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I've been bouncing around unusual armies for a while as a way to have some fun in the game without just copying the flavor of the week army builds.


And I know Thousand Sons aren't the most point efficient option I can bring but they have some of the coolest models so I'm doing it anyways.


So while I wait for my order of Ahriman and 4 Thousand Son upgrade packs to arrive (maybe by this weekend) I'm looking for some help building a Thousand Sons army that's fun to play and maybe even a bit odd.


I was looking at maybe taking advantage of the MoT with some Warp Talons and possibly allying some Tzeentch Daemons in to bring Screamers (to help with heavy tanks and maybe Knights) and whatever else seems like a good idea (maybe a Herald on a Burning Chariot or Fateweaver?).


Some other things I was looking at were using the Crimson Slaughter supplement for the Fear, better possessed and access to the Balestar and maybe taking Vindicators to provide some decent armored support.


Also is there anything in IA13 I should be looking at for the army?

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A thousand son army did pretty well I think at nova or one of those events. Invisibilty + rapid fire ap3 shots win against marines I guess, who knew? Things that would make you win:


Ahriman warlord + belakor for invisibility onto ahriman's unit (prolly shrouded on himself) then some thousand sons dudes with their rhinos. Ally in Fateweaver (nice and tzeentch themed) with screamers and 2 units of 11 pink horrors. I think that's like 15 warp charges so you should be able to summon in 2-3 pink horror squads per turn. Ahriman and his troops are gonna get the jump on the enemy squishy juicey targets, summons are gonna hold objectives, monstrous creatures be vector striking vehicles, screamers gonna kill armored targets?


I dunno how well this would work against imperial knights though GL there.

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I honestly wasn't considering Belakor since he's unbound, but Ahriman as the Warlord was a definite thing on my list. Infiltrating Rhinos definitely feels like one of the best ways to get up the board.


I think Screamers have a fair shot at killing a Knight. They go at I4, and have 3x S5, AP2, Armourbane attacks base (4 if they charge) and they're pretty fast since they're Jetbikes.


It doesn't seem like a bad list, but it feels a bit lacking in it's ability to either deal with low save models (Terminators) or Hordes. Am I missing something there to help with that?

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No, screamers exchange all their attacks for one at S5 armourbane AP2. The reliable killer of knights in the CSM codex is Khârn, who will statistically speaking kill one knight per turn before it can strike, though he's not easy to get into a Thousand Sons army I guess. Close second is Be'lakor though, who can also kill off Knights, but not in a single turn most likely. Be'lakor is a mean lean buffin' machine though, with Shrouded and Invisibility he can be really worth it! Though, as most things in a Thousand Sons list, he's expensive. 


From IA13, the rapiers spring to mind, also Sicarian and Fire Raptor.

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My idea for a 1K Sons army was to take only models with the Daemon special rule, plus 1K Sons squads. Running as Crimson Slaughter also gives Possessed who don't entirely suck (and can get a 2++ save with the right result on the chart). Support wise that gives you Heldrakes, Forgefiends, Maulerfiends and Obliterators to ensure enough heavy firepower to back up your shooting. Taking a Sorceror alongside Ahrmain with Prophet of the Voices lets you summon daemons and Cursed Earth buffs most of your troops to boot.

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Sadly Thousand Sons are probably the last folks that would need expensive Warp Talons, they pretty much have AP3 covered with their inferno bolts.


I think adding some Tzeentch Daemons is a good idea, I would consider taking a Soul Grinder over a Vindicator. 

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No, screamers exchange all their attacks for one at S5 armourbane AP2. The reliable killer of knights in the CSM codex is Khârn, who will statistically speaking kill one knight per turn before it can strike, though he's not easy to get into a Thousand Sons army I guess. Close second is Be'lakor though, who can also kill off Knights, but not in a single turn most likely. Be'lakor is a mean lean buffin' machine though, with Shrouded and Invisibility he can be really worth it! Though, as most things in a Thousand Sons list, he's expensive. 


From IA13, the rapiers spring to mind, also Sicarian and Fire Raptor.

Doh! Well good point there. Shame because they'd be PERFECT if they didn't have to trade.



My idea for a 1K Sons army was to take only models with the Daemon special rule, plus 1K Sons squads. Running as Crimson Slaughter also gives Possessed who don't entirely suck (and can get a 2++ save with the right result on the chart). Support wise that gives you Heldrakes, Forgefiends, Maulerfiends and Obliterators to ensure enough heavy firepower to back up your shooting. Taking a Sorceror alongside Ahrmain with Prophet of the Voices lets you summon daemons and Cursed Earth buffs most of your troops to boot.


Yeah, only downside is then you NEED the Possessed to bunker the Sorceror up in. But that's not a bad plan.


Sadly Thousand Sons are probably the last folks that would need expensive Warp Talons, they pretty much have AP3 covered with their inferno bolts.


I think adding some Tzeentch Daemons is a good idea, I would consider taking a Soul Grinder over a Vindicator. 


Well if I drop Warp Talons I might have room for a Soul Grinder without needing to dig too deep for points. I mean it is a Daemon codex option so it's not even fighting for slots.


Sadly it looks like I'll be leaving Screamers out too. Not enough bang for the buck on them for this list.

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Always liked the thought of a thousand sons army. Vindicators,deep striking dreadnought's, thousand sons in rhinos,helldrakes, led by a sorceror and warp smith.

Would be great at killing marines.

Thousand sons still can't overwatch fire,right?

