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  1. After a few false starts, and a real hobby funk, who'd have thought that all it took to drag me back to the Heresy was a new edition? I've been stopping and starting for a while, unsure what to do. In the end, I decided to just go with the flow and not put pressure on myself. I've got a stack of stuff I need to work on, so I'm just doing bits and bobs as I go along, and hopefully there'll be some semblance of an army come the end of it! To that end, I'm making a start with one of my favourite minis from Forge World, Qin XA. I'm just gonna use him as a bog standard Praetor with Paragon Blade I imagine. Happy with him so far!
  2. I thought I'd share my Chaos army and various WIP things, hopefully to motivate myself to get some more painting done! I have a decent sized Iron Warriors army, as well as a goodly number of Thousand Sons, which I'll get pictures of later. My current projects are a start up Emperor's Children Warband, and a force of The Cleaved. The Cleaved: I made this Plague Marine years and years ago when I had a spare blob of Green Stuff. The armour was a test piece for the new foundations, its straight Dheneb with a heavy devlan wash. He got some nice armour scores, and some weeping joints I abandoned them for a very long time, until the release of the new codex, whereupon I made a couple of plasma gunners to come later. I also have 5 of these guys that will be geting the cleaved treatment. My very first tank, well over 10 years old with an awful splotchy (but thin) nurgle paint job, back when the mark of Nurgle gave your vehicle +1AV all round. Rather than give it to the Iron Warriors, I've honoured it's heritage and dedicated it to the cleaved. The marine on the back was originally an ultramarine, but the blue wouldnt look good with the colour scheme. Green, however would, and seeing as there will probably be a few new DA players soon...and also to annoy Skink a little. The Nurglings on top need some detailing, as well as a few other bits and bobs, but I consider it table worthy after a weekend's work. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the new codex, I jumped at the chance to finally get some Slaaneshi marines under my belt. Noise marines with an 80's hair metal vibe. I wanted a full Sonic blaster squad, buy only had one and the blastmaster, so time to make up some stuff: Dude doing a squealy blaster solo, and regular blaster dude. You cant quite see the detail, ut they have hides/skin GS'd onto their leg armour, and regular dude has GW barbed wire wrapped around his thigh. Blastmaster and DeathKorg. You cannot have a band without a synth, so this guy got made up. The idea is that the bolter fires, gets some funky rhythm attached to it as it goes along the barrel, then hits the opponent with some music that they've probably never heard of. Noise Champion: Since squad leaders cannot currently have blasters, and in the hope that they can someday, I made something in between a combi bolter and blaster, the backpack (from the classic NM) and belt amp can also double as a Doom Siren. Smile:
  3. So, ever since 2nd edition I have had a small Thousand Sons army (loved the fluff). Fast forward a few (many) years and I read A Thousand Sons, then GW goes and gives me the miniatures I could only dream about as a young(er) man.... what to do? My rough plan is to use the Burning of Prospero as a starting point but utilise some of the new 40k kits (and the odd third party upgrade) to really make it stand out (oh, and some suitable replacement terrain for the card). eventually I may end up with enough to actually play a table game (something I have not done since around 2nd-3rd so have some catching up to do) so far (in addition to the forces in the box): 2 BAC Mk IV squads to replace the MkIII in the box (I just feel the MkIV looks better for the Sons and contrasts really well with the MkIII wolves) 1 contemptor per side (using the rules from the WD when I get round to playing the board game) SW cataphractii (just to make things interesting) SW rune priest (a stand in for Wyrdmake) The Thousand sons are painted roughly as follows: Black Base (Chaos black) Retributor Armour spray Tamiya Metallic red spray (TS-18 I think) rough highlight with suitable silver Tamiya clear red (this brings out the flat metallic red really nicely) gold trim: Retributor/agarax or riekland wash/liberator highlight then silver to finish white cloaks (Duncans tabard recipe from the 40k rubrics) - also works well on the scarab and legion icon. full tutorial available here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/336154-heresy-thousand-sons-metallic-no-air-brush-required/?p=4808274 I'll get the list for the Wolves done soon. here is what they look like so far: I'm hoping to have 1 squad of MkIV using mostly rubric/sorcerer parts to match the look of Ahriman, then a squad of more regular guys, maybe breachers with Acolyte shields.... currently working on the ones above and a Thousand sons Contemptor. in between working on this I did pick up Magnus and the Creature Caster LOC to keep me busy..... Also a big shout out to this community (and GW) for inspiration and getting me back into this chaos..... Tich.
