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List of formations


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If you clicked on this expecting to find a list of the Blood Angels formations so far, I'm sorry. I am actually asking if someone can provide that information as I don't have it, and I think a resource list would be useful for many. I.e. Formation X - WD47 etc.


Any kind souls willing to oblige?

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This will indeed be very handy. Can we also get a break of units needed? I'll likely be basing what issues of WD I pick depending on what is needed for each formation. I know the epubs are only $3.99 but when you add that to everything else I've picked up in the past month, well let's just say my wife is getting some new shoes.

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Got this from another thread

Angels Fury = 1020pts at cheapest. 3 * 10 tacticals and 3 ravens

blood rain strike force = 620 at cheapest, 5 assault marines, 5 vanguards, 5 DC marines with jump packs, furioso dread and a raven

Intervention force = 280 at cheapest, 5 Vanguards with jump packs and 2 * 5 assault marines

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I'll try:



Baal Strike Force (Codex): 1-2 HQ, 2-6 Troops, 1-4 Elite (rest same as Combined Arms): Reroll Warlord and +1I

Archangels Strike Force (Exterm.): 1-2 HQ, 2-16 Elite (no other FOC types): Reroll Warlord, reroll Reserves and D6 less Scatter

Flesh Tearers Strike Force (Exterm.): 1-2 HQ, 1-6 Troop, 1-6Fast (rest same as CA): Reroll Warlord and Rage if Charge roll >=10



Angel's Wrath Intervention Force (WD47): 1 VV, 2 AS: Single Reserve roll with reroll, AS doesn't scatter if close to VV, S4 AP- hit to close opponents when DS

Angel's Fury Spearhead Force (WD47): 3 Tac, 3 Storm Ravens: Obj. Sec., single Reserve roll with reroll on Turn 1, other units don't Scatter and can Charge after DS if within 2 of the Tacs with Homers

Flesh Tearer's Blood Rain Strike Force (WD47): 1 VV, 1 AS, 1DC, Furioso, Storm Raven: Single Reserve roll with reroll on Turn 1, reroll Charge and Rage on disembark from SR, Counter Attack and Fearless on Deep Strike

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More Formations (all from Exterm.):


Archangels Orbital Intervention Force: 3 Term. squads: Single Reserve roll and can Run and Shoot on Deep Strike

Angel's Sanguine Wing: 2 VV, 1 Sternguard, 1 Storm Raven: Single Reserve roll with reroll, VVs get free Power Weapons, SG get free Combi Weapons

Archangels Demi Company: 1 Captn., 2 Furioso, 5 Squads from either TDA, VV or SG: Reroll Warlord, reroll Reserves, Scatter D6 less

Archangels: 1 Captn., 1 Chaplain, 1 Furioso, 10 Squads from either TDA, VV or SG: Reroll Warlord, Reserves from first turn with reroll, Scatter D6 less

Blooded Demi Company: 1 Captn. Or Chaplain, 1 Command Sqd., 3 Tacs., 1 AS, 1 Dev. Sqd., 1 Dread., 1 Furioso: Reroll Warlord, +1I on Charge

Strike Force Mortalis: 1 Chaplain, 3 DC, 2 DC Dreads., 1 Storm Raven: Crusader and +1A if they don't already have Rampage

Dante's Avenging Host: Dante, Mephy, 1 Sang. Priest, 1 Sang. Guard, Blooded Demi Company: Blooded Demi Company bonuses, reroll on Reserves, D6 less Scatter, Obj. Sec.

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Yet more Formations (Exterm.):


Flesh Tearers Vanguard Strike Force: 3 Tac., 1 AS, 1 VV, 1 Furioso: Ignore penalties for Disordered Charge, +1I on Charge

Lysios Relief Force: Seth, 1 VV, 1 Baal Pred., 1 Pred.: Crusader, single Reserve roll

Defenders of the Cathedrium: 1 TDA, 1 DC, 2 Tac., 1 AS, 1 Furioso: Crusader and Stubborn

Strike Force Razorwing: Lysios and Cathedrium above: Bonuses above, Fearless and Resetves from Turn 1

Strike Wing Razor Storm Force: Ok I made that one up


Note: I left out some minor details and qualifications to the above to avoid fully disclosing everything.

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Shield of Baal: Exterminatus

The Blood Angels

-Archangels Strike Force

-Archangels Orbital Intervention Force

-Archangels Sanguine Wing

-Archangels Demi-Company

-The Archangels

-Bloodied Demi-Company

-Strike Force Mortalis

-Dantes Avenging Host


Flesh Tearers

-Flesh Tearers Strike Force

-Flesh Tearers Vanguard Strike Force

-Lysios Relief Force

-The Defenders of the Cathedrum

-Strike Forze Razorwind



-Angel's Wrath Intervention Force

-Angel's Fury Spearhead Force

-Flesh Tearers Blood Rain Strike Force

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I'm not sure if I would like to use that.

You are paying 1020 points just to be able to Charge after Deep Striking, and you don't even have units to Deep Strike at this point.


Three Stormravens/Tactical Squads seems a bit expensive for a trick that I will probably enjoy only once.

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