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Firenze's Pre-Heresy Alpha Legion - Warhound!


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So it has been a loooooooooooooong time since I have been here. And while yes, I have been playing with my Tau for a good while (explaining my dissapearance), I have decided to log my new upcoming Heresy Alpha Legion force. Its been a project that I have long wanted to get into, and finally have got the motivation/chance to do it. Currently, the force is planned to max out at 3000 points, with a 1500 point force being created first.


Currently, I only have the beginings of my first two tactical squads and my first Contemptor.



I was damn pleased to find out that the basic Space Marine Tactical Squad set comes with enough parts to make 5 Heresy era (sort of) marines. I know some might argue that the mk6 armours were not used by any but the Raven Guard, but I did some research to check and for some unknown reason, Alpha Legion had some too.



I currently have on order some Terminators, 15 Mk4 marines (5 for characters/extras), I may also be getting to buy a Spartan from a friend, and I might be able to grab another Contemptor to make myself a Mortis.


Painting wise, I am planning to go in a little different direction to the norm of blue/green. I wanted to try to make my marines look similar to the art on the front of Legion, with an almost blue/purple look to them. This most likely will come about via highlights and the like, but should work pretty well once I get it going.


I just hope this goes well.



Off to a good start and the dreads are always a joy to paint.

As far as the older marks being in the new box set, I have to wonder is it:

A) to allow players to make Heresy era marines due to the current amount of people involved in 30K

B ) a nod to the "end times" as the chapters have sustained such losses that they have had to issue older marks to keep up with demand

C) simply a way to have some variety in marines that should be uniform?

My tinfoil hat may be on too tight smile.png

Welcome back to the fold, Brother Hydra! If you've been away for a while of haven't ventured down there yet / seen it yet, a few things to help you along your Serpentine Path:

http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/299907-march-of-the-legions-xx-completions/?p=3876745 For inspiration; most of us when for the Blue Scheme though tongue.png

http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/295527-the-harrowing-home-of-the-alpha-legion/ if you want to bring them into the 41st Millenium

http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/forum/105-age-of-darkness/ For general purpose 30k stuff

http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/291629-30k-alpha-legion-tactics/ for ideas or queries on how to use the army. Theres also a list building area where we'll be more than happy to help you iron out your list before you make any...substantial... purchases (FW aint cheap yo!)

Now, with plugging out of the way, I look forward to what you produce! So far nearly all of the Alpha Legion stuff on the Forums has been amazing and I have no doubt you'll impress!

For Mk VI, its been stated in the FW HH books that the Alpha Legion had snatched a prototype design for the Mk VI and produced their own variant.

  • 2 weeks later...

My Mortis came today along with the marine weapons I ordered. Waiting on my Terminators and infantry as it was with a big order I put in with some friends.




Soaky soak!



I also got myself something nice and special....




Currently, army stands as thus:



Also thank you guys for the inspiration and words of encouragement! I got the paints I need along with the knight so painting should start soon.




Finally got to basing and paint my first two. The marine was primarily a  test, but turned out pretty nicely so I carried the scheme onto my contemptor. The main colour is Kantor Blue, with a small highlight of Xereus Purple around the armour edges. The trim is Leadbelcher. I tried to make it as dull and dark as I could keep it, as if they were ready for a slightly more covert operation. I added in a couple of acid green logos onto the dreadnought, and very small parts on the marines, mainly to break up the purple. Considering these were the first two, I think it went pretty well. Just 9 more marines and a mortis to go....




  • 2 weeks later...

So now both dreadnoughts are painted. The Plasma dread is codenamed 'Hydra', and my Mortis 'Effrit'. Cheesy I know, but I thought it funny.


I also have reclaimed an old techmarine from my 40k Raven Guard successors to use in this army, as he was never used before now really. Took the two bottom arms off the servo harness, as I love that backpack. Only just begun on this guy, needs a bit more work to be even close to complete.




Took a better shot with some stronger lighting. I finished the Techmarine and two more tac marines today, as to get a little more done for some games tomorrow. This light is a bit brighter than it should be, as they usually are a bit darker in natural light, but I had to make do. It is 6am after all @.@


Also am having thoughts about 'reclaiming' some tanks from my 40k marines to bring into this... Only problem is that it diminishes the 40k force... I might just buy some ordinary rhinos .etc. and maybe get the Alpha Legion doors for them... But Deimos.... nnnnng I cant choose.


@Tyrannicide: Those dreads were actually kinda one of the reasons I decided finally to jump onto the Heresy bandwagon. I loved the AL for a long time, but never wanted to give them a go. And now, I have a fledgling force of infiltrating backstabbing legionnaires.

A small update today, but was able to procure two rhinos for my Legion. Was also able to get some nice Baneblade parts too to add some tactical looking kit to them. 10974498_1047937651888474_84627918858497


Im also in the process of reclaiming an old Predator from my 40k Mrines to be used as an executioner. Gotta love that Plasma.



The first of my Mk4 marines has been built and painted up as my Praetor Ingo Pech. Armed with a Paragon Blade, Power Dagger, Plasma pistol. I was tempted to put a crest on his helmet, but at a right angle so it looks more like a greek hoplite than the roman style for the Mk4 command heads, but decided against it in the end. Im still spraying my other marines and my terminators too at the moment, along with the tanks, Ill get a shot of them all when they are all undercoated!

  • 2 weeks later...

So something special came in the mail today.



My Neutron laser hotrod of doom. Should be good fun building this as soon as it has soaked.



My legion is also looking a bit more colourful. I also got a tactical support squad of meltagunners too, which is undergoing basing and spraying, as are my terminators and other two remaining tanks. I promise Ill update more XD Everything is starting to settle down so I can get back to this all now.

what is it you are soaking the resin in? might need to start that with some of my various kits sad.png

Just warm water, occasionally with a tiny drop of soap in it to get the releasing agent from the mould to seperate from the resin. Helps paint stick better, and doesnt feel a little slimy in your hands XP

  • 2 months later...

So its been a while... Unfortunately not much of an update, but Im getting a move on ^^


Secondary Knight has arrived! This one has been made as a Warden, as those avenger cannons are beautiful. These will be House Perdaxia from the battle of Paramar.



Sicarian is getting some paint finally, as well as my Terminators!




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