  4. EDIT: The full list of Thousand Sons datasheets can be found on warcom here: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/06/13/free-chaos-index-cards-let-the-galaxy-burn-with-rules-for-six-factions/ ------------------------------------------------------------- Faction Focus Discussion The Thousand Sons Faction Focus is up, with a preview of some of our rules - Finally! Use this topic for discussion the Datasheets that we've seen so far - Ahriman, Rubes and part of the Mutalith. What do you reckon? Faction Focus Thousand Sons Faction Rules Discussion
  5. Hey folks, Chaos Knights descend upon us shortly. I wanted to start a thread that deals specifically with interesting, and useful ways of integrating our Thousand Sons / Tzeentch units with these Super Heavies. For now let's assume the main force is Thousand Sons. Knights (I think) will be greatly assisted by Supreme Command Detachments of Thousand Sons, but let's first assume you are playing a Thousand Sons heavy force and you want to enhance it with Knights. As of this writing I think the goto looks to be the Dual Gatling variant, or in my case I'll be doing a Gatling + RFBC. I think the reduction in RFBC points, and addition of Gatling points balances this out. The strength will be in the Infernal house ability to add to the Gatling's S/AP/D stats. Overall I think it's a solid choice because 40K feels so shooty dependent now... perhaps as much as I've ever seen competitively and it's something that Thousand Sons just really lack at over all compared to the big players. There are a lot of good choices for Knights and Thousand Sons, but focusing on Shooting first seems like a good place to start. The assaulty (Gallant/Despoiler) Knights will be very popular as well, but I'm not sure that really helps the biggest issues Thousand Sons have (maybe in a multi Knight environment?) So for the Thousand Sons: I'm thinking for semi-competitive ideas of rolling a very, very basic Battalion of Ahriman/DP taking DeathHex for certain as I believe Knights in an army that can remove invulns is going to make some armies absolutely melt. Troops for objectives are Rubrics, and Tzaangors for blocking/advancing. The Cultists will remain cheap filler for lists that can't afford other choices. For my next game I've chosen a fairly basic squad of Scarab Occult to go after an objective / help with chaff clearing duty. I know it's not optimal, just trying to stay true the background for now! Also I've run Decimators for a long time with my Thousand Sons, but because I'm including a Chaos Knight I figure to get the 3 CP, I will be substituting in a few Wardogs. We'll see how they do. And finally I've saved a good chunk of points I'm not sure what to do with yet. The first idea is to simply dump them all into reserves and summon what I need... which apparently I can do with the Knight who may not move and be a good character to do this with? I'm thinking a Squad of flamers for clearing chaff on arrival, or perhaps even a flyer? Perhaps screens of Brimstones? Perhaps another Battalion of Tzeentch daemons is worth investigating? What do you think?
