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Beating Eldar Assistance


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I am relatively new to Blood Angels and my experiences friend plays Eldar. He absolutely destroys me everytime and it is hardly a fun time at this point. We always play tactical objects and 1000-1500 point games. I would really appreciate some advice on how to go about getting the win against eldar with my Blood Angels!


Units he typically takes:


The skimmer with the torrent and barrage (not sure what its called)

Wave serpents with wraithguard and/or empty

LOTS of jetbikes. Lots of high masterly level psykers on jetbikes as well.

Warp spiders

A skyshield landing pad with several of the barrage artillery pieces on top

A wraithknight (the big one) on top of the landing pad

Not many troop infantry except a squad of the snipers or two


That landing pad is tough to crack because it is filled so I cant drop on top of it (or fit at all really). He dominates the psychic phases (mine too) and usually gets his wraithknight invisible (yes...). I tried taking a culexus assasin (the anti psyker one) but his jetbikes can just stay 12'' away no problem. Any ideas guys? Thanks!



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As an Eldar player I can tell that your friend brings the most powerful units to games with you. You should probably do the same. However, Eldar are really vulnerable to assault. If you can charge him, he's in deep trouble. As a Blood Angel you should't really have problem with that. Just don't try to outshoot him.


Maybe use his skyshield to your own advantage. What you can do is drop the pod beside the landing pad and hide beneath it, so he can't shoot you. Next turn, you can charge.


What do YOU usually field against him?

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I was just going to mention that... i have heard that a furioso dreadnought fits nicely underneath a skyshield, land at a corner with drop pod, use your disembark to hide under it behind a corner leg so he cant shoot you and then next turn frag cannon/heavy flamer and charge... one cleared skyshield later you can smile sweetly at him.


And double check his points...

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appledipper, let us know what army you are using and what else you have available, plus if you would be willing to buy more. 


Your friend is being a harsh teacher it seems, but on the positive side once you beat him you will have a good idea of the strengths and weaknesses of your army. Eldar are the dominating force in 7th ed, so you're in at the deep end for sure! 

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hey thanks guys I will try the hiding under the skyshield thing! only problem is he will probably charge me with his invisible wraithknight. I normally field death company with jump packs, assault marines with meltas and jump packs, furioso in pod, a couple bare tacs with missile launcher to hold objectives in my deployment zone, and assault terminators sometimes in a stormraven. I also have a land raider and most of the hq characters. The thing is I deploy the assault troops and try to jump up and hug cover as much as I can but he manages to barrage and shoot me like crazy and his mobile bikes just stay away from me and grab objectives and buff his units/debuff mine with psychic powers. 

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1. Id tell your buddy to calm down on the WAAC.
2. Serpents cant be bought empty, they can only be bought as a dedicated transport for other units.

3. Given the points you listed up there regarding what he takes, he either cheats or doesnt know his codex to well...

going through it, making the list "playable" this is what I get

farseer, bike

2 * 5 rangers

2 * 6 bikes

2 * 5 wraithguards
2 wave serpents

5 warp spiders

3 support batteries

1 night spinner

1 Wraithknight


No upgrades anywhere on the units, exept for the bike on the Farseer, and this list goes to 1529 pts


At 1500, Id do this:
Brother corbulo

1 * 5 tactical marines

1 Razorbacks, Lascannon

1 * 5 Scouts, 5 sniper rifles

Fragioso in pod

5 Assault terminators, 4 * TH & SS, 1 * LCs

Land raider (any kind)

5 Sternguards 5 combiweapons, pod

Furioso dread, pod


Keeping it tight, Anything in your army will hit him(Initiative 6 when charging) before he strikes back, giving you a decent chance of killing them. 

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By saying your playing Tactical Objectives, you're playing Maelstrom, right ? I'd field a big bullet magnet to harrass the units bothering your jumpers, and then run MSU jumpers and bikes to score.

At 1500 you can do something like :-

Baal Formation

Librarian w/ JP

5x DC

5x DC

5x DC

5x DC

5x Scouts

5x Scouts

3x Bikes w/ 2x Grav; Attack Bike w/Multi-Melta

3x Bikes w/ 2x Grav; Attack Bike w/Multi-Melta

3x Bikes w/ 2x Grav; Attack Bike w/Multi-Melta

Allied Formation

Imperial Knight Errant

You don't need to blow the skimmers up with shooting, just make them jink or stop them shooting their shields (the Thermal Cannon is good for that). Assault them if they come into midfield. Bikes shoot WraithKnight(s). DC score. Scouts stand around being rubbish msn-wink.gif

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thanks for the tips guys. I wish i had 3 pods but sadly I only have one. I may decide to pick up a couple more though, the idea sounds fun. Just to clarify, he doesnt take all of those units every game, those are just typical things I see him take. He buys a dedicated wave serpent for a unit and then doesnt start them in it, just starts it empty.

