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Darklighter's painting log


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Thanks man, it's the first time someone's picked up on that. 


I was supposed to be painting my tide wall but got distracted by this fella!




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With the new edition all but landed I've not been buying anything new. I'm still on with finishing up the few models/units I have left to paint. These are almost all for my Blood Angels. I do have a piece from Wargames Exclusive that I'm working on but I've had to halt progress until I get to the shops for more paint! I've not been idle though and have finished up the last of the terminators for my Angels. I've also started on a couple of character models and 3 Terminator Librarians.

Group shots of my current full 1st Company... I need to add Sternguard and Vanguards at some point.

I think I still have at least one unit/box of Tactical Marines as well as some metal Sternguard I've not quite made my mind up as of yet as to what I'm going to make them up as?
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all of this is fantastic. Except you didn't drill your barrels :tongue.:.



I know I really should but I've been collecting this army for so long I'd have to go back over hundreds of models drill and retouching paint.... I'm just to lazy and worried that if at this stage I manage to mess up a barrel I've ruined a model completely! I'm basically leaving them to keep continuity throughout my army at this point. 




Looks great! Kinda have a fetish for terminators.


I think it started with space hulk for me. I have a set all painted up just for the game... Then it got re-released and I had to get some just for my army. I added in the Shield of Baal box set with the Dark Vengeance set  and ended up with quite a large terminator force!


Thanks for the positive feed backs it's always good to gage how other feel about your work. 

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I have finally painted up a full Vanguard squad I know a bit bland on the weapons load out but I'm sure the 5 melta pistols will spice things up a bit!

I've had a few people tripping over them selves about that banner. It's just a decals from the GW BA's transfer sheet applied over a hand painted back drop with some brush work text on the bottom finished up with a light wash. I'm really pleased with the result I think it looks awesome. I feel like a fraud every time someone asks how it was done and I have to explain, lol.
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I agree, the BA transfer sheet is pretty fantastic. I often am torn between just using everything on there or saving them for special units since they are just so danged fantastic!


Honestly, just use it. The amount of stuff I hoard for 'special units' is crazy. Putting the extra gubbins or awesome transfers onto the unit is what makes them special, as seen above!

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 I feel like a fraud every time someone asks how it was done and I have to explain, lol.


Pffft, applying transfers well is an art from in and of itself. That's to say nothing of selecting the right transfers and the overall composition, which is superb. So, don't you dare label yourself a fraud!

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These took a touch longer than I'd anticipated, but the suns been out and I've been distracted. Nothing really showy on these I just thought I best have at least one squad of them in my army. 




I think I'm going to hit up my Librarians next and leave the Tactical squad until last.  

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It's a bit daunting at first as when use with just water they look awful. I'd recomend Micro set and Micro Sol and follow the instructions on the bottels. I work over a gloss coat then seal it with more gloss once it's all fully dry. I use a matt varnish over the whole model once I'm finished to tie it all together and make the red pop more. 

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Thanks LutherMax. 



I got some Librarians ready to serve.
I've been bought a Sanguinary priest and as it's such nice a model I'm going to paint him next.
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Great array of Librarian models there, that's exactly the blue I envisage for them and the various decorations contrast well without stealing focus.

Gotta, say though, next to the newer plastics the old guy on the right looks a little odd given how low set the head is. He's a midget, a mutant or got no neck!


Thanks man I've always prefered the whiter golds, but it's only recently I've been brave enough to use other paint ranges to achieve it... I say recently it's been 4 years!

Very much my preference too. Which paint from which range, by the way? It looks great and my normal method for getting a white gold is mixing silver in 'til I get what I want. Straight out of the bottle would be preferable!

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Great array of Librarian models there, that's exactly the blue I envisage for them and the various decorations contrast well without stealing focus.


Gotta, say though, next to the newer plastics the old guy on the right looks a little odd given how low set the head is. He's a midget, a mutant or got no neck!



Thanks man I've always prefered the whiter golds, but it's only recently I've been brave enough to use other paint ranges to achieve it... I say recently it's been 4 years!

Very much my preference too. Which paint from which range, by the way? It looks great and my normal method for getting a white gold is mixing silver in 'til I get what I want. Straight out of the bottle would be preferable!


I tried to hide his chin with a bit of stubble as it looked far worse initially.


Yeah man I get that I can mix paint and have, but it is time consuming! I use Tamiya Titanium Gold X-31. I do use Tamiya thinners as well with most of their range. But with this I tend to just shake really well and use the paint direct from the lid. It works better if you use one coat then wait for it to completely dry before adding the next as it tends to lift if touched while not set. Most things take one coat but bigger areas may need multiple layers to get an even finish. It also looks really good with just a black wash and re-highlight with the gold again. It takes a little bit more playing about on the application, but is well worth the learning curve.  

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Looking good. As for running out of things to paint, that's an end game some of us can only dream of...


I know, right! It still feels wrong though... My Tau Army has always been fully painted and up to date, but that's been balanced by my Angels having a massive backlog of stuff. Now it's just weird!!  I might have to re-mortgage the house and have a massive splurge, though I think that would be quickly followed by an expensive divorce....

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