  6. http://www.blacklibrary.com/Images/Product/DefaultBL/xlarge/ahriman-unchanged.jpg Exciting times as BL announced officially the next Ahriman novel, Unchanged. You can read an extract too (epub format). John mentioned on Facebook that it is indeed the third novel. Given John's importance to the Horus Heresy in both BL and FW formats, it's always good to see what he's imagining. I wonder if he will be writing a fair bit of the fluff in FW Propsero whenever it emerges :)
  7. What other legions does it make sense to paint up Rubric Marines in? One of the major themes in my Thousand Sons army's backstory is the mission of my warlord, the Exalted Sorcerer Senet, in gathering the Sons of Prospero from across the galaxy once again as one part of Ahriman's campaign to correct his Rubric; which begs the question, where would he actually be finding those Rubricae? I mean, I'm sure you wouldn't find Rubricae with the liveries of the World Eaters, Emperor's Children, and definitely not the Death Guard, and I know the Black Legion definitely uses Rubrics of some type (since one is on the cover of the book of the same name, which I need to read at some point), but in what contexts? Would they be (in terms of fluff) found with the Word Bearers, or Alpha Legion, or Iron Warriors, or Night Lords? What about Renegades? And what fluff exists depicting the "soulless automata" of the Thousand Sons under other banners? Also, from a more hobby perspective, what other legion colors actually work well with Rubricae models? I'm at 50 of the Thousand Sons under their own symbol now, comprising liveries of a standard Thousand Sons blue/gold scheme with a squad each like the Silver Sons, the Crimson Sons, and the Black Legion Rubrics, and as I continue to collect more Rubrics I'd like to eliminate some of the intrinsic gameplay redundancy that necessarily crops up when you get up to that many Thousand Sons Rubric Marines. (And another question: do non-Thousand Sons Aspiring Sorcerers get access to the Discipline of Change or is that for the Sons of Prospero only?) Thanks! --KiteSenet
  8. https://www.battle-report.com/2018/02/07/death-korps-of-krieg-vs-thousand-sons/ War is long, Chaos is fickle. Cheers, Thoth
  9. https://www.battle-report.com/2018/02/12/death-korps-of-krieg-adeptus-custodes-vs-thousand-sons/ You boys came down to Prospero that one time, eh? Cheers, Thoth
  10. https://www.battle-report.com/2018/03/27/death-guard-vs-thousand-sons/ Flu season! Cheers, Thoth
  11. It's a gorgeous summer Friday here in Alaska (at least the part I'm in) and what better way to celebrate that than staying inside and watching a brand new Glacial Geek Battle Report?! https://youtu.be/RKYdaRouc9I This week my Dark Angels take on the Thousand Sons! Tzeentch had tricked the Dark Angels. The Dark God had used its minions to play upon the enmity between the First Legion and the Space Wolves and tricked them into bombarding their planet. The Unforgiven do not appreciate being made tools in the machinations of the forces of Chaos. So when word was received that Magnus and the Thousand Sons were on a nearby planet, the Sons of the Lion sent forth a force to take him down ... and enact a little vengeance. Will the Dark Angels be able to beat back the Ruinous Powers, or will the Dark God of Fate get the last laugh? Watch and find out!
  12. https://www.battle-report.com/2018/03/20/thousand-sons-vs-dark-angels-2/ He did nothing wrong! Cheers, Thoth
  13. Greetings, fellow aspirants to the Great Work. I tought I'd get some pictures done of my Thousand Sons project. It started out as a Heresy army, but I've been gradually converting it to 40k. Just a few pictures to get things started. I hope you enjoy them.
  14. https://www.battle-report.com/2018/03/13/tzeentch-daemons-vs-thousand-sons/ The Ways They Are A-Changin'... Cheers, Thoth
  15. https://www.battle-report.com/2018/03/05/thousand-sons-vs-death-korps-of-krieg-adeptus-custodes/ How not to run the Sons... Cheers, Thoth
  16. https://www.battle-report.com/2018/02/27/thousand-sons-vs-nurgle-daemons/ For the love of God, stop with the sixes! Cheers, Thoth
  17. https://www.battle-report.com/2018/02/21/nurgle-daemons-vs-thousand-sons/ Cheers, Thoth
  18. So I'm looking at reigniting my Thousand Sons, something to keep me busy when not painting Blood Angels, and I read about these guys in the codex. http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Silver_Sons Their goals of collecting precious/rare metals with which they lace their amour and war machines appeals to me, and fits in with the original vision of my Thousand Sons army - the tenuous ally/slave Overlords of my Iron Warriors. All I can find is the reference in the codex, which lists a warband known as 'The Nova Born', and some brief spiel in Wrath of Magnus. I was wondering if anything else was known about them? Anything I've missed in any of the codex timelines? Cult: Cult of Time Exiles: Yes Sect: The Silver Sons Known Warbands: The Nova Born Notable Sorcerers: ? Segmentum(s) active in: Ultima Segmentum, Prospero Region, close proximity to Fenris, Armageddon, Catachan, The Maelstrom Notable engagements: Major engagement with Cult of Time vs Nephrekh Dynasty: "In their battles with the Necrons of the Nephrekh Dynasty, the Silver Sons forged sigils that filled their Maulerfiends with a rapacious hunger for metal. The machine-beasts thundered through the enemy lines, tearing the metallic warriors limb from limb. Even when the Necrons reassembled themselves, the warp energy emanating from the slavering Daemon Engines caused them to reconstitute as twisted, inviable conglomerations of mismatching body parts." "In their war with the Necrons of the Nephrekh Dynasty, the Silver Sons loose a quartet of Heldrakes upon a Tesseract Vault. The winged monstrosities tear the prison open, freeing the C’tan Shard within and allowing it to begin a years-long rampage through Nephrekh space." Any light that can be shed on them is most welcome!