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Whenever someone does the skyshiekd shenanigans I've always Deep Striked right underneath it. In the past I've gone with THSS Termies and a Priest with TDA, but if course that's not possible with the new Codex. Wraith Knight won't be able to counter charge you as he can't fit under there and he'll have to come off the shield to see you in order to even try.


The other thing you can try is a Furioso Librarian in a Pod and scoot him under the shield as other people said (I never tried this, so make sure he'll fit). The hood will help break the Invisibility going off and all you need is one wound on him and you can kill him outright with with the Force Halberd. Good luck!

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Deep striking pod and hiding beneath landing pad is good idea, as long opponent isn't someone like me, who would use that to bait and deploy like full unit of Wraithguard with wraith cannons beneath it, just to prevent people trying to hide beneath it... There's just 2 things you need to rememeber when playing agains eldars: Do not try to outshoot them and do not try to out run them. Eldar units are tough as door nails but expensive or then squishy. Answers: Flamers. Pod Fragioso or Flamercide squad's. Or pod a Sternguards with some combi flamers and fill out the wraithknight with 2+ poison shots. When ever people bring wraithknight, they do count almost everything to it and when its lost their game kinda breaks it.

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Awesome guys thanks a ton. Can a hood help deny invisibility cast on an enemy model? Anyway, I will definitely try podding and deep striking beneath, I like the idea a lot

It can't. My bad. Hood can't help cancel blessings or conjurations. It's just a straight up 6 to deny the witch.

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Yes, Invisibility (and similar Blessings) can be very hard to counter unless you have a bucket-load of dice to throw into stopping it. I have to admit that I don't normally like playing this power because the chances of getting it are too low (33% for a ML2 psyker) to build a strategy around but it is disproportinately powerful if you do actually get it.
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Make sure your HQs have auspex if you're allowed to take them. 


It really helps lower than jink nonsense.

Ravens are next.  Get one or two.  They'll sort out half those probs.  


Drop pods will work quite well aswell.  Maybe a pod with Vanguard with Storm Shields (even TH/SS terms in a fast pod).  Pod RIGHT next to the pad, and then run/disembark under the shield.  The knight should not actually be able to charge you in the subsequent turn, nor should he be able to actually trace LOS to you - and if he can, you're likely to get great saves.  Then hop up and engage. 

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By saying your playing Tactical Objectives, you're playing Maelstrom, right ? I'd field a big bullet magnet to harrass the units bothering your jumpers, and then run MSU jumpers and bikes to score.


At 1500 you can do something like :-


Baal Formation

Librarian w/ JP

5x DC

5x DC

5x DC

5x DC

5x Scouts

5x Scouts

3x Bikes w/ 2x Grav; Attack Bike w/Multi-Melta

3x Bikes w/ 2x Grav; Attack Bike w/Multi-Melta

3x Bikes w/ 2x Grav; Attack Bike w/Multi-Melta


Allied Formation

Imperial Knight Errant


You don't need to blow the skimmers up with shooting, just make them jink or stop them shooting their shields (the Thermal Cannon is good for that). Assault them if they come into midfield. Bikes shoot WraithKnight(s). DC score. Scouts stand around being rubbish ;)

I've been meaning to ask, what the hell is wrong with this damn Eldar Shield?

I returned recently to the hobby (less than a month) and still trying to catch up with all the new stuff.

So an Eldar player in my LGG told me about those shields in his Wave Serpent, that he can choose to fire as a weapon. even though he also uses them to modify his jinx saves. Is this how it's supposed to work?

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I've been meaning to ask, what the hell is wrong with this damn Eldar Shield?

I returned recently to the hobby (less than a month) and still trying to catch up with all the new stuff.

So an Eldar player in my LGG told me about those shields in his Wave Serpent, that he can choose to fire as a weapon. even though he also uses them to modify his jinx saves. Is this how it's supposed to work?


vahouth-   it doesnt modify the jink* save, its a little worse, it can be shot as a weapon, or if its not shot as such in the previous shooting phase, can covert penetrating hits to glancing hits (on like a 2+ i think).


There may be wargear to make the jink 3+, though i'm unsure at the moment about that!!! 


The shield is d6+1, s7, ignores cover- which is silly silly.  Really is incredibly overpowered.  



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