Chaplain Lucifer Posted February 27, 2015 Author Share Posted February 27, 2015 That's eleven and with the 12th forthcoming. :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solrac Posted February 27, 2015 Share Posted February 27, 2015 I'll have mine done tonight also. Someone else put in an entry so we get 14! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkAngeal Posted February 27, 2015 Share Posted February 27, 2015 Alright, I will enter, with a librarian also: Librarian(ML2) Force Axe Mace of Redemption Displacer Field Librarian Lim Cagaest is a ferocious warrior, preferring to charge headlong into combat than waiting to be charged. He uses his two handed weapon as a mace in some situations, battering enemies with the pommel, and as an axe in others, serving as a focus for his psychic might to fell more heavily armored foes. EDIT: Lim uses a branch of Telekinetic psychic combat, preferring to directly attack his opponents with psychic might rather than use it for more subtle influences of battle. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solrac Posted February 28, 2015 Share Posted February 28, 2015 I ran out of time to finish him (still needs highlights, DA decal, finish the base and varnish) but some RL stuff came up. Master Ramiro Company Master of the 8th Company Articifer Armour Mace of Redemption Power Axe Iron Halo Vet. Sergeant Ramiro suddenly noticed himself walking down an unfamiliar corridor. He kept wondering why he had been summoned by Master Balthasar, had he made an error in the previous deployment? Whatever it was he knew it was important. It's not everyday you get escorted to the deepest part of The Rock by two of your brothers from the 1st Company. Still in his battle plate, his footsteps drowned out any other noise that there would have been. The walls of the corridor were bland but looked ancient and....pristine, well kept. Ramiro finally approached a door. "Brother, remove your helm and enter. This is as far as we go" said Brother Argus, Ramiro trying to guess the tone in his voice. As Ramiro took off his helm, Argus opened the door and Ramiro stepped in. Inside was a circular room. Magnificent arches swept the walls. Stained glass murals depicting great victories hung atop of the arches and the roof was a dome of stained glass and polished metal depicting the great works and triumphs of the Lion. Ramiro stood in awe taking in the sight. In the center of the room stood six robed figures. He recognised Company Master Balthasar in the center but the other members wore their hoods and could not make them out. Balthasar signaled Ramiro to approach. Ramiro's steps echoed as he walked towards the group. As he came closer, he knew he was being watched by others and swore he saw small red eyes in the darkness of one of the arches. Ramiro walked into the center of the group and knelt before Balthasar. "You summoned me Master" he said, making sure that it didn't come off as a question. "Indeed Sergeant Ramiro, you may rise" said Balthasar. Ramiro got up and stood at ease. "There are many reasons we have called you here today" began Balthasar, a large sense of pride in his voice which had now quieted any reprimand notions that he had hel. "You have served the 5th honourably and you pass this quality onto the men that you lead. Your actions and triumphs have been observed for quite a while and I doubt you may have noticed" Balthasar said, pointing to each of the robed figures surrounding him. As he did so each of the figures removed their hoods. He recognised each instantly. Seraphicus, Turmiel, Ezekiel, Sapphon and finally Supreme Grand Master Azrael. Ramiro instantly knelt once more. "Rise" said Azrael, "formalities are no longer needed." Ramiro stood, albeit still a bit uneasy. "Balthasar please continue" Azrael said. "Your actions, victories and defeats have all been noted by everyone here. You inspire your men and are stalwart in your objectives. You were a valued asset in the Battle of Bane's Landing and again when we chased Kranon to the moon where we finally attained victory." Balthasar continued. "From your conquests and training regimens amongst your Brothers, we have seen you are an expert duelist and one of the best of the chapter's last few generations of recruits." Ramiro stood very proudly however felt that maybe his squad should be here to also receive these honours as his triumphs couldn't have been done on his own. "Above all of these" Ezekiel began suddenly, "You have been seen as remaining pure even when faced with eradication of a foe as corrupted as the Crimson Slaughter." "Azrael now standing next to Balthasar took a step forward. "Master Boreo of the 8th has been given the honour of serving amongst the Deathwing Knights and you are to be his successor." Azrael said, "Do you accept this honour?" Ramiro was shocked but did not hesitate "Yes my Master" Ramiro responded, bowing his head. Azrael signaled over to someone in one of the dark arch ways. Two small robed figures