  19. ++ Crusade (Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List) [2,500pts] ++ + HQ + Magnus The Red [495pts] Siege Breaker [115pts]: Bolt Pistol, Cult Arcana: Corvidae (Divination), On Foot, Power Armour (Centurion/Consul), Psychic Mastery Level . Chainsword or Combat Blade: Combat Blade . Consul: Siege Breaker + Elites + Quad Launcher Support Battery, Legion [90pts]: Cult Arcana: Corvidae (Divination), Phosphex Canister Shot, Rapier, Legion, Shatter Shell Quad Launcher Support Battery, Legion [90pts]: Cult Arcana: Corvidae (Divination), Phosphex Canister Shot, Rapier, Legion, Shatter Shell Quad Launcher Support Battery, Legion [90pts]: Cult Arcana: Corvidae (Divination), Phosphex Canister Shot, Rapier, Legion, Shatter Shell + Troops + Sekhmet Terminator Cabal , Compulsory [255pts]: Cult Arcana: Raptora (Telekinesis) . Cataphractii Pattern Terminator Armour . Sekhmet Inceptor: Force Axe . . Combi-Bolter . Sekhmet Terminator: Force Axe . . Combi-Bolter . Sekhmet Terminator: Force Axe . . Combi-Bolter . Sekhmet Terminator: Force Axe . . Combi-Bolter . Sekhmet Terminator: Force Axe . . Combi-Bolter Sekhmet Terminator Cabal , Compulsory [255pts]: Cult Arcana: Raptora (Telekinesis) . Cataphractii Pattern Terminator Armour . Sekhmet Inceptor: Force Axe . . Combi-Bolter . Sekhmet Terminator: Force Axe . . Combi-Bolter . Sekhmet Terminator: Force Axe . . Combi-Bolter . Sekhmet Terminator: Force Axe . . Combi-Bolter . Sekhmet Terminator: Force Axe . . Combi-Bolter + Fast Attack + Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron, Legion [70pts] . Javelin Attack Speeder, Legion: Hunter-killer Missile, Multi-melta, Twin-linked Cyclone missile launcher Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron, Legion [70pts] . Javelin Attack Speeder, Legion: Hunter-killer Missile, Multi-melta, Twin-linked Cyclone missile launcher + Heavy Support + Sicaran Arcus Strike Tank [240pts]: Auxiliary Drive, Dozer Blade, Hunter-killer Missile . Twin Arcus launcher: Skyspear Warheads Vindicator Siege Tank Squadron, Legion [155pts] . Vindicator Tank, Legion: Combi-Bolter, Demolisher Cannon, Dozer Blade, Hunter-killer Missile, Machine Spirit Vindicator Siege Tank Squadron, Legion [155pts] . Vindicator Tank, Legion: Combi-Bolter, Demolisher Cannon, Dozer Blade, Hunter-killer Missile, Machine Spirit + Allegiance + Legion and Allegiance: XV: Thousand Sons, Loyalist Rite of War: The Guard of the Crimson King + Lords of War + Typhon Heavy Siege Tank, Legion [420pts]: Armoured Ceramite, Twin-linked Bolter + Use Playtest Rules + Use Playtest Rules: Playtest Rules On ++ Total: [2,500pts] ++
  20. Hello there Heresy fans of Bolter & Chainsword. I thought I would create a blog on this great forum to collate the creation of my third Heresy Thousand Sons army. The two prior were made entirely of plastic, with conversions for their iconic helms and lots of psychic powers flying around. This army will be no different, but instead of converting the helmets I shall be using the Acheron helms for my normal tacticals and the upgrade helms for any characters and veterans. The colour scheme shall also be different this time. The first army was a bright red/orange colour while the second was a deep, dark red. This army is somewhere in the middle, following the 'Eavy Metal paint guide for their Sons (which was tucked away in a corner of this month's WD). Now, onto the actual army, as it stands so far: My first Tactical Squad: http://i.imgur.com/4KmTHKM.jpg With their Sergeant: http://i.imgur.com/yebAhzJ.jpg And a WIP Vexilla: http://i.imgur.com/5swb6oo.jpg And a shot of my first test model: http://i.imgur.com/JJb23Sz.jpg And some Tartarus Terminators. The banner bearer and the guy with a power fist will both have fire sculpted as if they're casting it (counts as Heavy Flamer and Combi-Flamer respectively): http://i.imgur.com/eMGPbq1.jpg Their new Sergeant, after the old one was deemed too much like a Praetor. He will have his hand painted as if it is casting lightning (counts-as Volkite): http://i.imgur.com/B8KNhLi.jpg And a Praetor my army acquired unexpectedly. He was originally the squads Sergeant but people thought he was a bit too ornate so he was swiftly promoted! http://i.imgur.com/xZuYpp5.jpg Please let me know what you think, all C&C appreciated. Hopefully I shall return soon with more miniatures and hopefully some fluff too! Ahrimanjjb
