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Dragging the guard back out - Ogryn chop shop pg 13


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Looks like this is taking a back burner while I get everything fully prepped. Still chipping (literally) away at the bases on the models. Some idiot who will remain unnamed (probably me) decided to deviate from the standard base construction of bent tab to hold in place, slap with PVA on top, dip in sand/grit mix and then seal with watered down PVA. Instead the heathen superglue has been used on random models bases instead sometimes in multiple layers.


All the tabs will need removing anyway once painted to allow pinning to the bases. But I had planned on doing that after the paint had been applied.


Think a paint job of this size would benefit from an airbrush.

  • 5 weeks later...

Most I the bits have now got shoved into dettol baths. Looks like some of the paint is going to take a while to shift but atleast it's working.


I've also taken delivery of an airbrush and will be looking to use the guard to practice on. So hopefully once the prep is done they will get completed pretty quickly. Lol ... As long as I don't mess up with the airbrush!!!

A bit of experimentation and I'm sure you'll figure out the airbrush :) We'll be looking out for news of your progress soon :tu:

Lol ... The fun begins when I source some airbrush cleaning stuff.


Really want to strip the tanks and do a much better job on them. Guess I need to do some baby steps before trying to run at it full on.

  • 2 weeks later...

Crumbs ... I've had such a long hiatus on the guard.


Models have been sat in a selection of stripping mediums and there's a big difference in results. The cheap version of dettol from Morrisons likes to flake paint off rather than semi-disolve the paint like propper dettol and fairy power spray does. Even though it takes longer I'm liking the ease of filtering out the paint flakes with the cheap stuff.


I've taken toothbrush to a jam jars worth last night and stuck the 2/3rds back in for a little longer while I cleaned up the 1/3rd which was fairly clean. I noticed as it doesn't disolve the paint you don't get the paint clogging up your toothbrush when washing off under a running tap either which is a big bonus!!!


Bit of a shame I didn't stick all of one type in the same jars.


So I'll continue to work through getting this lot cleaned up then I can crack on with painting the on mass with this new toy (airbrush) I've got. ;)

Hmmm ... I may have also accidentally ordered some more guard as I seemed a bit light on troops and artillery and tanks and stuff ... Might have spread it over a few mail orders just incase the magic ticket came my way.


Lol ... Not even checked if the tickets have all been located yet. Don't pick up the loot till Saturday so ignoring if they have all been found yet.

Lol ... I think this is the 4th or more times this has come up on my thread. ;)


I've got a box of 3 Catachan heavy weapons teams and looking at the weapons I can easily make them work for 3 mortars, 3 missile launchers and 3 heavy bolters without needing to bodge anything. The autocannons are going to go onto my old school metal sentinels and not sure about the lascannons yet.


I was hoping I could slap the heads from the scions kit with Catachan bodies. But without slicing and dicing it doesn't look like a quick fix.


Slowly getting through stripping this lot. Need to avoid getting frustrated with it as it's very time consuming and I've not been able to spend any decent chunks of time on it.

Lol ... I can see myself ending up with several different guard armies at this rate.


The missile launchers are close enough as long as I keep them in separate heavy weapon squads. The metal mortars I've got are valhallan so I could get away with the using the plastic ones as long as I keep the none Catachan separate.

Well last night found me attempting to scrub paint off the really old plastic storm troopers and associated metals. They've been stuck in a cheaper alternative to dettol (Morrisons own brand) which helps get loose paint off (just flakes off) but doesn't really work on thick layers of paint. So I'll need to either work them a lot harder with a toothbrush/needle or dump them in something stronger.


Even though the average grunt is mono pose they still are some of my favourite models. I guess it's down to them being as close to looking like regular modern day soldiers as GWS has ever done.


Guess I'm going to end up with those and the Catachan's as the main part of the initial army.

Works been slow so thankfully I had something to keep me busy ... The mould lines on the HWS!!! After a 12 hour shift I've still not got them all, damn customers interrupting model clean up. ;)


Need to magic up some extra bodies/legs/heads so I can make maximum use of the kit. Not sure where they'll be acquired from as of yet but I can see the need for more Catachan bits before I'm finished. Just wish the plastic grunts weren't so butt ugly. I can see myself raiding bits sites for the command squad stuff as they are a bit nicer.


So I can use the backpacks with the urban/industrial feel I want I've had to chop off the leaves from the back packs which was interesting. Carving into plastic was fun but hard to get a smooth surface and avoid digging too much out of the model.


I've also got to work out how to scratch build replacement power units for the metal sentinels. It seems I have a fair few partial models and what I assumed was the power plant is actually an old metal dread power plant (it's actually almost the same). So do I scratch build one and cast that up or just cast the stand in one? I'm also thinking of trying to change the leg positions on some. Not sure how to even approach this. Maybe biting off more than I can chew with all the other projects I have ongoing

Yeah ... I'm currently looking at possibly chopping up the lascannons and doing something with the back end and the cable looks pretty nice though I could make better cables with the gs tube tool I've bought. The power unit/box can also be a possible source of parts for the power plant.


Though looking at the bits now I'm leaning towards just going with the dread power plant route. Though I think I'll be nabbing a few ideas with making gs press moulds for icons from another thread on here. Got to love the b&c for inspiration. ;)


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