began to walk towards them, together carrying a large case. He knew these must be the mysterious Watchers he had heard about. The Watchers approached Azrael and held up the case. Ramiro could not see what it was but the contents of the case glowed as Azrael opened it. Azrael pulled out a mace. A simple design etched with incantations. "This is the Mace of Redemption" Azrael said proudly. Ramiro took the Mace as Azrael presented it to him. The Mace felt powerful but was incredibly balanced considering the size of the head. "None have achieved more with this weapon since Grand Master Raphael, however we believe you are worthy to wield the Mace of Redemption as the Master of the 8th. Ramiro bowed again, the Mace pulsating with power as he held it. Ezekiel now came to stand beside Azrael and stepped forward. "Master Ramiro of the 8th Company" Ezekiel began, Ramiro instantly standing to attention. "Now you must learn about our Chapter's past sins........" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaplain Lucifer Posted February 28, 2015 Author Share Posted February 28, 2015 Solrac, you still need some flavour text in your submission. Can we push for 16 entries? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rdemings Posted February 28, 2015 Share Posted February 28, 2015 I'll get mine in tonight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AngelVeto Posted February 28, 2015 Share Posted February 28, 2015 A low grumble of a thermic combustion reactor can be heard The Razorback slews to the side and the motorized whine of the Twin Linked Heavy Bolter Turret can be heard as it takes up a firing angle away from the assembled masses as its access hatch drops down and figures start to emerge. First to disembark is Veteran Sergeant Utlan of the Disciples of Caliban 3rd company with his combi-plas at the ready. after he takes up a covering fire position we then see Veteran Sergeant Staper of the Angels of Redemption 5th company disembarking as he sweeps the area with his trusty Storm Bolter Then we see Company Master Vengen of the Angels of Absolution 3rd company disembark in his ancient mk IV Maximus armour wielding his chapter relic Death's Descent phobos pattern bolter and Wrath of the FIrst power sword. this ancient sword has a gem in the pommel that many have said discharges a ultra-fine laser capable of slicing through the thickest of ceramite plating. Following the Company Master, the final two passengers disembark from the Razorback. Veteran Sergeant Deter of the Consecrators 6th company in his truely honoured mk II Crusade armour wielding an unknown mark of plasma pistol as well as a bolt pistol of more recent design; And finally Veteran Sergeant Congruin of the Guardians of the Covenant 4th Company with his favoured heavy weapon ready to be brought to bear. Staper and Vengen have moved to clear space for the rest of the fabled "Reclaimators Squad" to take up their positions. Company Master Vengen steps forward and says "I wish to partake in this glorious challenge. We all honour the First by keeping our skills honed. Let us see who claims the honour of Blademaster!" Company Master Vengen: Company Master Foe-Smiter Power Sword Digital Weapons Artificer Armour yes yes I realize I used a forest terrain piece while all my models are based in rubble but it was all i had on my at the time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Epher Posted February 28, 2015 Share Posted February 28, 2015 Great entrance! Didn't notice the contrast of the base and terrain until you mentioned something. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spaced Hulk Posted February 28, 2015 Share Posted February 28, 2015 In marked contrast to the melodrama of it's name, the Chapel of Woe was small and unassuming, a spartan stone chamber carved into the western face of the mountain fortress. Like many of the countless shrines found within the Fenspire's labyrinthine interior, it had fallen into disuse in recent times. Not through lack of faith, for the Sword Bearers remained as devout and zealous as any of the Lion's sons. Simple attrition was the cause of the chamber's current air of neglect. With the Chapter engaged in multiple war zones throughout the Eastern Fringe, few remained to honour the lost heroes of antiquity. Nevertheless, a trail of footprints disturbed the thick carpet of dust that covered the ancient flagstones. No serf or servitor would have intruded in this sacred place, for the Chapter's laws had long decreed that only their trans-human masters were permitted access to such holy sites. As he entered through the Chapel's tall arched doorway, Mordrain, High Chaplain and Lord Interrogator of the Sword Bearers, was confident that the warrior he sought would be found within. Sure enough, a lone knight was the only occupant. Clad in baroque Mark III artificer plate, a winged battle helm mag-locked to his hip, the warrior knelt in silent prayer before the tomb at the far end of the chamber. An unadorned stone