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750 Pt. Blood Angels List


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Ok, so i'm going to be able to play against my cousin who first introduced me to 40k this summer. When I played him the first time, he gave me a small force of Tau and a squad of Tac Marines (first game, Allies thing). I almost beat him, though I suspect he was deliberately getting most of his guys slaughtered so that he could set up an impenetrable fall-back point that I simply could not get to without suffering casualties so massive that he would be able to win (perfect killing field) with ease. The next time I go up against my cousin, I want to absolutely crush him.


Anyways, I've recently decided to put up the Space Wolves in favor of BAngels. Mainly because the fluff of BA is the best out of any Chapter but I wanted to wait until 7th Ed Codex came out before I started building an army. So i've constructed a list of what I can convert my Space Wolves into, and I need somebody to poke holes in it. Primarily, tell me its weaknesses and how to shore them up. This is just a 750 Points List, though I hope to bring it up to 2000, eventually.


The list is as follows:


Captain                  90

- Infernus Pistol x2 30

- Warlord


Tactical Marines    70
- Drop Pod            35
- Melta Gun           10

- Inferno x2            30

Tactical Marines    70

- Drop Pod             35

- Heavy Flamer      10

- Hand Flamer x2   20


Fast Attack

Assault Marines     85

- Drop Pod

- Flamer x2            10

- Captain

Assault Marines     85

- Drop Pod            

- Meltagun             10

- Flamer                 5 

- Hand Flamer      10


I've changed the list according to your advice. My idea now should be evident evident - Alpha Strike. Drop the Meltas on top of any Triptides or Battlesuits, Flamers on top of Fire Warriors or Kroot, and the Assault Marines are going to be a bit more all-around.

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Priest isn't helping the Death Company any. Against Tau your guys are hitting on 3s anyway, and with Astorath they are re rolling hits and wounds. Drop him and throw the points into bulking the other Tactical Squad. Give it another drop Pod and heavy flamer/ flamer. Get rid of the rhino- a rhino is just free kill points to Tau. Then your boys get stuck half way up the field and shot to pieces.


Drop in 10 man squad first turn, combat squad and go to town with flamers. Death Company charges up field. Any remaining Tacticals charge next turn and hopefully Death Company remnants hit home. Second pod hits down and attacks whatevers left (plasma/ grav could be good here)


Whatever you do good luck. Burn some fish for the glory of the Angel

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Tau are tricky but luckily in 750 points they won't have too much nonsense to deal with. If he's smart he'll load up on fire warriors and a few marker lights to just overwhelm your guys with accurate shots.


If he uses Kroot be careful of them, while they take hits like tissue paper if they charge you they can tie you up or worse kill you through numbers.


Heavy Flamers are wonderful against all Tau infantry, bbq trout anyone?


Keep the priest if you want but use him to protect a padding Tac squad with FNP as they will come under heavy fire.


If you have to parts (or he's willing to let you proxy) using the Rhino as a baal pred is very nice at this points level. You can hurt battle suits with rending /weight of fire and just plain ruin fire warriors day. Plus unless he has rail guns that AV 13 will be quite safe.


One final thing to consider is splitting the death company into two units. Even if only 2 guys make it to thier battle line fish will bleed, and it means you are more likely to be tied up in thier turn :)


I mainly played against Tau in 5th so I don't have experience with the newer nasties (Riptides) but I assume this is too low a points value for them!

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Looks like an interesting list. I'm trying something similar at 750 points with some small changes. Basically comes down to mine being:


Priest - JP

5 tacticals, melta, HB razor

5 tacticals, melta, HB razor

7 Vanguard vets - pw, x2 stormshield - JP

7 Death company x2 inferno, pw - JP


I'm always personally worried about using a named character at this sort of level because of the huge cost. For the same price you can get a lot more bodies onto the table. I definitely agree with the comment about your priest - he doesn't bring  a lot extra to the table for you. Be interested to hear how you get on.

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Priest isn't helping the Death Company any.


Except for giving them WS 5 and, giving Astorath a challenge monkey and FnP.


Btw, this is in the wrong forum...


Sorry about that. I didn't realize it until after I'd already started the thread.

And also, Tau are insanely shooty, Astorath'll get his face blown off before he can even get close to some Battlesuits or anything even remotely worth challenging.


Looks like an interesting list. I'm trying something similar at 750 points with some small changes. Basically comes down to mine being:


Priest - JP

5 tacticals, melta, HB razor

5 tacticals, melta, HB razor

7 Vanguard vets - pw, x2 stormshield - JP

7 Death company x2 inferno, pw - JP


I'm always personally worried about using a named character at this sort of level because of the huge cost. For the same price you can get a lot more bodies onto the table. I definitely agree with the comment about your priest - he doesn't bring  a lot extra to the table for you. Be interested to hear how you get on.

