecting one of their fell shrines. They have bent most of the remaining populace of this world as well as countless others from the sector toward the construction of that unholy edifice which is already reaching the size of a cathedral. Our enemy seems more concerned with the completion of this task than with repelling us, and I grow concerned that the purpose of this foul place goes beyond the summoning of warp spawned reinforcements.


Whatever they are doing in there has drawn the attention of Dark Eldar xenos. A strike force of these foul creatures attempted to storm both our positions and those of the traitors. My fighting company has done honour to the chapter and repelled both the xenos and the heretic scum. I have myself disposed of one of the traitors' captains, a brute in the colours of the Night Lords and seen the xeno commander fall to the heretic's fire.


There is more at hand here than our intelligence surmised and time is running short, if even xeno witches will seemingly wantonly throw their lives to hinder the Traitors. I have attached auspex scan parameters for the enemy's shrine to this message and beg you to relay them to the fleet, so that we may detect if other sub-sectors are being similarly desecrated.


As the xeno strike and the defeat of one of their champions has set our enemy's defences in disarray, I shall muster the full strength of my crusade and strike down their foul altar.


For Sigismund and for Dorn!

Marshal Remus

+++Message Ends+++

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You might try a wider angle so you can zoom in closer, also try centering your light. I'm terrible with taking pictures too though so take that with a pinch of salt. Your guys are looking good though.


Thanks I got to play with the light direction a bit more in the future.  Also I got that construction paper but forgot to jump into GIMP and balance the white before posting.  Crucial step I think I missed there lol.


Gonna try and get something painted this week to add to the crusade but I'm having to rethink my possible additions.  Next week if I can get into some games the Tau player (who I have a painted Skyray and Pathfinder team sitting on my shelf to gift to him for his birthday) just told me he's gotten a Sky Ray, two Hammerheads, more crisis suits, and well of course more firewarriors.  So I think I need more ways to deal with vehicles now.  Plus my friend who's been wanting to get back into 40k just let me know he's gotten himself a Nid army.  From what he showed me in this fishing tackle box of models he's got going looks like he'll be running 2 Flyrants, Tervigon, Mwaloc, and just a mass of gaunts.


Just cause the nids I'm tempted to run out and get a Ironclad.  Either way gonna try and get a game in with someone this week using the Crusade mission and I should get this Drop Pod done at least as far as painting goes.

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I have edited my post in the battle report section with the full battle report.  Unfortunately, unless the universe aligns in my favor, this will in all likelihood be my final sortie in this campaign as I get married next week.  It was a miracle I was able to get in this game-- we've had some deaths in the family this week. 


It has been an honor fighting beside you brothers, I hope we may crusade together again! 

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I have edited my post in the battle report section with the full battle report.  Unfortunately, unless the universe aligns in my favor, this will in all likelihood be my final sortie in this campaign as I get married next week.  It was a miracle I was able to get in this game-- we've had some deaths in the family this week. 


It has been an honor fighting beside you brothers, I hope we may crusade together again! 

Condolences on your deaths, congrats on your wedding. We'll bash in a few heretic's heads in your name during the weekend. 

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Micro spoiler! (Templar fall down :( )


One last mini-battle rep


The Last Battle of Darkan's Fold

Battle 3 - 750pts

CSM vs Templar

Region: NX-07


Crusade Regnhilde Fenstermacher 

- High Marshal - relic blade, storm shield, artificer armor, plasma pistol, melta bombs

- Crusader squad - 10 w/ BP&CCW, flamer and power sword

- Crusader squad - 10 w/ PB&CCW, flamer and power fist

- Predator w/ autocannon and heavy bolters

- Predator w/ autocannon and heavy bolters


Host of the Last Angel

- Argel Tal - Murder Sword, power armor, wings, lvl 2 biomancer

- Cultists - 30 w/ pistol/CCW, 2 flamers

- Cultists - 30 w/ pistol/CCW, 3 flamers

- Helbrute - multimelta 

- Helbrute - multi melta


Result: CSM Victory - 8:3 (Slay the Warlord, line breaker, Power of the Warp, 5KP vs 3 KP)


This one was fun and stuff was exploding all over the place. 


Firstly, the girlfriend was starting to learn. I forgot how crazy good predators are for killing off infantry for super cheap. She held way back forming a little firing line and made me come in since everything I had was short ranged. The preds killed off a ton of cultists before they got into combat in turn 3. The Crusader squads did a commendable job of hacking their way through an even bigger cultist dogpile. 


Highlights include a predator exploding turn 3 from both helbrutes melting it to slag and causing a single wound to High Marshal Fenstermacher, who subsequently charged into one of the offending brutes and meltabombed it into kibble.

Argel Tal then charged the High Marshal and a 6 round slapfight ensued. Eventually I got off Warp Speed and Iron Arm in the same turn and it went a little south from there. 


Just as before, the Cultists did a commendable job of holding up the Crusaders until the remaining helbrute (whom I warp jumped with the scenario special rules) piled in to them. There he would stay, poking 1-2 Crusaders to death every turn until the end of the game. 



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Brothers! The alert is sounded, the lines are drawn! Every knight with the strength to heft a weapon, NOW IS YOUR TIME! The Arch-fiend has revealed himself once more! Our furious assault has driven him from his refuge and he flees to the darkness of NX-07. We cannot let him escape! Wherever you are in the sector, whatever your last assignments, consider them postponed and make for NX-07 with all haste! The over-lord is there and we must slay him, or all this may have been for naught!

The chance for great honour and glory is yours - who will be the Templar who manages to find and slay this chaos warlord once and for all? If you can yet draw breath, then draw your blade first!


Sevenius out.

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When is the definitive last day to get battle reports in?  Emperor help me, maybe I can get one last game in.



The reporting augur's machine spirits appear to be in a highly receptive mode.

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Oh dear... Poor Templar...


I didn't mean to kick your Crusade in the shins. :(


It's been super fun so far though! The gf is very entertained by her small learning crusade experience.

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Argel Tal then charged the High Marshal and a 6 round slapfight ensued. Eventually I got off Warp Speed and Iron Arm in the same turn and it went a little south from there.

Great. Now whenever I think "Argel Tal," this image will pop into my head.


...actually, that's kinda awesome. :lol:

Ahhh..anyway, seems I missed out on this one. But I can only get involved in so many BnC events at a time. I can't be everywhere at once. Only Jasper can do that. ph34r.png

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I'm sorry I wasn't able to get a final battle in brothers, but the big day is Saturday and has become an all consuming time beast. Regardless of the outcome, we fought valiantly-- and it is only a matter of time before the next event. For ours is an eternal crusade!
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Officially, the campaign is come to a close. If anyone had already begun transmitting their reports, they may just reach the high command in time. Warp storms can be a devil to prompt communication ;)

I think, however, the chances for further combat missions have diminished to nothing.

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