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Dragging the guard back out - Ogryn chop shop pg 13


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Hmmm ... After a lot of googling I found out what I thought was a dreadnought power plant is actually the correct power unit for the sentinels. So I'm going to reproduce that missing piece for the others. Not sure where the board stands on this so I'll just get on with it without going into too much detail. ;)


I did play around with the lascannon and autocannon to see if they look ok. I think the l/c is a bit too big to fit on the top where the gun normally goes. The a/c is a better fit size wise if I'm mounting it in the same place. If I did the l/c then it would need to be slung under the body or side mounted.


Still trying to decide if I'm going to replace the drivers with upper half of the metal Catachan heavy weapons or use the old storm trooper one instead. The original driver looks like a Cadian so won't fit into the look I'm going for.


Cleaning using Morrisons own version of dettol may be cheap but it's not very speedy. I think I'm going to need to get some fresh dettol and also some fairy power spray to speed up the process. I plan on having made a decent way though painting the army up by the end of the year and at this rate I won't have even stripped all of it.

I have no issue with doing a bit of moulding for bits and pieces, but anything like production or talking about methods isn't allowed.


How is the "dettol" working out? I need to get some models back to plastic so anything you've learnt would help :)

Dettol works wonders as long as you don't get water involved. As soon as water mixes with dettol/paint mix it goes sticky, gunky and is a right pain in the backside to get off.


I've tried cheaper stuff (Morrisons own version) and it just flakes off little bits off of paint but doesn't do anything to soften the paint like dettol does.


I find a long soak in dettol and then have a pot of dettol you can hold the model in and scrub below the dettol in the pot works. Hold the model with gloved hands or long nose pliers.


You'll end up with a paint and dettol mix which you'd think needs throwing. Whatever you do don't throw this away!!! You can reuse dettol several times you just need to remove the paint. To do this pour the gunky dettol into a tall jar with a lid. Leave it to settle for a week or so and pour off the cleaned up dettol leaving sludge behind.

Hmmm ... You can have a commander with caripace armour and a shotgun but you can't arm his command squad with shotguns. Sooo close to running an all Arbites force!!!


Been looking at the barrel of the basilisk and found evergreen do tubing exactly the same diameter for each of the different parts of the barrel. I really wanted to do enclosed tanks like the solar auxillia have. So a LR kit combined with some tubing will hopefully work out quite nicely.


Looking at the models I have access to my main force will be made up with Catachan, Orlock, Esher and Goliath models. They'll be the main fighting force of a Rogue Trader. I'm thinking that all these commissars I've got knocking around will make up the command.


More random thoughts will be forthcoming shortly.

Right I've bit the bullet and got some new paints to play with. I'm thinking of going for the dirty work overalls that deckhands might have aboard a Rouge Trader vessel.


The idea is having the RT with some more professional troops (MT) and then any deckhands who want to share the glory get to make up the rest of the force (vets/normal grunts)


Thinking the RT's commanding officers will be represented using the commissar models and either used in game as commissars or as officers in the command squads or maybe both with differing paint jobs. Not quite worked that out in my head yet. Rule of cool will be the way forward over gaming efficiency as I doubt these will be gamed with that often.


My old scheme used a dark green base with several drybrushes which were progressively lighter in colour and in intensity. That was then knocked back by a delvin mud wash which has some reg pigment in that shaded the greens nicely.


I'm wanting to use a similar technique but with greys. So I'm thinking black undercoat followed by a skavenblight basecoat. Not sure if going straight into a drybrush of dawnstone will work or if I need something inbetween? Then maybe a very light drybrush of something a little lighter? Blocking in the skin and other bits then a wash with agrax (I think that's the closest to delvin mud)?


Does that sound like it'll work?

Ended up working on the clean up of models last night after work. By 3am I'd got to a take out trays worth of bits of metal cleaned up.


Didn't quite mean to stay up that late as I'm back up getting ready for doing the school run and then working another 11 hour shift on 3 hours kip.

Hmmm ... I was a bit messed up the next day. Got through the nightmare shifts so hopefully I'll get some more done today as long as the wife doesn't find too many extra jobs for me to do.


I need to locate the high points value models and prioritise the cleaning of them. I'm also going to need to risk upsetting the wife by acquiring some of the BIG Tupperware boxes for tank stripping.


Been looking at the Stormlord I painted up for my iron hands last year and the fact that I've not had a single game with them means they're now going to loose it and the guard will acquire it instead. :D

Hmmm ... The wife has bought me a large cheap Tupperware box and threat of Exterminatus to my model collection if I stray into the kitchen to use any of the others for stripping models. :D


I'm sure she's a member of the =][=!!!

Well recovery of the Iron Lady has started:




The rest of the tanks have been moved up from the reserves to get them battle ready:




I've also located the command squad sprues, another commissar lurking around with the tanks and a few more grunts. Just need to locate the AWOL Ogryns.

Cheers ... The Ogryns turned up in a jar soaking on dettol. So they'll be cleaned up pretty quickly.


The difference between the cheap stuff and propper dettol is drastic. The paints just dropping off them. Which is what happens to most paint in dettol when you leave it in for a week or more.

You can get 3 or 4 litres for around £12.


Just got the Ogryns out and they need a little bit more cleaning up mainly removing superglue from the joints and little bit of paint from some crevices.




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