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So I took a page out of Jeremy1391's book and I have started a push to finish at least two full tactical squads of 5th Company fists. Its starting slow, but here's what I have so far and I'm finally happy with the yellow:


Sarge with a fist:







I am happier to do battle damage to the armor instead of painstakingly cleaning up mistakes. Makes them look like veteran fighters too. Will be posting more soon!

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I started out using the colored primer Deamonic Yellow for my 3rd Company. It goes on SO freaking thick. I started using white primer, and then brush painting the Army Painter War Paint version of the Deamonic Yellow. Two light coats of it and it makes a perfect shade of yellow

Yes demonic yellow spray really needs a good shaking and also to be sprayed on very lightly. I use 3 coats of it very lightly with a coue Hours dry time between and count that as a single coat. Also the 7-8 inch distance needs to be kept too as well. If not it will go on too think at close range and grainy at distance. And if it's grainy the only thing I have found to fix that is 30 mins or so in simple green then a tooth brush to get it off. That will not take off the base primer tho.

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