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Lets chat Raptor Cults! Lists, God worship and more!

Noctem Cultor

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The version of the jump pack used in the space marine video game at one point is discarded for being out of fuel, so I'm not sure that it is piggy backed on the powerpack of the armour. However, as with much of 40k tech I suspect that the jet packs are powered by narrativium.

For example, Lucoryphus is able to use his as a maneuvering thruster. In space.


Side note, I wonder what the Stoichiometric ratio for the jetpack is.

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I thought the power was for the thruster not the turbine? So with no gravity it can work without needing the thruster jets going and saving the majority of power? I guess Raptors must have something like Solar/Warp Panels that charge up their Jump packs power. Unless there is a way to distil something that is abundant in the warp into fuel.



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Going back to the etymology and role of raptor cults for a minute.


If we take the codex as an extremely heretical inquisitors notes on the forces of chaos, subsequently distributed on a need to know basis for it's factual accuracy (more or less) there is room for pure raptor cults and warband troops that merely conform to the jump pack archetype, with little opportunity for corroborative data to be accumulated then all possibilities are true.


Which basically means it's up to each player to decide themselves which bits they want to apply.


Personally I subscribe to the existence of full blown raptor cults that are attracted to battle, however my word bearers will utilise jump pack troops as required, from within their own ranks, using the rules for raptors and warp talons (or not) as applicable.

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Going back to the etymology and role of raptor cults for a minute.


If we take the codex as an extremely heretical inquisitors notes on the forces of chaos, subsequently distributed on a need to know basis for it's factual accuracy (more or less) there is room for pure raptor cults and warband troops that merely conform to the jump pack archetype, with little opportunity for corroborative data to be accumulated then all possibilities are true.


Which basically means it's up to each player to decide themselves which bits they want to apply.


Personally I subscribe to the existence of full blown raptor cults that are attracted to battle, however my word bearers will utilise jump pack troops as required, from within their own ranks, using the rules for raptors and warp talons (or not) as applicable.

This makes sense to me. From what I've read, jump packs do not seem to have the same personal possession status as other pieces of kit, like TDA. Subsequently, they might be assigned to non dedicated jump units for specific missions. For example a squad of five Astartes given a pair of meltaguns and some jump packs and then are vertically inserted onto or near an enemy artillery position to take out their self propelled guns.


In addition to these somewhat as hoc raptor units, their would be the raptor cults that specialize in that form of warfare, and have done bit for long enough that their equipment, minds, and body's have adapted to the raptor way.


The problem with this theory, is that the raptor cults would likely be significantly better at being raptors then the marines who occasionally put on jump packs, but also fight as light or mechanized infantry. You could signify a raptor cult from a squad with jump packs, by having more men and upgrades in the cult, but then all raptor cults may not be large and well equipped. Any suggestions?


I like the idea of raptors and they will probably be the next non vehicle models I get.

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I would posit that similarly to a loyalist chapter jump pack specialism would still be slightly more distinct than five randoms. After all there are examples of characters who would normally wear power armour donning tda for a particular engagement.


In my particular case my word bearers have a council of apostasy formed of the dark apostle and his acolytes who each have particular skill sets and tactical preferences. Each leads a coterie suited to his preferred style of war. This include his coryphaus and first acolyte, along with a sorcerer, raptor/jump packer and so on. So that's my interpretation, the dedicated jump pack troops that follow a particular champion within the host.

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There are plenty of examples in BL of Jump Packs requiring some sort of fuel and of Marines discarding Jump Packs when that fuel is exhausted.


However, I think that at some point of mutation / possession, they'd end up running on 'warp stuff'. Just like Obliterators can 'manufacture' their ammunition and weapons from said 'warp stuff'.

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I think that the standard Raptor still has to refuel his jump pack while an advanced form of Raptor like a "Warp Talon" is properly "corrupted" and thus if he can cross the Warp at will we can think that the concern for fuel is a thing forgotten. I imagine them travelling across the Warp in a very similar way to Erebus, by "cutting" the skein of reality with their Warp infused claws. I think that the Warp Talons are the undisputed masters of this form of "sorcery" transforming it into an inherent ability.