Sad but true. They are SnP. I hope that they go to being Relentless with a Sorceror.
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Built my first Vindicator since 3rd, and my first Chaos Vindicator ever. I remain very disappointed in the Aquila that was on one of the armored panels. I solved that though. With a knife.


Also looking through the IA13 book I actually rather like the Relic Predator. AP3 Autocannon with Rending Heavy Bolters? I'm down for that. At least as a fun novelty to take now and then.


And while I did get some Pink Horrors and a small pack of Screamers I'm not jumping into them just yet army wise as I'm still largely debating if I want to actually use the Thousand Sons as Thousand Sons, or run them as Chaos Marines but using the Thousand Son models because the lower points cost and higher number of wargear options offsets the loss of Warp Charges.


I don't know, I'm still waffling on that.

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I absolutely love vindicators! That is all


A pure thousand sons army would be great. A small warband on a fast medium sized ship. Hiding in nebulas and asteroid fields. Attacking targets when the time is right. A unholy union between a sorcerer and a warpsmith,both exiles from their legion (possibly through choice? Felt betrayed, wear the old colours of the legion).


Well supplied with armour (especially daemon engines), lots of cultist cannon fodder. Very few rubric marines. Possibly only 4 squads.


Sorry. Got a bit carried away there!

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Well in an attempt of rounding things out a bit I picked up the Dark Vengeance box for Cultists (because let's be honest 2 units of TS is probably the most I'd want to take for the time being because they eat up a lot of points and I need to balance things out, but I still need bodies to help lock down objectives. A big unit or two of Cultists can help do just that) plus the box of 5 of them. I was disappointed to see a model who'd make a great Rogue Psyker (he's the one in the hood with the axe and the finger talons) but doesn't have rules for just that.


Anyways, I'll be adding more (because having more cultists is always handy) but not right this second.


I did decide to build the TS as TS, but I'll be using the conversion kits for units like Havocs or Chosen too. Because a unified look for the army is pretty awesome.


Beyond that I'm not 100% certain about what I'm going to run in an army but here's what I'm looking at starting with:



2 units of 10 Thousand Sons

1 unit of 12 Cultists with CCW and Autopistol + 1 Flamer + 1 Champion

1 unit of 13 Cultists with Autogun + 1 Stubber + 1 Champion

1 Chaos Vindicator (I plan to add a second one)

1 Relic Predator (which isn't something I'm looking at running all the time)



10 Pink Horrors

3 Screamers


Additionally I have a Warp Smith model that I picked up last year because he's a pretty cool model and the Hellbrute from the Dark Vengeance box. I have the other Dark Vengeance stuff (which included the plastic Champion model), but I'm saving those for a Crimson Slaughter project I've got on hold for new CSM models someday. With models that nice and detailed I just really want new models to go with them and the army project.


So for my next bit of shopping what do people recommend (beyond the extra Vindi or two)?


EDIT: Oh, and I ordered 40 of the new 32mm bases the day they got back into stock too.

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Thousand Sons armies tend to lack options for dealing with armour, and 2+ saves, against which the inferno bolts are little better than regular bolters.


Obliterators synergise amazingly, providing lascannons, plasma cannons and anti horde.


A relic predator executioner (plasma one) would work well, but with only one source of AP2.  Maybe partner that with a tri-las pred.

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I figured Vindis were good AP2 plus they ID Necrons meaning less get a chance to stand back up again.


But yeah, a unit of Oblits is likely a good choice.


Maybe I can convert some out of Centurions...

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I figured Vindis were good AP2 plus they ID Necrons meaning less get a chance to stand back up again.


But yeah, a unit of Oblits is likely a good choice.


Maybe I can convert some out of Centurions...

I built Tzeentchian Obliterators out of Ogryns, they're reprsenting warp-tainted psykers hurling vortices of warp energy, hails of iron and conjuring corrupting flames.


Second the Plasma relic predator, 3 x template and no gets hot

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I never leave home without my oblits. They do so much for an army. Mine are converted from bits and pieces...and the warp smith model has mechadendrites enough for three! :)
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I figured Vindis were good AP2 plus they ID Necrons meaning less get a chance to stand back up again.


But yeah, a unit of Oblits is likely a good choice.


Maybe I can convert some out of Centurions...

I built Tzeentchian Obliterators out of Ogryns, they're reprsenting warp-tainted psykers hurling vortices of warp energy, hails of iron and conjuring corrupting flames.


Second the Plasma relic predator, 3 x template and no gets hot


Oh that's an interesting idea. I may have to mull some more things over before I decide how I'll do those exactly. Though Ahriman: Sorceror did bring up an idea I rather liked: Sorcerors who were in charge of breaking fortifications and leveling planets. So doing them as some kind of Sorcerer would be pretty fitting.


And yeah, that relic predator is on my list to buy, but not until I have more money (the all plastic model is just cheaper for me right now). I just have many things I want (like a Chaos Reaver Titan, Hell Talons, ect.) but not enough money. 

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I've used Chaos Sorcerers in Terminator Armour to represent Tzeentch Obliderators, but Ogryns conversions could be interesting too. Ahriman, two squads of Thousand Sons, Obliderators, a Forgefiend and Tzeentch Daemons make a powerful and aggressive army with his warlord trait. My force looks like this:





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I'm surprised you're using Flamers considering they have the Warpflame special rule in both melee and shooting. Otherwise it's a very nice looking army and I'm leaning towards something close myself.

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