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Tactics: Hit & Run 'lure'


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An interesting situation arose in my final game at the weekend; it was turn 4 and we were playing hammer and anvil, my oppo's farseer was at the opposite end of the board to Dante and SG; I had no chance of reaching him. In addition his last WK was threatening my Damocles, which I needed alive to claim an objective.


I had to assault his eldrad and WLs anyway, but if I could 'persuade' his WK to charge Dante SG instead of the damocles, I could try hit & run and with a bit of luck get enough range to split and charge both farseer and eldrad. This would turn what was currently a minor defeat into a 20-0 win!


So, I moved closer to his WK than I needed to. The WK took the bait! He killed 2 SG for the loss of 3 wounds. I pulled off hit & run and rolled 14"! Yes, well within range of both eldrad and farseer now!


And victory would have been mine, as the farseer was slain, but then Dante well and truly fluffed his rolls. :(


But my point is, that single special rule made the difference between defeat and the chance of a complete vi tory, and all because I led my oppo to believe that charging the SG was an easy option, as though I had made a silly mistake in moving so close!


Has anyone else tried this? It would have worked in another game too, had I not rolled a six when trying to disengage. The potential is enormous, with wings you could have him charge you in turn one, H&R out and be in range to cause total carnage in the enemy lines.

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The H+R 'slingshot' is a pretty good move to get an extra 11" movement out of a unit, my Eldar use it a lot for last minute objective grabs and to get behind my opponents lines (warp spiders, heh).


Consider adding white scar characters to have more than one H+R unit!


Very good on luring the charge, though. I dont think I've done that :)

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Xenith, you should know by now that I am BA only :p


The thing about adding it to other units is you really need a unit that can stand up to a charge and still be strong enough to cause mayhem after the hit and run. I could fill out the DC for this but I would be looking at about 200+ points when you consider troop tax, and those points I do not have. So really for me it will only work on the SG.

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Gunz - remember to let us know how it goes if you get the chance to try it :)


I think it helps if the oppo is maybe unaware or forgetful of Dante having hit and run. Then again, the chance to smash those golden boys can be just too tempting! In the game where I failed to pull it off, he had charged me with two WK...that's quite a risk of he gets above average on his to hit rolls. So I lost quite a few SG and had to tank several on Dante, who also lost two wounds - my SG were in bad shape quite quickly thanks to losing TWO in turn one to dangerous terrain - but with two other characters on there and with most vehicles being rear AV10, it's still enough to smash multiple faces.


Good luck!

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We play a lot of Maelstrom of War / Cities of Death missions so I could see this being very useful in grabbing objectives at least. I will definitely try to make use of it and most of my group is already really scared of the gold guys. msn-wink.gif

This weekend the game I played sounds a lot like yours haha; my opponent had farseer on jetbike, other jetbikes, 2 WK's, 2 wave serpents, warp spiders and scorpions. My SG took a beating from WK blast templates but they are so tough to kill with Dante tanking some. At one point he scored 16 AP2 wounds on them with the Suncannon's... I kept FnP until 3 died reaching Dante, then he tanked a bunch one at a time until he was down to 1 wound, then I looked-out-sir'd the last 4, 1 failed but Dante made the invulnerable and only 1 more died... I lost 4 guys out of 12 (10SG+SP+Dante), not bad.

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So you FNP'd / invul'd 9 wounds out of 16? That is good going.


I've factored in a priest now, taking him as warlord and with veritas vitae. Ignoring dangerous terrain in ruins will be most useful, as will master of ambush although one infiltrate will also have to be given separately to Dante in order for the whole SG unit to infil, but it still leaves me one for the MM attack bikes. Although infil on SG would mean they can't be charged on turn one, so no hit and run lure. Bah, forget it then :D

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Well Dante did take 3 wounds before I started to look-out-sir hah.


I always take Dante as Warlord and deep strike my assault stuff now; since we play tactical objective missions too, he gets that extra (usually useless) tactical warlord trait too. With the rerolls pretty much all my stuff usually comes in on turn 2.

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What's the rest of your army at 1850 or thereabouts, if I may ask?


Good to see that DS can work. I've figured with my build it benefits most to have the SG deployed on the board, am tweaking the army a little to make this work more.


Dante - Sanguinary Guard are awesome though aren't they :)

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Well that wasn't a particularly good list and in fact gambles too much on turn 1, I was just trying some stuff out... it was Stormraven (reserves) with 10DC+Corbulo and Furioso, 5man assault with 2 meltas (deep strike), SG(with banner) +SP+Dante (deep strike), and 2 tactical squads in drop-pods (reserves).


So on turn-1 I only had 1 drop-pod come in which is too risky I realize, but they came in on an objective in my deployment zone.


I've always loved SG and Dante though, I ran them ever since the 5th ed book despite them being terribly over-priced at the time.

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