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Dealing with Be'lakor


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I will be facing Be'lakor soon and have never faced him before. I have read the rules and know what I can expect, but I'm unsure on how to deal with him.


How would you go about it?

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Belakor's main function is to serve as a psychic-power candyman, handing out telepathy goodies like invisibility, shrouding, fearless, dominate, and all that jazz. He's fairly fragile himself, and will most likely (if the opponent is wise) keep flying around with his 2+ jink save, only engaging isolated targets of opportunity.

From my experience using him, his main weakness are:

-Getting swamped with enemies in combat. He's only T5 with 4W, and a 4++, so he's pretty damn easy to knock down in a fight if there's enough swings getting thrown around. He's only good at fighting what he can win.

-Ignore cover fire. Anything that negates his 2+ cover save will take him down pretty fast, especially if he's on the ground for whatever reason. Sicarians are a good choice.

-Destroying other psykers. He only generates 3 warp charges himself, and really requires more to be effective. The enemy should have other psykers on the table (horrors, sorcerers). If you kill those, he'll be more limited in the powers he can cast  each turn.

-Culexus. Seriously, this assassin was pretty much custom tooled to mess up Belakor's day. Makes casting harder, negates powers, has anti-psyker fighting abilities, the whole package. If you can fit 150ish points into your list, he's the easiest solution. 

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3 stormtalons will put him down in a turn providing he isn't invisible himself...

Stormravens are also very effective.


Basically, he'll be flying around casting invisibility on something else, or he might be on the ground casting it on himself. If he's flying around he'll have to chose between casting it on himself or the other unit as he anticipates the arrival of your flyers. You can deal major damage to him or to the unit he's protecting this way.

He's only toughness 5 and he only has 4 wounds. Force him to make about 15 - 20 saves and he'll certainly hit the ground. If you're able to cast ignore cover on any of your dakka units this becomes even easier.


He can also be tar-pitted quite easily (30 cultists once killed my Be'lakor who was invisible!) but unfortunately Marines aren't good at throwing large number of bodies at units....

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Culexus Assassin. Even if he's immune to the instant death he'll still probably lose. I threw one at him once and dropped him to one wound in a single turn between the psychic, shooting, and assault phase. Fun times.

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