sarcophagus lay before him, framed by the large, stained glass window that dominated the entire western wall of the Chapel. As usual, it was dark outside, Mire's perpetual rain beating futilely against the thick arma-glass, the constant downpour mixed with hail and sleet as a reminder of the Fenspire's high altitude. Nevertheless, the dim light was enough to illuminate the subject captured in the stained glass. It was a battle scene, a Space Marine engaged in brutal close combat with an immense xenos monstrosity, trading blows with a pair of elegant lightning claws against the alien's own massive, sabre like talons. Every Sword Bearer knew the identity and story of the warrior encapsulated in the window. Hyperion, one of the greatest heroes in the Chapter's long history, pictured during his epic battle against the Beast of Malal, wielding the legendary 'Raven's Claws' and wearing the distinctive “Iron-clad” war plate. The same armour, in fact, that the visitor kneeling in the Chapel now wore. As Mordrain had expected, Titus Raum – Master of the Sword Bearer's Eighth Company, Captain of the Hyperion Foot Knights – was paying his respects to the founder of his Order. Despite his seniority, the High Chaplain waited patiently at the doorway of the Chapel. Such moments were private, and regardless of the urgency of his news, it was imperative that these traditions be maintained. The Chapter's honour was defined by the actions of it's brethren, and only by remembering the sacrifices of the past could they hope to win the battles of the future. “Is it time?” Raum's voice echoed through the Chapel, his accent still carrying the strong, thick brogue of Mire's North Highland tribes. As he rose, the Eighth Company Master bowed his scarred, shaven head one last time towards the tomb of his ancestor. “Indeed Captain.” Mordrain growled, his own voice as deep and thunderous as a summer storm. “The Warp Runner is prepared and waiting at Sky-dock. If you leave now, you should be able to rendezvous with...our esteemed brothers... before the start of the Feast.” There was a slight, almost involuntary pause as the Lord Interrogator mentioned the other competitors. Despite their shared blood and heritage, relations between the Unforgiven were not always cordial. “And Kane? Is there still no word?” Raum released the mag-lock holding his battle helm, gripping the face plate between both armoured gauntlets. It was not just idle curiosity which had provoked his question. Arvas Kane was the Sword Bearer's Chapter Champion, and as such the honour of competing in the tournament should have been his, and his alone. The Chaplain shook his head. “The Champion and his forces are still embroiled in the maelstrom of the Endless Siege. The tourney will be over long before they fight their way clear. As his nominated second, your skills represent our best chance for success.” “Then I am proud to answer this summons, to compete against our brothers for the honour of the Chapter. Gloriam aut Mortis!” In a swift, practiced movement, Raum donned the war-helm, the collar sealing shut with a mechanical hiss. With the ancient helmet in place, the similarity with the figure in the window was now complete. “Good luck, brother” Mordrain whispered, watching proudly as the warrior strode purposely from the Chapel. “Gloriam aut Mortis”. Glory or death. *** The Sword Bearers' Entrant to the Feast of Blades: Titus Raum, Master of the Sword Bearer's Eighth Company, Captain of the Hyperion Foot Knights Company Master, equipped with twin lightning claws, frag & krak grenades, iron halo & artificer armour (140 pts). Armourer's Note: The relic weapons known as the 'Raven's Claws' consist of a pair of ancient energy gauntlets, who's multiple adamantium blades have never once broken despite their millennia of service. In addition, each gauntlet contains a palm mounted micro-grenade launcher, pre-loaded with frag & krak munitions that can be triggered as their user advances towards his enemies. (Or in other words, Raum chucks grenades at his opponents as he runs at them like Wolverine! ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tanhausen Posted February 28, 2015 Share Posted February 28, 2015 Brother Sargent Tanhausen stared down the domed cavern. Gathered before him were some of the finest Dark, members of the First Legion, regardless of their Chapter! The previous days had seen the arrival of vessels from all over the galaxies and it filled his heart with joy to be counted amongst such fighters. Wherever he looked, the support groups tended the panoplia of their masters with zeal and diligence. He stood by himself. A newly appointed Sargent to the fourth squad of the sixth company. He was nobody. His promotion, field brevet which had stuck after losing his 9 Brothers in a devastating frontal assault on a position the Grand Master Sammael had deemed of interest, though he knew not why. After 3 months in a vat tank and several grafts later, he could not look upon the world