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Guide for BA decals/squad markings etc?


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Just wondering if anyone could help me out with how to set up my (blood angels) army squad markings and whatnot, I wasn't 100% after reading the codex, so you have 1st-10th companies each with their symbols, that goes on the right shoulder or right knee? its saying squad marking on knee is that's not the company marking then? and then the left shoulder you have the chapter marking (so the wings+blood drop).


Also would each squad have the same markings? or same right shoulder different right knee? or another combination?


Vehicles are just numbered I take it? so 2 Rhinos, have first as 'I' and second 'II' etc.?


I know it really doesn't matter so much, and whatever looks the best for me really, but just wanted to try make it look legit.

2nd Ed. Codex: Angels of Death to the rescue,


Company Markings




Squad Markings







Tanks have a Tank Number rather than Squad type.





Ahh cool, so basically (correct me if i get this wrong), you have an army wide company marking (on right shoulder), and i can pick any company that i find fits the fluff/fits how i want them to look, then at the squad level have squad markings on the right knee (incrementing for each squad in the army, so first squad of tacticals have white skull/black background, second white skull/blue background etc etc), then the army wide chapter marking on the left shoulder (and black background for sgt).

Then vehicles have just the company marking and a number.

Cool well that makes things easy for planning out the army, just need to pick a good company marking, then the rest is already basically sorted out.

The company marking is only army wide if you do not include chaplains, librarians, techmarines, veteran units of any kind (vanguard, sternguard, terminators) or scouts in your army. I think, but I am not sure, that a command squad would have company markings.

The company marking is only army wide if you do not include chaplains, librarians, techmarines, veteran units of any kind (vanguard, sternguard, terminators) or scouts in your army. I think, but I am not sure, that a command squad would have company markings.


Correct. Librarians, Techmarines, Sanquinary Priests and Terminators fall outside of the standard marking system. Note there is a 1st Co. Badge, so it follows that power-armoured verts would use that. Terminator Squads use a number and name only. In C:AoD, the 1st Co. 10 Terminator squads are named, Redemptor, Invictor, Avengor, Damnator, Venator., Vindictor, Destructor, Vexador, Signator, and Praetor. However, in Space Hulk 3rd Ed. the squads are named for their sergeants, Squad Lorenzo etc.




Sweet gods that 2E boltgun. Look at its weird stick handle in place of a pistol grip. It doesn't even have an ejector. I'd completely forgotten those ever existed why couldn't it have stayed that way


Vanguard and sternguard minis often have such ornate pauldrons that you wouldn't have anywhere to put a 1st company marking anyway. Terminators usually have the chapter symbol on their non-crux pad, right? (although the ornateness thing also applies to the new minis)

There will always be exceptions, take mkVI armour for instance. With the studded left pad, the Chapter symbol moves to the right, leaving no space for the company badge. You could do a small version of the Co. badge in a corner of the pauldron, or perhaps on the other knee, or perhaps not worry about it.

Ultimately, though, these markings are what the M41 Blood Angels are currently using. The Codex (BA are a Codex compliant Chapter, officially) recommends Chapters changing their markings often, some Chapters do so for every new campaign so that their enemies do not come to recognize them.

Which means if you prefer the DA markings, technically they're in the codex and at some stage in the BA 10,000 yr history, have probably used those symbols for their companies.


tldr; Rule of cool trumps fluff correctness.





The company marking is only army wide if you do not include chaplains, librarians, techmarines, veteran units of any kind (vanguard, sternguard, terminators) or scouts in your army. I think, but I am not sure, that a command squad would have company markings.


Correct. Librarians, Techmarines, Sanquinary Priests and Terminators fall outside of the standard marking system. Note there is a 1st Co. Badge, so it follows that power-armoured verts would use that. Terminator Squads use a number and name only. In C:AoD, the 1st Co. 10 Terminator squads are named, Redemptor, Invictor, Avengor, Damnator, Venator., Vindictor, Destructor, Vexador, Signator, and Praetor. However, in Space Hulk 3rd Ed. the squads are named for their sergeants, Squad Lorenzo etc.





With terminators, at the moment i have the left shoulderpad with the Crux Terminatus, and the right with the forgeworld BA shoulder pads, that's normal isn't it? so if you didn't have the forgeworld kit, you'd put the chapter marking wings+blood drop decal on the right shoulder?

I always wondered about the switch. Someone with terminator Honors has been in the 1st company for a couple of editions. It would be a lot more homogenous to have the crux on the right shoulder pad as de facto company designation and the chapter symbol on the left as with the other companies.

It's actually a product of miniature design. The original marines were all mkVI, with chapter badge on the right, when Terminators came along, their design followed suit. It was with 2nd Ed. and mkVII that the fluff expanded.


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