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I'm surprised you're using Flamers considering they have the Warpflame special rule in both melee and shooting. Otherwise it's a very nice looking army and I'm leaning towards something close myself.


Hmm I've run this list a dozen times or so, always with the Flamers, and I've had people mention this a lot. What players who don't use Flamers on a regular basis totally miss is that they are Jump Infantry (highly mobile), fairly tough with two wounds apiece and a good invulnerable save, all armed with template weapons, and are really good value in terms of points for the package.


It's not unusual for the Flamers (I run nine but you can run less) to Infiltrate via Ahriman's special rule and wipe out entire squads with a rain of templates (18" Infiltrate distance - 12" movement gives you just enough room to fit templates). Warpflame doesn't mean much if the squad that has to take the test is dead/almost dead. Even if he passes too, it will only be on the few remaining models.  The only major threat to Flamers is being assaulted by a foe they cannot kill (such as a Dreadnaught or Dreadknight). To that end, I use a supporting Lord of Change or Daemon Prince to bail them out.


I use Flamers to cover my anti-horde, which gives them good synergy with the Thousand Sons who deal with the MEQ foes.


An element I really enjoy about the army is how well it works the psychic phase while remaining effective in terms of combat potential. I can post my list if you would like.

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I'm surprised you're using Flamers considering they have the Warpflame special rule in both melee and shooting. Otherwise it's a very nice looking army and I'm leaning towards something close myself.


Hmm I've run this list a dozen times or so, always with the Flamers, and I've had people mention this a lot. What players who don't use Flamers on a regular basis totally miss is that they are Jump Infantry (highly mobile), fairly tough with two wounds apiece and a good invulnerable save, all armed with template weapons, and are really good value in terms of points for the package.


It's not unusual for the Flamers (I run nine but you can run less) to Infiltrate via Ahriman's special rule and wipe out entire squads with a rain of templates (18" Infiltrate distance - 12" movement gives you just enough room to fit templates). Warpflame doesn't mean much if the squad that has to take the test is dead/almost dead. Even if he passes too, it will only be on the few remaining models.  The only major threat to Flamers is being assaulted by a foe they cannot kill (such as a Dreadnaught or Dreadknight). To that end, I use a supporting Lord of Change or Daemon Prince to bail them out.


I use Flamers to cover my anti-horde, which gives them good synergy with the Thousand Sons who deal with the MEQ foes.


An element I really enjoy about the army is how well it works the psychic phase while remaining effective in terms of combat potential. I can post my list if you would like.


That is a very nice, logical methodology you have there. And sure, I'd like to see your list (with it's logic). At least it'll give me some ideas where to go personally.

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I apologize for the delay in my response to this thread, been busy.


I ran this 1850pts. list at Warmasters (a prominent Canadian tournament) and got two major wins (versus IG&Knight, and Grey Knights), a narrow loss to Space Wolves and IG (my opponent was running an illegal list though and he got DQed I think) and a loss to a Riptide-Skyray spam Farsight Tau list on a table with almost no terrain.


Ahriman - 3 Biomancy Powers, 1 Tzeentch Power and Primaris

[with TS#1]

Herald of Tzeentch - Level 3, 2 Divination Powers and 2 Change Powers, Exalted Locus, Grimore of True Names

[with Horrors]


Thousand Sons #1 (x8) - Force Axe, Meltabombs, Chaos Rhino w Dozer Blades

Thousand Sons #2 (x9) - Force Axe, Meltabombs, Chaos Rhino w Dozer Blades

Horrors of Tzeentch (x15) - Iridescent Horror and Chaos Icon


Flamers of Tzeentch (x9)


Screamers of Tzeentch (x9)


Forgefiend w Hades Autocannons

Obliderators (x2) w Mark of Tzeentch and VotLW


This is an aggressive rush list designed to crash your opponent's lines very quickly and ruthlessly wipe him out at close range. Master of Deception always infiltrates the Flamers first, with second and third being whichever other choice is the most advantageous in a given game. Ahriman has Biomancy powers because the school is consistently good apart from Hemorrhage (and you can always change it out). This list generates an absurd amount of power dice, and many of them are devoted to Ahriman's damage, Summoning more Daemons, or Divination powers as priority dictates. The Grimore is amazing because it can also protect the Forgefiend and Obliderators since they are Daemons too. Remember that Screamers can Turbo Boost to move up to 36" in a turn, perform Slash Attacks, go after vehicles, and Jink with no penalty whatsoever.


Prescience should always be used on the Forgefiend (especially if he's going after air units).


Forewarning gives any model with a Mark of Tzeentch a 3+ Invulnerable save.


The Chaos Icon allows you to remove the scatter if you summon Daemons nearby.


If I upgrade this list to 2000pts I either include another group of Obliderators or make some cuts on the Horror model count and go for a Flying Daemon Prince.

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I mostly run Ahriman's spells as such:


*Roll Tzeentch power

*Roll Telepathy power, if not Invisibility or Shrouding - take Primaris

*Roll Telepathy again

*take Biomancy Primaris


Then I'll have Ahriman with Psychich Shriek, Smite, usually a Tzeentch shooty power and primaris, and hopefully a useful telepathy power. If you fill up the army with warp charges like TS and horrors/heralds, not many things wants to go within 18" (24" with movement) of Ahriman with the possibility for 3xPsychic Shriek and 3xSmite! I've seen him melt entire units away in a single psychic phase, hehe

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