the same way. He had lost his closest Brothers and the Emperor's whim hadcost him dearly. He wasn't sure he could actually serve the Legion again. And the things he had seen in that assault... Chaplain Lucifer had assured him that it was not possible to have faced black armoured giants that resembled the frescoes in the Chapel. Tanhausen stood up, his armour still getting stuck on the right hip where no techmarine would find fault but he could feel it... He lay his gaze upon his wargear and smiled. His faithful pistol. His loved incensiary...which had saved him from dozens of death. He was certain the Legion librarians knew of its existance...and tolerated it withwary suspicion. Pullingth the wrapping cloth away, he revealed his monstruos weapon. Given to him with his abduction as a mere Battle Brother, he had felt his connection to it. All regarded it as a chainsword, but Tanhausen could feal it growl when his fist clenched if it channeled of of his rage, powerless-ness and hope of redemption and vomited it towards its enemies. Today, his Brothers would be the ones facing it. NItty-gritty: - Space Marine Sargent (14) - Plasma pistol (15) - Progeny of Corswain (40) - Revered incensary (aka Displacer Field - 25) - Montruos weapon (aka Slayer of Caliban - 45) Total: 144 points Pictures (I don't know how to resize them): Let the Feast begin :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaplain Lucifer Posted February 28, 2015 Author Share Posted February 28, 2015 Awesome! We have a nice share of 1W characters. This will be fun and glorious! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted March 1, 2015 Share Posted March 1, 2015 Vet/Sgt Guntram 3rd,Co Angels of Vengeance . Newly promoted to the 3rd Co. Command Squad. With Blade and Shield picked up from the dead Company Champion Guntram slew the Massive Ork leader earning him the praise of the 3rd compnys Master. Vet/sgt+18 combat shield+15 powersword+15 plasma pistol+15 progeny of Corswain+40 103pts I do not have the latest codex . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
faytality Posted March 1, 2015 Share Posted March 1, 2015 Hope I'm not too late? Couldn't find a spare axe, but i hope you can make a exception? Veteran Sergent Mellius of the 3rd Company, has moved up through the ranks and has gained many plaudits from his hard fought victories in the name of the Dark Angels. His trusty plasma pistol and power axe are his weapons of choice ever since he became a veteran sergeant. Renowned for his tactical genius and ruthlessness, his reputation is growing amongst the Dark Angels and enemies and has been likened to a young "Belial". Striking fear to all enemies that stand in his way, accomplished in night fighting missions, where from the darkness, he strikes hard and fast straight at the enemies weak spot, and the night is drawing closer... Veteran Sergeant Shroud of Shadows Plasma pistol Power Axe (cleverly disguised as a chainsword) Displacer Field Digital Weapon Conversion Field Total 160pts Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solrac Posted March 2, 2015 Share Posted March 2, 2015 On 2/28/2015 at 10:53 AM, Chaplain Lucifer said: Solrac, you still need some flavour text in your submission. Can we push for 16 entries? Fixed! Wrote a lot more than I thought I would lol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaplain Lucifer Posted March 2, 2015 Author Share Posted March 2, 2015 The contest is closed for submission. Unfortunately the last submission by faytality upped the count to 17 and it was over the date and since it will take the balance out of the brackets, it will have to be dropped. I am sorry for that but there will be more Arenas. Let the arena begin!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaplain Lucifer Posted March 2, 2015 Author Share Posted March 2, 2015 I generated the matches randomly, so for the 1st round: Company Master Guriel vs Interrogator Chaplain Tancred Company Master Kadmiel vs Interrogator Chaplain Regulus Company Master Caleb vs Company Master Titus Raum Techmarine Cerroneth vs Librarian Lim Cagaest Veteran Sgt Xenith vs Company Master Indomiel Veteran Sgt Elam vs Veteran Sgt Tanhausen Librarian Askiel vs Company Master Ramiro Company Master Vengen vs Veteran Sgt Guntham Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tanhausen Posted March 2, 2015 Share Posted March 2, 2015 On 3/2/2015 at 8:55 AM, Chaplain Lucifer said: Veteran Sgt Elam vs Veteran Sgt Tanhausen It seems we have scout armour for dinner tonight...this might turn out a thorny business (pun intended) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galthan Ironsturm Posted March 2, 2015 Share Posted March 2, 2015 Quote Company Master Kadmiel vs Interrogator Chaplain Regulus interrogator with Mace of Redemption...Kadmiel is innocent ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spaced Hulk Posted March 2, 2015 Share Posted March 2, 2015 On 3/2/2015 at 8:55 AM, Chaplain Lucifer said: Company Master Caleb vs Company Master Titus Raum Two Company Masters, each with artificer armour..... ....looks like I've just brought lightning claws to a thunder hammer fight! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The_Chaplain Posted March 2, 2015 Share Posted March 2, 2015 Quote Two Company Masters, each with artificer armour..... ....looks like I've just bought lightning claws to a thunder hammer fight! Better hope you roll a lot of rendings and capitalize on the initiative advantage you have in that match. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spaced Hulk Posted March 2, 2015 Share Posted March 2, 2015 On 3/2/2015 at 6:28 PM, The_Chaplain said: Quote Two Company Masters, each with artificer armour..... ....looks like I've just bought lightning claws to a thunder hammer fight! Better hope you roll a lot of rendings and capitalize on the initiative advantage you have in that match. Hopefully Raum's more modest (and aero-dynamic) iron-winged war helm will give him a manouverability advantage in combat as well... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JGeils81 Posted March 2, 2015 Share Posted March 2, 2015 damn, well I wish I had read this post a week ago... didnt know what it was :( would have had to paint up my new assault sgt for kicks and enter him! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
aura_enchanted Posted March 2, 2015 Share Posted March 2, 2015 Picture forthconing:(Insert photo here)The land raider thudded along at a steady speed, company master ionus redhand stood by the entrance his terminator armor providing a gentle hum to the chorus of tactical dreadnaught armor around him the squads seargant zedrius relaying information to him about the battle raging around him between the rest of his battle brothers and the spineless scum that made up the enemies forces. The fact that he had to even be bothered with these degenerates was almost degrading if not for the reason they attracted the attention of the chapter. These thugs and brigands had raided the tombs of dark angels dating back centuries and if desecration of tombs wasn't enough the theft of relics and treasures buried with the dead was a whole new low for these rabble and crushing them was an act of honoring their dead as much as it was an act of righteous vengeance.The impacts of shell and laser intensified as they got closer to their destination, the plan was simple and effective brothers of the fifth and 10th would clear a path for the deathwing and they would storm the central complex itself. Suddenly the land raider shook violently from an impact with something massive " anti tank missile platform, superficial damage at best" the seargeant calmly said his long years of service to the deathwing correctly identifying the source of the impact by the vibration of the vehicle alone. The raider accelerated in speed they were close to the wall of the central structure any moment they would crash through the wall and begin their final assault and cleansing of this rundown fort, with a loud boom a few moments later the vehicle breached the wall, ionus activated the power field on his sword and checked his storm bolter one final time as the frag assault launchers dispensed shrapnel throughout the room beyond and the assault ramps jaws parted he knew that today he would honor those fallen in battle, today he would see his brothers laid to rest with dignity once more. "For the lion we cleanse this place; today we make good our oaths to the chapter!" he exclaimed as his brothers crossed into the darkness of the poorly lit room. He knew his brothers would not fail him, and he not fail his chapterCompany master ionus redhand:Terminator armorMonster hunter of calibanStorm bolterPredifious relic of the unforgiven(185) Sorry, but the deadline was 28th February as the Duels start in the 1st of March. You will have opportunity in the future to enter an arena. Cheers, CL. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted March 2, 2015 Share Posted March 2, 2015 A challenger approaches? Ah, Indomiel. Company Master now, eh? More like Chumpany Master, I feel. Is that Azrael on the phone? Send him my love. Now get off your remote vox and have at! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Polythemus Posted March 2, 2015 Share Posted March 2, 2015 On 3/2/2015 at 8:02 PM, Xenith said: A challenger approaches? Ah, Indomiel. Company Master now, eh? More like Chumpany Master, I feel. Is that Azrael on the phone? Send him my love. Now get off your remote vox and have at! Sergent Xenith, are you afraid your idenity will be known to all if you remove your helmet? Its OK, you don't have to be afraid, I'll show you the door in either case! Did you lose your way wandering over from Baal? The rage that drives my success on the battlefield will be your undoing in the arena of Death! ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED!? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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