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Hey there fanatics, hope you can help with a few quick questions. I picked up a partly used BT sprue from a gaming store recently and due to my little slip into the ruinous powers (call of chaos painting) I feel the need to paint up a squad to atone. In order to build the squad I was going to use a lot of Sternguard and Vanguard bitz that I have and as I dont know a lot about the BT's I'm wondering would they be ok with a lot of Imperial iconography ?. I will only have a couple of BT torsos and would need to use the others and I'm just wondering if they would look the part. Also does a templar squad need to have neophytes or can I work away without them ?.


Thanks in advance, and sorry for the long winded questions.

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Templar bits is just extra bling to make a model 'feel' right. There's no need to use them as you can simply paint up a marine black, white pauldrons with black crosses and you're good to go. This here's one of the last few marines that I painted up, and he's just what was availble in the tactical marine box. I otherwise use quite a lot of templar 'bling'


There's no real rule to what bling you can and can't use, but templary bits are crosses, chains, tabards, parchments, cross shaped purity seals (crusader seals), little shields, etc. That said, there's nothing wrong with using generic Imperium/Astartes symbols either, like aquilae, skulls, wings, laurels, cruxes, winged dito's.

Below are my Sternguard, that too, only used what was in the box. I've been wondering if they perhaps could have allowed a little bit more templar bling to balance it out with the rest of my force, but overall, I don't think they're wrong


Edit: oh and you totally don't need neophytes. It's possible to add neophytes into Crusader squads, but no other type of squad, so if your squad is meant to be sternguard or vanguard, they cannot even have them. Even if it is just an ornate Crusader squad you're planning, it's still totally fine to be without neophytes.

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Officially, Templars don't wear the Aquila. Completely avoiding it is quite a challenge these days though.

That's not quite correct. There was a line in a Black Library novel that mentioned the cross proud upon their chests, as they had no need to display the emperor's symbol there. It's not really the same as 'official.' Now, on the other hand, I do kinda treat that novel like the Templar bible, so I regularly use the cross instead of the Aquila when there is an easy choice. I don't tend to go scraping them away unless they are taking up valuable space where a cross would look particularly awesome!

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I don't tend to go scraping them away unless they are taking up valuable space where a cross would look particularly awesome!



*cough, tabards, *cough

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