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IL IV&IX - Void Eagles and Warbringers (thread 1)


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  • 3 weeks later...

So, leaving for a few days without available network, returning on Sunday around 17 GMT, I figured I might as well put something to show I haven't forgotten about the Void Eagles (well not completely). And also that I suck at drawing both bronze AND bling.


Yucahu, the Void Eagle

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Hey, that looks great, you should see the terrible sketches I made when I started my project log (they are still there), by comparison your artwork is much better and besides, a good project needs artwork, whether it be painted miniatures sketches, doodles or paintings. I'm excited to see you do more paintings, maybe even another one of your primarch????

Edited by Athrawes
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maybe even another one of your primarch????

That's meant to be the Void Eagles primarch. When I was talking about not blinging enough, that wasn't modesty. The IX/XI th is on the previous page, and IMO looks far more primarchy, though still understated (based his armor on Lorgar's miniature, and will probably convert him from that when I get good enough with sculpting)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

So, posting this here as it's the thread for both legion and I don't intend to do anything about them outside Brotherhood-verse anytime soon.

Here's what I need to do for the legion, with what is done and what still needs to be done.


Void Eagles:


-Yucahu (95% done)

-Second Admiral Acao Culica (Done - Plane-bound commander

-Sergeant Ramius Osaun (0%) - Angry sailor with a shattered fleet and a big cutlass

-Worldburners (Done) - Jumppack grenadiers

-Saturators (10%) - Unstable shooty terminators

•Exemplary Battles

-Assault on Anara Prima (0%)

-Battle of Malkier (Started writing today) - Or why the golden Wardens hate our primarch (but were bros with the Terrans)

-Taking of the Nemausian Ring (0%) - A tale of gladiators, war crimes, and orbital arenas





-Kozja Darzalas (40%)

-Knyaz Perkenas (0%) - Duellist, Bogatrys master

-Atrefos Vlem Kelasior (0%) - Super-apoth, gene-lodge member

-Coordinator consul (0%) - Praevian for auxilia

-Tryzub terminator (0%) - Shields to keep auxilia from dying

-Streltsy (100%) - Shooty PA, buff on next shot

•Exemplary Battles

-Compliance of northern Callisto (0%)

-Reclaimation of Abelard's World (Done) - How we kill mushroom-gods

-The Htotos-Goy campaign (5%) - How we lost so many marines that we missed the 200 000 mark

Edited by Skalpynock
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