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Dragging the guard back out - Ogryn chop shop pg 13


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Thanks to the change in base size for power armoured models my current mass accumulation of 25mm resin bases was looking like a bit of an annoyance. However looking at it again maybe it's a sign from old GWS to dig through the old lead mountain and find my old guard army.

I've not actually found the box yet but when I do I think I'll need to do a bit of a mass purchase of dettol to get the old paint off them. Might even be a few old lead sentinels knocking around.

This is probably going to be more of a painting than gaming project. Is there much difference between the old guard and the rebranded guard?

Trying to work out if it's worth forking out for the new codex if I'm not actually aiming to play? Do the squads still work the same way or is there any major divergences?

I guess if the project picks up some steam I'll end up getting the codex but initially not sure it's worth it right away?

What do you think?

I think that sounds awesome. IG hasn't change terribly much since all versions of our dex have basically been "...finds what you like...take lots of it...repeat until enemy is destroyed." Squads in Chimeras have always been good and the Russ is going through something of a renaissance. Massed infantry tactics got a big boon in the form of orders and easily accessible blessings.


Welcome back into the fold.

My main force is the old metal Catachan's with a mix of gangers to add variety in the units (Orlock, Esher and a select few Goliath models). Then there's a big mishmash of the other gangs and at least a squads worth of most of the old metal IG regiments(except pretorians and mordians). So there's probably the best part of 200 if not 300 grunts.


So what was the original plan?


Many moons ago ... Who am I kidding ... A decade or so ago the plan was to do a Catachan regiment supported by a newly founded (press ganged) Necromundan Regiment (I've got a squad of Arbites who helped recruit the local gangs) which would be heavily supported by many Commissars more than the last codex allowed and a few experienced troopers.


There's also a few squads worth of the old storm troopers which hold a special place in my childhood memories.


Then there's all the heavies which quickly add up and a few tanks.


I'll get some pics up as soon I I find the blasted box.

So looking at the sea of humanity strewn over my desk at work. There seems to be more special weapons than flash lights. :)


Not got the old codex with me. From memory does this sound ok for a platoon command squad.


Radio pack, medic, 2 plasma guns and the bos (maybe with a power axe).

Popped into the local GWS at lunch and had a speed flick through the codex.


Ideas acquired from the quick brows -


Fraternis millita + necromunda juves ... Can be used as they psyker squad (There's 40+ I need to find a use for)

Arbites ... Vet squad with carapace armour and shotguns?

Vast number of special weapons ... Either look at vet squads or make lots of special weapon squads.




Special weapon squads ... Demo charges is it 3 to a squad or limited to 1 per special weapons squad?

Well I think there's an orlock with a shotgun and demo charge in the big pile of models. I'm going to pull out all the shotgun armed gangers and make a few vet squads.


The old paint scheme was the old foundation granite drybrushed with progressively lighter greens then flesh picked out in talarn flesh entire model slapped with the mud wash. The red tone in the was did a really good job of dirtying and shading at the same time. Then other details picked out in black, brown, metal. Anything else that needed knocking back like the metals was washed black.


I was doing a mud/grassland bases so brown/green was fine. The bases are going to be metallic industrial looking so I think a new colour scheme is needed. Part of me wants to do the pressganged troops to still have their gang colours on. Mixed in with troops who have proper clothing.


I'm hoping I can come up with a reasonably fast scheme that still looks good this time around.


Working today but off work tomorrow so will get some pics on this blog tomorrow. :D

Gonna come back and up date this section as I work out what I've got ...


Heavy weapons teams:

9 missile launchers

6 heavy bolters

4 mortars

5 autocannons

8 lascannons


Not sure all the men to go with the weapon teams are in the box. There's also several heavy weapons that are being carried about mainly by gangers (heavy bolters mainly, some heavy stubbers and atleast 2 Catachan heavy flamers).



6 priests

8 commissars

2 engine seers

10 ratlings

10 Arbites

20 old school stormtroopers (2 meltas, 2 plasmas, 2 serg)

Currently trying to decide if it's an on mass strip job or risk a light spray of black and take it from there. Having to do the husbandry duties of lugging shopping around right now but as soon as we get home I'm playing with my toys! ;)

Some of them I think will be ok. They've just has a thin layer of the old foundation paints as an undercoat. Others that got fully painted will probably need stripping.


Ideas for 4 vets squads using mainly Necromunda models. Are the following still legal?


Squad 1 - Shotguns, Harker, vox, heavy flamer, 2x flamers


Squad 2 - Shotgun armed squad with, vox, heavy flamer, 2x flamers (not sure on the serg load out)


Squad 3 & 4 - demolitions, shotguns, vox, 3 meltas (not sure on the serg load out)


If it is I'll pull the models out of the pile.

Just sorting through them. Pics will happen once they're sorted out. Which will be tonight as the wife won't let me take over the kitchen table overnight.


I can imagining playing with this many models would be a rather labour intensive feat.

Lol ... Think this lot is going to need an awful lot of vehicles to get it mechanised.


Here's an overview of what I've sorted out:



There's 4 platoons of (each with 3x squads plus command), 2 vet squads including Harker's Devils, 4 special weapon squads (1x 3 sniper rifles, 3x pair of meltas and demo charge), 10 ratlings, 20 storm troopers, number of priests/commissars/psykers.


Might end up adding to the list as I go.


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