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I bought and downloaded Loss, the audio drama from this year's advent calendar offerings.

It runs 20 minutes, and covers a skirmish between a Raven Guard Scout squad and some Dark Eldar. It doesn't seem to be set in any current timeline, as one of the Scouts is named...Corvin Severax. Not sure if it's THAT Corvin Severax, but

 he does survive the battle, and is instructed to learn a lesson from his mistakes

. The story actually seems to tie in to the little snippet from the Dark Eldar codex, though it would be out of synch with the timeline if the Severax in this story is THE Corvin Severax.


Overall, it's a very chaotic scene that unfolds with the Scouts fighting out of an ambush. No great story line or Chapter secrets revealed,

 though the main character does undergo a psychic awakening, meaning he will become a Librarian.

He actually laments that development.


One sort of hilarious point in the story is when shotguns start firing tracer rounds. In modern firearms, such a thing does technically exist, but they're a novelty item that has no combat application. Maybe in the 41st millennium they found a way to make shotgun pellets with a tracer core in them, but it just seems so pointless and silly.


Unless you're a Raven Guard completest who must own and consume every bit of Raven Guard lore, I'd probably skip this one and save your $7.

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oh, okay then. did anyone get the missions?


I got it. It's really nothing special. It's more like Killteam, in that everyone in the squad acts independently. The scouts have boosted stat lines, and can come back after they drop. It looks cinematic, but it's a very narrow focus. Good for one play if you have a buddy who plays DE, but that's about it. 

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