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Well with the new Codex hitting it's time to dig out the old stuff I didn't get around to finishing. Last time around I had big plans to make a full battle company so it's not a small haul!




Ok a few bits I've picked up recently like the Dethstorm box, but it would have been rude not too! I'm allso realyl digin' the new assault terminators and tactical kits..... Must resist urge to buy more models..... 


Over the last week I've been cracking on with a few bits. I have built a few bikers that are in need of bases and 5 more sniper scouts to max out the squad. As well as assembly I've managed a bit of paint. 






That drop pod is one of three I've been trying to get finished for 4 years now but as I was trying to batch paint them all I lost the will to live every time I tried. So this time I've gone for one at a time and I've finally got one finished... I know, chillout it's just s drop pod.



I think next up will be a Stormraven, but it could as easy be a Furioso with pod. I may throw in Corbulo for kicks.... I'm still not sure how he's not been painted already!

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Ok I've not gotten much done recently so I thought I'd at least throw up a WiP shot with a backdrop comparison to keep the blog alive. 



If I'm to stick with a white backdrop I'll get something better than a few sheets of A4... I'm not sure though that I like it more than the black?



What do you guys think?

  • 2 weeks later...
Ok I've finally got around to taking a photo of the Stromraven (relying on natural light is a total pain). 


This Raven will be number 1 of my 187 squadron and will bare the name Murder, Death and Kill will follow later. I'm half way through Kill but I can't decide if Death will be black or not... I'm leaning towards it being red.





Next like a I say will be a second Stormraven and as I'd had left over paint in my air brush I attacked a Rhino as well as some sniper scouts. Busy busy busy!

I'm still using some old paints. It's black primer with a Mechrite red base (leaving black in the areas you want shade). I then add a thin layer of Blood red over the whole model. I then edge highlight with Fiery Orange and when all that is dry I wash the whole lot with Baal red. I'm dreading the day I run out of paint and have to try and match it with newer/different paint ranges. 

  • 3 weeks later...
Thank you very much Pearson73.


I've not stopped painting I've just been ill. I'm now back in the hot seat and making progress once more. I have finished another Stormraven and a Rhino. I decided to take a group shot of the two Stormravens and the Rhino together. I would do a whole army shot but I currently lack the lighting, camera and space to stage such a thing!




I really need to paint more troops but I only have a scout squad at the moment so that will have to do. I will be buying the new Tactical box at some point, but I have a boat load of Terminators to build and paint as well as 5 more Dreadnoughts..... That's not to forget poor Corbulo who keeps getting sidelined. 


I'm hoping to keep the pace up on these but I'm all kinds of taxed on hobby time at the moment and I've got to start finding time to get out on my bike to train for this years London to Brighton bike ride.... So you'll have to forgive me if update are a little slow in coming. 

Unfortunately that's as much light as I have on offer and that's in the middle of the day! I don't think my compact camera is up to the task. For now I just have to make do with what I've got. Thanks for the compliment. 


Yup that Stormraven was fairly dusty. I've ran out of space to store my model collection in foam so a lot of it now lives on display. It's not ideal but I always end up spending my spare cash on more models rather than places to put them. I also don't like the idea of spending £20-25 on cardboard boxes to put stuff in just because it's got model shaped holes in the foam *cough* KR *cough*. 

Hey I really like the way they have come out they look great, I have an emassed collection of blood angels that I'm intimidated to paint, do you ha e any airbrushing advise you could share

Have you thought about adding the chapter house stormraven extension?

Hey I really like the way they have come out they look great, I have an emassed collection of blood angels that I'm intimidated to paint, do you ha e any airbrushing advise you could share

Have you thought about adding the chapter house stormraven extension?


I've thought about the chapter house kit but after seeing one up close it's not great quality.


As for airbrushing advice yeah, just do it!


It's far far easier than you could ever imagine. I use a really cheap set up it was a £60-90 compressor and brush combi set. The things I looked out for was that it came with all the hoses and an air tank I also made sure it had a moisture trap and was self lubricating (maintenance free). Another thing to look out for is the lowest working PSI not highest, you are looking for 0-5 PSI.  The brushes that it came with aren't great but do the job and are excellent for getting used to the anatomy of a brush. I'm at the point now where I could do with spending my initial investment again just on a new brush so I can progress my skills further and many people will tell you to spend now rather than later but I think that just adds to the intimidation factor. 


I've not ruined a model yet with air brushing and even if I did go wrong the layers are so thin that I could just got over it all again. If you need me to explain anything in more detail I'd be happy to help.

  • 2 months later...
Ok I finally got around to finishing my scout squad and vindicare assassin. I also finished up a second drop pod but didn't take a photo as they are super boring (but essential).




Anyone else think that the sergeant looks like Barney? 




I know this isn't the standard look but I'm quite pleased with it.

Great stuff man, I really like the grey for the material on the Scouts.

I did mine a creamy White and it looks to bright and colourful for snipers, I might go back and make them grey like yours.


I totally see what you mean about the front guy looking like Barney. :D

  • 1 month later...

Long time no update. Believe it or not this is the first ever Death Company I've ever painted for my Blood Angels. The details on these guys took forever to finish!






I'm not sure what I'll be working on next except for it'll be BA's as I've not got any Tau left to paint. I'll keep you guys posted with my progress.... Tau'va.  

Edited by Darklighter
  • 3 months later...
I'm not dead, but with the new BA codex unable to get me excited for the army progress has been very slow!



I've almost finished a biker Librarian and Corbulo... With Tau coming back around this army might be getting shelved again for the greater good!

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