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+++ Dark Angels Feast of Blades. X Arena of Death +++

Chaplain Lucifer

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Welcome to the 10th Edition of the Dark Angels Forum Arena of Death!

Why tenth? Because it started 10 years ago when I was promotod to DA mod. It had 2 editions but not more unfortunately... This would be the tenth edition so I figured it would be fitting and cool to name it that way.


What is the Feast of Blades?

The Feast of Blades is an event were DA players chose their DA champions to fight against each other until only one emerges victorious and it's crowned champion.


How can I participate in the Feast of Blades?

It's quite easy. Submit a photo of your dark Angel champion along with his equipment (chosen from DA Codex) and a brief biography of him.


Example characters:
Chaplain Lucifer: Interrogator Chaplain, Progeny of Corswain, combi-plasma. 150 points



When does it start?

The Feast of Blades event will start in the 1st of March. You have until that to submit your champion to the contest.


Arena of death rules:

  • I will be the GM. Any decision I make will be final, but I will listen to convincing cases.
  • 160 points limit.
  • No named characters
  • No Terminator armour
  • Any Character has full access to DA armoury.
  • No bikes but you can have RW characters that will retain all abilities and equipment.
  • There is no instant death. A melta weapon/Force weapon will cause D2 wounds instead.
  • Any character allowed from a 1W Sgt to a Company master. A sgt will cost token 15 points upgrade to vet will cost double.
  • Characters with special rules will always try to use them to their advantage.
  • In case of odd numbers I will have a stand in character ready.
  • First pairings are random, further parings will follow a bracket scheme.

Characters and perks

  • Sgt and Vet sgts of any kind will have "rugged and experienced" rule. You don't get to Vet. Sgt by dying easy so 1W characters will have 6+ Inv. save that can be staked with other inv. saves.
  • Librarians, before battle will always roll on a table or tables chosen by the player.
  • Librarians will always use 1 dice of the dice pool to try and cast Force power.
  • Jump packs give a +1 to initiative rolls to see who goes first.
  • If one model has 2 different CC weapons, the attacks will be split evenly between both or at user's discretion upon submitting entry.

     Perks you can buy (One per character):

  1. Progeny of Corswain. This character was implanted with the gene-seed of beloved Corswain. Once per duel he can re-roll a to wound roll to finish off an opponent . 40 points
  2. Progeny of Naaman.This character was implanted with the gene-seed of Vet Sgt Naaman. Once per duel he can force the opponent to re-roll an armor save. 30 points
  3. Progeny of Gideon. This character was implanted with former GM or Ravenwing Gideon. He can re-roll initiative tests to see who goes first. 30 points

Contestants start 18" from each other.  To see who goes first a D6 and added the characters Iniative. The model going first will get to move, shoot and assault. The model being assaulted can overwatch at full BS.
However if assault fails the model that overwatched can't shoot on his shooting phase. Combats will be resolved just as a normal 40K combat until one model is left with 0 wounds.


How will I know the results?

A battle report after each battle will be written describing the battle.


If there are any questions that I did not clarify enough or doubts you have I will add to the FAQ.

Hi Luci,

Can people only partake in this event if they have a (real life) opponent to fight?  Or do you generate the rolls for each turn via the interwebz and we can play against all who enter the competition?


Sorry for my confusion - just I dont have many, if any, people near me to partake in this event, but its an event that appeals to me! :)

Fair question. smile.png

Everyone will submit a character and I will take care of the rest: pit them against each other and post up the results in the form of a short story. People only need to put up a WYSIWYG picture of the model. his equipment and total points cost and a story.

Company Master Guriel

Foe Smiter, Power Axe, Displacer Field, Digi Weapons

160 points

Extremely patient, Guriel will stand his ground and shoot as many times as possible, but will advance and charge if his opponent fails his charge.



Company Master Guriel was the protégé of Grand Master Arariel and now carries his Master's Storm Bolter.  Arariel once fought and won a tournament and Guriel now fights to honor his Master's memory*.


*True story, there was once an older tournament on the boards by Grand Master Belial which Arariel won. Does anyone remember this? The link with the Storm Bolters was just too good to pass up.


Guriel - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Leo.

Arariel - Curer of Stupidity

  On 1/29/2015 at 2:08 AM, JeffJedi said:

If armed with a Porta-Rack can a character gain Preferred Enemy: Dark Angels?

It would be nice but every duel starts from a clean slate. So effects don't carry from duel to duel.

You were the first one to sign up completely. biggrin.png Congrats!!!

Interrogator-Chaplain Tancred, currently serving a tour with the Deathwatch has heard the call of the Feast of Blades, and returns from deep space to The Rock with an appetite!






Interrogator-Chaplain Tancred

Mace of Redemption, Plasma Pistol

155 Points.

Tancred's role within his Deathwatch unit is to be the man always in front leading his men headfirst into the Xenos filth!  He will always try and close the gap and get into combat to take advantage of his zealotish nature.  The plasma pistol firing as he charges in to complement the Mace of Redemption in close quarters dueling.








(Magnetized models for different poses is perfect for this :) )

Company Master Kadmiel,

Artificier armor

Tempest Shield

Power Sword

Jump pack


Total : 155pts.


Kadmiel is the Angel Executioner of the 4th company.
Its main mission is to decapitate the enemy chain of command with a quick and bloody assault.



I'm in:

Master Caleb of the Eight Company:

Excels at keeping the enemy at arms length until the time is right to strike, and when he strikes it's with the mighty Hammer of Wrath. In game terms, if the opponent has an AP2 weapon Caleb will withdraw to keep him at 18" and snipe with the patience of the Lion...i.e. all day. If not then Caleb will close and engage in CC.

Master, Artificer Armour, Thunder Hammer, Bolt pistol, Storm Bolter, Jump Pack.

Pic to follow....(will touch up his old paint job tonight)



EDIT: Had to drop his Plasma pistol, I added him up wrong tongue.png Might give him a Storm Bolter if I can scrounge one up from my Bits box msn-wink.gif

SECOND EDIT: Pic as promised,



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