Acknowledged. I've removed Astorath and the Priest in favor of a Captain and an extra squad. You guys got anything else? I'd love to know any tricks the Tau could pull to beat me. I do know that he has at least two Battlesuits and a few Triptides, whether or not he uses them is a different story.

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I would stick with 3 drop pods as you will still only get 2 down on 1st turn when you take 4 and you need to kick him square in the shorts turn 1.


I would take just 1 melta assault squad, take melta, combi-melta and heavy flamer in full size tac squad so you can combat squad them when they come down. Meltaguns target crisis, broadside suits or tanks and the heavy flamers go for infantry. Round off the list with either libby or chaplain with the relic jump pack joined to a decent sized squad of death company.


Generally riptides can intercept. The death company will be immune to this and a trick with drop pod squads is to deploy as close to the target as possible. He can't fire a large blast if it will hit his own guys.


Hope this helps!

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I like the concept you're going for and I think you've got a great grasp of the basic idea.  I'd tweak a few things, though.  Also, your list is short of 750 points quite significantly at the moment!  Comments in red:


The list is as follows:


Captain                  90

- Infernus Pistol x2 30

- Warlord


This guy, while cool, doesn't really bring a whole lot to your army.  He's tough and can punch stuff in the face real good, but when you're playing smaller games, I'd be tempted to bring a force multiplier of some sort.  I'm thinking ideally a Sanguinary Priest or a Librarian.  Personally, I'd plump for the Sanguinary Priest.


Tactical Marines    70
- Drop Pod            35
- Melta Gun           10

- Inferno x2            30


I definitely think you should bring melta.  I'm just not convinced it should be on your Tactical Squads.  You have the opportunity in your Tactical Squads (which no other Space Marine Chapter has) of bringing heavy flamers.  Against Tau, those things would absolutely destroy units.  Complement with a combi-flamer: dual pistols are eating into your points at 750 really heavily.


Tactical Marines    70

- Drop Pod             35

- Heavy Flamer      10

- Hand Flamer x2   20


This is much closer to what I'd be running, but again, I'd plump for the combi-flamer, rather than the two hand flamers.  The extra Strength and improved AP of the flamer over the hand flamers would let you actually roast some of the Tau units.


Fast Attack

Assault Marines     85

- Drop Pod

- Flamer x2            10

- Captain


If you moved your Tactical Squads into flaming-duty, then your Assault Squads become vital for delivering melta.  Like our Tactical Squads with heavy flamers, Blood Angels Assault Squads are unique in their ability to bring melta weapons.  Use that to your advantage!


Assault Marines     85

- Drop Pod            

- Meltagun             10

- Flamer                 5 

- Hand Flamer      10


I'd probably put all ten Assault Marines into one Drop Pod.  That way you're more likely to have your whole army available at the same time.  Bringing an even number of Drop Pods is often considered a waste of the "rounding up" element of the Drop Pod Assault rule (half of all Drop Pods, rounding up, arrive on turn one).  You're also using a unit here which is a bit divided in its focus: the flamers and the meltas really want to be targeting different units.


You could give the Sergeant a combi-melta and then, when you land in the Drop Pod, Combat Squad into two units of five with the two meltas in one and the Sergeant in the other.  That way the Sergeant can target a second unit.  (Note: if you do this, replace his chainsword with the combi-melta, so that he still has a bolt pistol he can use to shoot and charge with.  The boltgun part of the combi-weapon is a Rapid Fire weapon, which prevents you charging if you fire it.)


I've changed the list according to your advice. My idea now should be evident evident - Alpha Strike. Drop the Meltas on top of any Triptides or Battlesuits, Flamers on top of Fire Warriors or Kroot, and the Assault Marines are going to be a bit more all-around.


Hmmmm.  If you did everything I suggested, you'd actually end up with a load points still to spend.  If I had to spend them for you, I'd probably re-split your ten-man Assault Squad and add yet another Drop Pod!:


Sanguinary Priest

 - Power sword

 - 75


6-man Tactical Squad

 - Heavy flamer

 - Combi-flamer

 - Drop Pod

 - 139


6-man Tactical Squad

 - Heavy flamer

 - Combi-flamer

 - Drop Pod

 - 139


5-man Assault Squad

 - 2 meltaguns

 - Combi-melta

 - Drop Pod

 - 115


5-man Assault Squad

 - 2 meltaguns

 - Combi-melta

 - Drop Pod

 - 115


6-man Sternguard Squad

 - Drop Pod

 - 167


Total: 750


This gives you three Drop Pods arriving on turn one with a focused response vs. vehicles/monstrous creatures/infantry depending on your opponent's set-up.


It's actually ended up being incredibly similar to my 1,500-point concept...!



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