  21. So, I've decided to do two separate threads for my Alpha Legion and auxiliary forces, as the Alpha Legion contingent has such a different aesthetic in 40k and 30k. Bear in mind that a lot of the names aren't decided, so they're just Z or A etc. So, without further ado, here are... http://i.imgur.com/xW3AUUa.png The Starfall Princes is an Alpha Legion Warband descended from the 126th Harrow of the Alpha Legion, also known as the Starfall Princes during the Great Crusade. Regularly heeding the call of other Alpha Legionnaires, they have incorporated Thousand Sons and Fallen Angels in their Warband, and often ally with the Red Corsairs, in addition to human auxilia. Warband Homeworld The warband has no particular homeworld, but a large amount of its space marines do come from the Feral World of Z. It is not unlikely this is where their cannibalistic rituals originated. However, many newer initiates are from A. Warband Recruitment The Heretical Inquisitor Kravin stated at the Ikrilla Conclave that the Alpha Legion have bases of recruitment inside the Imperium. The Starfall Princes have set up a recruitment facility, in addition to several minor and decoy facilities, on the planet A. This is due to increased radiation from their sun and residual radiation from the nuclear war that engulfed it during the Horus Heresy subtly mutated the people of A to make them resistant to mutation. Notable Starfall Princes and Units Claudius [Lacking model]– Eventually rising from Primus Medicae during the Heresy to the de facto leader of the Starfall Princes, Claudius steers his warband with expert skill in the grim darkness of the far future. Vendra'hael – Vendra'hael is unique in that as a space marine, he carries the Navigator gene, and now serves Claudius as his chief navigator and sorcerer. How a Navigator came to become a Space Marine is entirely unknown, but the resources expended and genetic knowledge required for the implantation, were likely incredibly, and may have been a vanity project. His sorcerous powers grow with each passing day, making Claudius increasingly uneasy with his favoured weapon. Kranhar – One of Claudius’ bespoke creations, Kranhar is chimaeric space marine, being made up of both Imperial Fist and Alpha Legion geneseed. A member of Claudius’ sentte, he usually goes into battle brandishing his power fist. Fallen Angel Librarian - [No fluff yet] Trevas - A Librarian during the Great Crusade, he continued to use his psychic ability even after the Edict of Nikaea. 6th Fang – A squad of Chaos Space Marines whom often serve alongside the Physaliidae as close-ranged anti-tank, firing their two melta guns while the the rest of the squad support their brothers with bolter fire and krak grenades. The entire squad is unusually tough to kill, often exultant in the wounds they take in the name of the Dark Prince they serve. The Aspiring Champion carries a wicked power sword, though he has also been observed using a power fist [May be changed to having an Apothecary Counts-As MoS instead]. The Physaliidae - A squadron consisting of a trio of Predator Annihilators; Everloyal, Purgator of Traitors, and Purifier of Sin. They are believed "salvaged" from the Iron Warriors, whom salvaged them in turn from an unknown Chapter. http://i.imgur.com/ZpJJDo9l.jpg http://i.imgur.com/iprwMCwl.jpg 6th Fang. http://i.imgur.com/O8yTr0Ul.jpg Vendra'hael http://i.imgur.com/FeWaZ02l.jpg Kranhar http://i.imgur.com/rwUf6rpl.jpg Trevas, Sorcerer http://i.imgur.com/65siU13l.jpg Fallen Angel Librarian http://i.imgur.com/WfDKTS0l.jpg The Physaliidae The paint scheme is Vallejo Grey Primer, followed by Vallejo Silver (exact name escapes me, the lighter one), a thin layer of 1:3 mix of Tamiya Green: Tamiya Blue, another thin layer of pure Tamiya Blue, and finally washed 2-4 time with Guilliman Glaze. Everything up until the Glaze is airbrushed and the Tamiya paints are mixed 1:1 with Tamiya airbrush thinner. It's pretty much the FW recipe.
