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+++ Dark Angels Feast of Blades. X Arena of Death +++

Chaplain Lucifer

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  On 1/30/2015 at 3:03 PM, Galthan Ironsturm said:

It's possible to present many contestants for 1 Brother ?

No, unfortunately is not at the time being. If the turn-out is small I can allow more though. But at this moment only one entry per person.

  On 1/30/2015 at 8:59 PM, Solrac said:

Very keen on this as I have always wanted to model up a beefy Company Master. Is Artificer Armour allowed?

Yes it is. I was not too keen on allowing it but it does cost a lot of points so I think it will balance out.

The outer wall of the the chamber shudders and then collapses inwards as a dreadnought, trailed by a tech-marine, walks through them, shouting "Lucifer! Whats this about me not being able to enter this year!" He waves at the marine fallowing him, "Even after I had them power down the disruption field given what happened last time."


"Fine." Stepping to the side, he gestures the Tech-Marine forward, "He will be fighting."


Tech-Marine, Servo-Harness, Displacer Field, Power Ax, Auspex, Digital Weapon, Progeny of Gideon. 160

Years of dealing with his rather bombastic superior, have left him a cautions man, willing to give ground for a tactical advantage.

  On 1/31/2015 at 10:40 AM, Xenith said:

I love a good old arena of death.


I am quite surprised no one has taken a 1W sergeant with a storm shield yet...

Want to be the first ? ;)
  On 1/31/2015 at 1:59 PM, Chaplain Lucifer said:

  On 1/31/2015 at 10:40 AM, Xenith said:

I love a good old arena of death.

I am quite surprised no one has taken a 1W sergeant with a storm shield yet...

Want to be the first ? msn-wink.gif

Sorely, however I am nowhere near a model, unless I can be the representative of the other Angels?

The tumult in the arena was perforated by the rhythmic thump of power armoured boots, and a hush began to ripple around the amphitheatre, which turned into murmured outrage as the contestant entered, armoured head to toe in garish red Mk8 plate, a large pair of wings crested the custom golden helm, which some of the group thought a slur againsttheir chapter, an imitation of the lion helm. The interloper placed the head of his thunder hammer on the ground, both hands restong on the pommel, before a click of static announced that he was about to speak:

"I heard your brethren were having a little tourney: my invitation was evidently lost in the warp, and as your cousin I felt that I should attend, I grow weary of killing hive fleets, and thought I would sample the hospitality and skill at arms of my fellow Angels of Death."

Spreading his arms wide in a shrug, he voxed to the assembled:

"Now. Who is first?"


Company Veteran Sergeant

Storm Shield

Thunder Hammer

Combi melta

Digital Weapons

Shroud of Heroes

Geneseed of Naaman (can this force a reroll on invun saves also?)


He uses the combi melta at the first opportunity, whether charging or charged.

  On 1/26/2015 at 9:18 AM, Chaplain Lucifer said:


Arena of death rules:

  • I will be the GM. Any decision I make will be final, but I will listen to convincing cases.
  • 160 points limit.
  • No named characters
  • No Terminator armour
  • Any Character has full access to DA armoury.
  • No bikes but you can have RW characters that will retain all abilities and equipment.
  • There is no instant death. A melta weapon/Force weapon will cause D2 wounds instead.
  • Any character allowed from a 1W Sgt to a Company master. A sgt will cost token 15 points upgrade to vet will cost double.
  • Characters with special rules will always try to use them to their advantage.
  • In case of odd numbers I will have a stand in character ready.
  • First pairings are random, further parings will follow a bracket scheme.



  On 1/28/2015 at 10:10 AM, Chaplain Lucifer said:

They retain nothing from the bikes. But retain USR.



Just wondering could you clarify the high lighted for me, as it differs from the original rules?

  On 2/3/2015 at 3:21 PM, Chaplain Lucifer said:

No more takers? Challenge your brother, the sons of the Lion.


This has motivated me to get a company master finished up. Once I have him painted and completed, I will enter him.

Am I allowed to do a counts as? I was planning on entering an Angel of Absolution I made but he is only armed with a regular bolter and I was thinking of making it count as the foe-smiter. For the Dark Angels I know it says its a storm bolter but I figured the descendants of calibans loyalists might just have a ballin' bolter that could count as the same...



Interrogator Chaplain Regulus: Plasma Pistol, Mace of Redemption 155 pts


​Interrogator Chaplin Regulus is excited about the opportunity to show off his strength and zeal that he uses to hunt the fallen to his brothers on the Rock. Regulus will use the chapter relic Mace of Redemption always in combat as a point of pride and will aggressively pursue his foes. 


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