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Blood angels 2.5k


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Hey folks,


Playing a big game, each player gets 2.5k points, single org chart.


As a blood angel I've been allowed to use sanguinary guard as they appear in the new codex but they use a HQ slot or must be taken as a retinue for a praetor (ala deathshrowd)


Good chance a few folks that are in the same game may be on these forums lol.


How does the following look?



Thunderhawk 720

Void crafted hull


Fire raptor 210



Tactical squad 175

Artificer armour

Melta bomb

Power sword


Tactical squad 175

Artificer armour

Melta bomb

Power sword


Rhino 35


Rhino 35


Veteran tactical squad 260

5 extra marines

Missile launcher


Artificer armour

Power weapon


Rhino 35


Praetor 200

Mc Paragon blade

Digital lasers

Jump pack

Iron halo


10 sanguinary guard 380


2 infernus pistols

1 fist


Assault squad 275

Artificer armour

Melta bomb

Power weapon




2500 on the nose.


notes: I don't have terminators (yet) and the only other vehicles I have are some dreads, contemptors, predators, storm eagle or vindicator. I do own bikers but not man



Suggestions on the list would be useful :)

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A lot of points spent on the thunderhawk, could be better spent elsewhere maybe. Another fire raptor, whirlwind scorpious, and typhon heavy siege tank if you were open to future purchasing.

a couple of contemptors, being fleet can keep up nice, the vindi will give close support punch, storm eagle to finish. If you played more than 2.5k the thunderhawk would be cool, just sooo many points to give to one unit

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Yeah I will be picking up a second fire raptor and possibly a sicaran at the weekender.


I know I ought to get some cataphracti terminators at some point, although I could use indomitus instead I guess.


Thunderhawk is an odd creature really, it's damage output is actually fairly limited - particularly with the thunderhawk Canon... but I do love it all the same

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As it transpires you appear to be just up the road depending which side of brum you are on. Once I've got an army sorted proper can try and sort a game somewhere. Its got a good transport facility so if you have the troops to move I can see its benefit, but you're mechanised/have jump packs.
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If you wanted the Thundrhawk to really pack a punch, you'd take the Turbolaser. That, however, makes it cost 800+ points.

I think we're also forgetting the 25% points allowance for LoWs present for 30k Lists; which is 625 points at 2.5k. Sure, if your gaming buddies are cool with it you could ignore the rule, but its worth keeping in mind since that is one of the main differences to 40k lists.

But, for the price of your Thunderhawk, you could fit in 2 Fire Raptors and have ~100 points left over. Or 2 Spartans which each have 25 Capacity + Stuff we all love.

Still, if you're dead set on the Thunderhawk, I'd sink more points into it to make it truly effective: Turbo-Laser Destructor, Ramjet Diffraction Grid (optional) and Flare Shields(optional). Sure, its going to cost ~1k points at that level, but, you'll be dishing out D Strength Pie plates at 96" with the Laser, have -1S to shooting in the Front Arc (as if killing Super-Heavy Flyers wasn't hard enough) and whatever the Diffraction Grid does, can't remember. Not to mention all the other weapons found on a Thunderhawk.

I'd also use its 30 Capacity to carry an Assault Squad which can go up to 20 but you'll only be able to fit 15 inside. Preator + Sanguinary Guard + Any other HQs you attach (HIGHLY RECOMMEND A PRIMUS MEDICAE FOR FNP SINCE HE CAN TAKE A JUMP PACK). 20 Man Tactical Squads with an Apothecary are also viable options, though are superseded by Terminators, HQ & Friends, Jump Pack Units which normally can't have a transport.

Since your list is incorporating it, build it around the Thunderhawk. Its such a huge points investment to just be a last minute addition.


Have you considered and RoWs? If you haven't taking a Preator is kinda pointless since thats what they're here for besides being a Beatstick. Consuls offer more flexibility in loadouts and Buffs (Chaplain, Librarian, Primus Medicae, Legion Champion, Siege Breaker, Forge Lord, Vigilator, Moritat).

Also, due to the Blood Angels not having any Legion Rules yet, you get the choice of Stubborn or Furious Charge being applied to all units/characters with the 'Legion Astartes' Special Rule.

Of the Rites of War that would be of interest to you, Orbital Assault and Angels Wrath seem the most flavorful for the Blood Angels though any of the others are just as viable.

Angels Wrath Especially since it permits Storm Eagles to be taken as Dedicated Transports for Tactical Squads though only Flyers, Skimmers (jetbikes are included), Jump Infantry, and Infantry Embarked within a Flyer can be taken. So no tanks.

But it makes for some brutal AirCav Lists. http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/296687-2500-points-raven-force-one/?hl=%2Braven+%2Bguard Just Swap Raven Guard for Blood Angels and the Dark Furies for Sanguinary Guard. And Strike Captain Alvarex Maun for your Current Preator.


Now, Points of contention.

Our Space Marines DO NOT Have 'And They Shall Know No Fear'. Thus, you can (will) fail morale and while you can still attempt to regroup regardless of casualties, failing Morale is pretty bad. So get a Vexilla on ANYTHING that can take it. Re-rolling failed morale is invaluable in 30k.

Other Sergeants are usually Equipped with Artificer Armor + Power Axe/Fist with optional Melta Bombs. Your Sarges having Power Swords means that, in a Challenge, they'll get their armor save, you wont.

What Special Rule have you chosen for your Veteran Tacticals? Sniper, Furious Charge, Outflank, Fearless? Theres a list on their entry in the books.

While the Paragon Blade is nice and can hardly fault you for it, did you consider the Relic BA Sword in Book 4? Sure, its more expensive but I think its fluffier tongue.png


Thats it from me. This post is probably scatter-brained to all hell and not all that coherent but, thats because I did a lot of back and forth while writing. Hopefully I didn't miss anything and if I did others can jump in to shore things up.

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No turbo laser as the group have put a ban on d weapons sadly (mine is actually modelled with it)


Once I own more fire raptors and storm eagles I'd love to give angels wrath another go... but past experience made me feel due to flyers not coming in turn 1, it kind of sucks.



I may drop the veterans in favour of something else... maybe the storm eagle?


Yeah I like the BA relic, but mechanically it seems like it'll be worse - especially vs death guard which is what I will be facing.


Vexilla is a good point I'll look to add that!


Yeah the thunderhawk being over the 25% is a really important point I'd forgotten :/ hmmm

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