At the end of the day this form of travel appeared two times in the BL books. First time when Erebus tried to perform it and the book (have to recall which though) explains it in detail how it works. The second time it appears is in the Calth book with Ollanius performing it with the help of a "magic compass" and a ritual blade. Said that the autosenses of a Warp Talon supplement for the need of the compass and their Warp imbued claws the need for a ritual blade. And this is just the basics... who knows what else have the Talons mastered.


I quite see a Warp Talon offering a "passage" to a client... for the right price of course. And I see them battling quite often with other "travellers" of their kind like Eldar Ranges, Necron Triarch Praetorians and other breeds of transdimensional travellers.

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Okay new point of debate. Bleeding Eyes Raptors Cult (From the BL trilogy) they are clearly based on the last type of Raptors before the dual plastic kit. But would you say they are closed to Raptors or Warp Talons due to their Mutations? (they don't appear to need fuel either).

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I think the Bleeding Eyes are mostly standard Raptors. They may have some Mutations (Gift of Mutation) but they still fight like Raptors with Chainswords and Melta guns.

As I mentioned before I think their leader Lucoryphus was probably blessed by the Gods in some way. 

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I think the Raptors and Warp Talons division needs to be more clearly defined. Warp Talons are clearly a specialised unit in their own right and I imagine that there are several of these units that have mutated or equipped to fight with a certain style that isn't just dive out of the sky and kill!


I think we have at least Traditional Raptors (close to assault marines), Chaos Raptors (Mutated Raptors that we generally field in 40k) and Warp Talons. I imagine that there is a term for Tank Hunter Raptors who probably have mutations to help further their skill in that area.


Can anyone else think of any variations of Raptors mentioned that could possibly deserve a sub category name under the Raptor branch?


Ive also been thinking about what units you could use proxy wise in an Unbound force to represent a good Raptor Cult. As they are not a disciplined force but each squad will do its goal and have its fun. So here are a few that I can think of off the top of my head that could add a bit of flavour.


These are the Power Armour ones I could think of:


Warp Talons

Raptor Lord

Interceptor Grey Knights

Jump Pack SM Captain

Vanguard Veterans

Assault Squad

Sanguinary Guard

Jump Pack Sanguinary Priest

Jump Pack Death Company

And Special Characters like:




Now im not sure if any set up would allow you to have a Jump Pack Devastator as really its anti Tank your missing but fluff wise Hawk Lords with Hawk wings have been known to do this.


Id then look at these units for assistance:


Blood Thirster

Lord Of Change

Hellions/ Scourges (Count as Jump Pack Cultists or Cultists on Disc of Tzeentch?)

Beastmaster With Razorwing Flock (Furies Handler With Minor Furies)


And for Vehicles/Daemon Engines:


Fire Raptor

Chaos Thunderhawk (IA13)

Hell Blade/ Hell Talon

Dark Talon/ Nephilm Jetfighter



Stormwolf/ Stormfang Gunship


So Actually for a Chaotic Unbound Raptor Cult there is quite a few choices (im sure ive missed some) they just need some fluff sprinkled on and they would be fine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Personally I subscribe to the existence of full blown raptor cults that are attracted to battle, however my word bearers will utilise jump pack troops as required, from within their own ranks, using the rules for raptors and warp talons (or not) as applicable.


I'm doing a similar thing, I recognize the raptor cults as a Thing, but the "raptors" in my own warband are former members of Word Bearer assault companies that have stuck with their chapter. (they have the vox-enhancers built into their armour, but that's to amplify their war chants, not for shrieking a la raptor cults)

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I like the idea of Sonic Raptors, swooping down using amplified shrieks as weapons and then catching their foes in mid air.

I'd call my Squad the Flying V.

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On the subject of fuel, I've liked the idea of heresy jump units using nuclear fuel (fussion) instead of chemical (Promethium)... The concept is around today with nuclear jets.

Sure, radiation and expense but these are assault astartes, radiation is not the most dangerous thing they face... But hey, that's me.

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