  22. Hello! As you can see, the Death Guard and Thousand Sons have gotten their own little places on the forum now. :) This has happened for a multitude of reasons. They will have their own Codexes separate from the CSM codex, they have gotten new and updated models and rules and the buzz around them is high...and other things... Now why haven't Slaanesh and Khorne gotten their own little homes yet, you ask? Well, there just isn't enough posts going around about them yet. I'm betting that GW will eventually get around to making them too, and we'll add them then... So that's the news! Now post away and fill them up! :P
  23. Now that I am fully committed to a Thousand Sons / Tzeentch army for 40k I plan on using this forum as a way to track my progress and stay motivated when it comes to painting/playing. This log will serve as a journal of my trials and tribulations; Painting/Hobby, Battle Reports, Ramblings, and possibly a little fluff/narrative. Ill start with a little background about myself. Ive been on a long hiatus from 40k, having not played since early 6th (best guess and even then it wasn't very much). During the interim I was still playing a little Warhammer Fantasy from time to time but not much in the way of actual wargaming. About a year or so ago I got the "bug" again and got into the local Age of Sigmar scene using my Dark Elves, the only miniatures I still owned. I dabbled with a few other models/projects and was enjoying the games played, but i was never really satisfied, something was always missing. When Disciples of Tzeentch was released it was exactly what I was after, I was all in. I was always a chaos fanboy and when it comes to chaos, Tzeentch was my deity of choice. The AoS model range was amazing and the DoT rules captured the essence of an army dedicated to the God of Change perfectly. I quickly amassed a sizable Tzeentch force and spreading his influence across the realms. The new edition of 40k has me looking to expand into the 41st millennium thanks to all the positive press from the internet and my local scene. While I could run a pure demon force with what I currently own, its really not what draws me to chaos. I prefer the influence, the corruption, the struggle, and conflict. I prefer a demonic presence to be more of a supportive/looming power that is not fully understood by those that seek to manipulating/control their power. Which leads me to the XV traitor legion, the Thousand Sons. The Thousand Sons have an amazing narrative/background driving them. Their model line is great and by using what I already have for AoS I can get a playable army on the table sooner rather than later. I want to take it a step further this time. I have never had a fully painted army and I want this to be the first. I usually get bored or distracted by the latest/greatest release and succumb to gamer ADD. The wide variety of units/models and vibrant color schemes Tzeentch offer should help keep me from getting burnt out doing the same thing over and over and still contributing to a singular overall army. That and some peer pressure and encouragement from the community. To start things off, heres my initial Thousand Sons purchase/force. Appreciate any and all insight along the way. *edited for clarity and issues with attaching picture
  24. Hello! I want to present you some of my Thousand Sons. I'm redoing most of my army and I'm curious what the the interwebs thinks. (sorry in advance for the large pictures) Some finished Rubricae: Some Old (ca.2009) Chosen: A finished Havoc:
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