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2014 was a fantastic year for Chaos miniatures. Both with releases and with Frater creations (not to forget stomping all others into submission in the ETL).

So here's your chance to post your favourite individual, squad, vehicle, or terrain piece that YOU completed in 2014.

Do not worry about any thoughts like "mine isn't good enough to post so I won't". I want to see personal achievements. That piece that you're really happy with. Then next year you can compare and see how you've improved over the twelve months.

Let's get these pics added with these guidelines:

  • Must be for a Chaos Space Marines army.
  • Must be finished.
  • Minimal text about the model (feel free to include links to and Work in Progress threads).
  • Do NOT post comments in this topic in response to others posts. Any post which is not a picture post will be deleted. Let's keep this as a gallery.

Get on with it then thumbsup.gif

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Ancient Modras - Omicron Splinter - Alpha Legion Helbrute




Link to the WIP and background. 


Why? Well with Ancient Modras I have tired to follow the step by step official guide released by Games Workshop as a challenge to myself but also as a way to test if those guides are useful at all. Well it proved to be mighty useful and the result was quite an "advancement" in my painting skills, at least for me. 

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Lieutenant Rualteth, Master of the Airborne. 




One of my all time favourite models I've built and painted, the second in command of the Siege Makers steps forward. His fluff and WIP can be found via the link in my sig. 
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This year, I completed somewhere in the region of 15,000pts, and that's just entries to events on the board, of note are these two huge completions:






But something that's perhaps under the radar I'm really proud of is how these Blight Drones came out:




May next year be as glorious a year!

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Iron Warriors 5th Grand Company




Chaos area



Forgefiend, Feb



Chaos Knight, March



Champion Sevatar Rauth, March







Khârn, March



Warpsmith Dreadnought, March



Raptors, April



Classic metal Chaos Dreadnought, May


Chaos Guards, May



Iron Havocs, May- June?



Be'lakor + Iron Havoc



Land Raider, Septemeber - Birthday week off




Iron Warriors Contemptor (sp?) Dreadnought, Septemeber: Birthday





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Edit: Double post due to photo limit


Predator, Call of Chaos, October




Siege Breacher (sp?) unit for Rapid Fire, October




Autocannon IW for first unit of Siege Breacher I painted year before




Second Chaos Knight, around June?





Lheor Ukris, Novemeber (ADB I've sent you a PM with WIP photo of Lheor Ukris)



Warsmith Abhorred Riddick. Novemeber, though it be somthing cool to paint to mark 17th Nov, when I started the Iron Warriors. It was the Warsmith Abhorred Riddick (left) who started it all, though be cool have a updated version




Sorcerer in Terminator armour, Novemeber




Maulerfiend, Call of Chaos, Novemeber




Chaos Dreadnought, Dec






Chosen, Kill Team, Call of Chaos, December




Chosen Rhino (not included crew Battle Brother)




Warpsmith, Call of Chaos, Decemeber




Iron Warriors Biker unit, April to Novemeber



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Oh man, 2014 was indeed an awesome year. AWESOME!

Lessee,so many mini's finished yet so little space...

OK, first up, there's my two squads of Thousand Sons, one with a kit bashed sorcerer.



Then, my tank beast. As soon as Imperial Armour Apocalypse came out, I knew I wanted a Predator with magna melta. Click here for a build tutorial and parts list.


Up next, the close combat contemptor Cilice Macelarius, whose original trophies sparked an interesting moral discussion during the building process msn-wink.gif


These FW raptors where the first unit I finished for the ETL, and I'm particularly proud of these as I'm usually less fond of infantry.


Then, the model I'm most proud of this year. My warhoudn titan Excoriator Angeli of Legio Titanicus Ulricon, recovered by my Night Lords company during the aftermath of the thramas crusade against the Dark Angels.


Qas Thoval, my Sorcerer on Jetbike (counts-as Disc of Tzeentch), was part of my fifth and last vow during the ETL.


Another Contemptor (yes - I like contemptors msn-wink.gif ). This time the newly released Night Lords version, with a converted dual Butcher Cannon (in my opinion the most (cost-)effective loadout for the unit)


And -although I finished painting him on January 2nd of 2015- my custom build eight legged lord of skulls was built in August and I started painting him way back in December, so for me he's still a 2014 miniature.


And finally, my Nurgle Contemptor (YES I LOVE CONTEMPTORS). Conceived in my mind during countless hours of late night highway driving, and then realized in November.


Thanks for this thread Forte! I'm definitely checking out all showcase/wips of all people posting here, starting with Aasfresser's, 'cuz his 1K Sons look the part!

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is depressing, I'm not sure if I completed very much at all for my Chaos in 2014...

I know I said keep this as a gallery without comments but I feel this needs a response.

Do not be depressed by this topic at all. Think ahead to what you would like to complete and use posts like these for inspiration and motivation.

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2014 was a good year for me, I painted around 4-5k of models, almost doubling the size of my collection. I painted this terminator lord for Daemon Pact II, and it's probably my favorite model that I have ever painted:




It has more conversions than I've done on any model before (not very much compared to a lot of people around here, but a major step for me). I added the FW Khorne body and chainaxes, a bunch of skulls, and some arm and leg repositioning to get the pose just right. I usually run him with a bodyguard of MoK Mutilators.

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Now that nearly everyone seems to post multiple entries... I can circumvent my own inability to decide on which mini I like best :)


In 2014, the Stonebreakers warband recruited some new gifted warriors to serve as leaders in the warband's ongoing conflicts. As most of my warband is unmarked, I took the chance to work on some cool conversions for the marked warriors, such as my Nurgle sorcerer above and my Khorne lord below. They turned out pretty great in my opinion and I was able to learn a great deal about conversion work :)



I didn't complete many warmachines in 2014, to be honest. But my close combat Helbrute, which was completed during the last CoC definitely stands out for me as a conversion that combined two great kits and managed to create something that looks like a completely different miniature - in my eyes at least. I still have to discuss the question about bonus attacks on walkers with special close combat weapons though... xD


Lastly, my converted mutilator unit. The regular kit is ugly as hell, but I felt like I wanted to be able to field this unit anyway (even though the rules are pretty mee, too). This was a nice exercise in combining different CSM infantry kits to a nice effect.

More pictures can be found in my WIP thread (link in my sig), which covers even more years than just 2014 ;-)

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Man, everyone's stuff in this thread looks absolutely stunning! Some seriously talented people in our awesome forum smile.png In an effort to psych myself back up and get back into a NL painting mood, here's the squad I finished this past year:



And a couple closer shots:



Definitely for me, finishing a full squad is an accomplishment because of my ridiculously terminal hobby ADHD tongue.png There will be more on these guys to come in my WIP! smile.png Amazing stuff from everyone in 2014; seriously excited to see what everyone does here in 2015!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Best of ETL III: difficult to say


Iron Warriors. Cold. Bitter. Unyielding and without mercy. 




This Daemon Engine is just a mess of ripped entrails, torn flesh and mean attitude. As grimdark as it gets. 




How could I not praise the titanic might of the God-Machine?





Best of CoC VII: Heretek Archmagos


A small conversion of the gorgeous Dark Magos Draykavac model from FW's HH series. I use it as an Arch-Heretic (Heretek Magos) in my Renegades & Heretics list (IA13), which technically counts as a CSM army. Not only is it the best paintjob I got done in 2014, but it also represents the most terrifying aspect of chaos: creepy, calculating, callous, dystopian.



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